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0.2.3 • Public • Published


Provides three stages that allow conditional rendering in ModularComponents:

  • with(condition) will set a customizable argument to either true or false, based on current arguments,
  • with(conditionalFallback) takes a FunctionComponent as parameter, and renders it when a customizable argument is set to true, filling the render argument in the process,
  • with(conditionalRender) also takes a FunctionComponent as parameter, and renders it if the render argument was not filled earlier.


import { ModularComponent } from '@modular-component/core'
import {
} from '@modular-component/with-conditional-render'

const ConditionalComponent = ModularComponent<{ enabled?: boolean }>()
  .with(condition('disabled', ({ props }) => props.enabled !== true))
  .with(conditionalFallback('disabled', () => <>I'm disabled!</>))
    lifecycle(() => {
      // Some data fetching logic...
      return { loading, data }
  .with(condition('loading', ({ lifecycle }) => lifecycle.loading === false))
  .with(conditionalFallback('loading', () => <>I'm loading!</>))
    conditionalRender(({ lifecycle }) => (
      <>I'm enabled and loaded, here is the content: {lifecycle.data}</>

Multiple conditions and fallbacks

You can use the condition and conditionalFallback multiple times in the same pipeline by providing different argument names as the first parameter.


The implementation for those stages is a bit more involved than other official extensions. Here, we have restrictions for each stage, as well as stage hooks.

import React, { FunctionComponent } from 'react'
import { ModularStage } from '@modular-component/core'

export function condition<Args, Name extends string>(
  name: Name,
  useCondition: (args: Args) => boolean,
): ModularStage<Name, (args: Args) => boolean> {
  return { field: name, useStage: useCondition }

export function conditionalFallback<
  Args extends { [key in Name]: boolean } & {
    render?: ReturnType<FunctionComponent>
  Name extends string,
  name: Name,
  useRender: (args: Args) => ReturnType<FunctionComponent>,
): ModularStage<`render-${Name}`, (args: Args) => void> {
  return {
    field: `render-${name}`,
    useStage: (args: Args) => {
      args.render = !args[name] || args.render ? args.render : useRender(args)

export function conditionalRender<Args, Ref>(
  useRender: (
    args: Args,
    ref: React.ForwardedRef<Ref>,
  ) => ReturnType<FunctionComponent>,
): ModularStage<
  (args: Args, ref: React.ForwardedRef<Ref>) => ReturnType<FunctionComponent>
> {
  return {
    field: 'render',
    useStage: (args: Args, ref: React.ForwardedRef<Ref>) =>
      (args as any).render ?? useRender(args, ref),

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  • jvdsande