The core brand assets and base level stylesheets for building applications.
description | location |
reset, helpers, fonts | @mskcc/fundamentals/src/styles-all.scss |
css version of styles-all | @mskcc/fundamentals/dist/styles-all.min.css |
logos | @mskcc/fundamentals/dist/logos/assets/* |
favicons | @mskcc/fundamentals/src/favicons/assets/* |
manifest | @mskcc/fundamentals/src/manifest/assets/* |
scss stylesheets | @mskcc/fundamentals/src/* |
css stylesheets | @mskcc/fundamentals/dist/* |
color types (js, ts, json) | @mskcc/fundamentals/dist/types/msk-colors.* |
color css variables | @mskcc/fundamentals/dist/msk-colors.css |
npm install @mskcc/fundamentals
# pnpm
pnpm install @mskcc/fundamentals
# yarn
yarn add @mskcc/fundamentals
Begin with the styles-all
stylesheet to reset the browser defaults, provide helper classes, and install font families.
@import '@mskcc/fundamentals/src/styles-all';
@import '@mskcc/fundamentals/css/styles-all';
To install without the font families, use
The font files are colocated with the font stylesheets.
@use '@mskcc/fundamentals/src/typography/gotham-all.scss';
You may need to adjust the path to the font files to point to the assets within your
@use '@mskcc/fundamentals/src/typography/gotham-all.scss' with (
$msk--font-path: '@mskcc/fundamentals/src/typography/assets/'
@use '@mskcc/fundamentals/scss/colors' as c;
@use '@mskcc/fundamentals/scss/variables' as v;
@use '@mskcc/fundamentals/scss/mixins' as m;
.msk-button {
background-color: c.$msk--color-blue-50;
box-shadow: v.$msk--elevation-plus-24;
font-size: m.msk-rem(16px);
svgo -f src/logo/assets/ -o tmp/