@motorcycle/run -- 4.1.0
A statically-typed, functional and reactive framework for modern browsers
Get it
yarn add @motorcycle/run
# or
npm install --save @motorcycle/run
API Documentation
All functions are curried!
run<Sources, Sinks>(Main: Component<Sources, Sinks>, IO: IOComponent<Sinks, Sources>)
Gets the Motorcycle engine roaring! This is the core of Motorcycle. It
creates an application loop between your purely functional Main
function, and your
side-effectful IO
function using @most/core
This is made possible by the use of the ES2015 Proxy. This means that Motorcycle will only support modern browsers with this feature. All major browsers, still supported by their vendors(Google, Microsoft, Apple), support this feature.
See an example
import { run } from '@motorcycle/run'
import { makeDomComponent, div, button, h2, query, clickEvent } from '@motorcycle/dom'
function Main(sources) {
const { dom } = sources
const click$ = clickEvent(query('button', dom))
const count$ = scan(x => x + 1, click$)
const view$ = map(view, count$)
return { view$ }
function view(count: number) {
return div([
h2(`Clicked ${count} times`),
button('Click Me'),
run(Main, makeDomComponent(document.querySelector('#app')))
See the code
export function run<
Sources extends Readonly<Record<string, any>>,
Sinks extends Readonly<Record<string, Stream<any>>>
>(Main: Component<Sources, Sinks>, IO: IOComponent<Sinks, Sources>) {
const { stream: endSignal } = createProxy<void>()
const sinkProxies = {} as Record<keyof Sinks, ProxyStream<any>>
const proxySinks: Sinks = createProxySinks(sinkProxies, endSignal)
const sources: Sources = IO(proxySinks)
const sinks: Sinks = createDisposableSinks(Main(sources), endSignal)
const disposable = replicateSinks(sinks, sinkProxies)
function dispose() {
endSignal.event(scheduler.currentTime(), void 0)
return { sinks, sources, dispose }