
1.0.0 • Public • Published


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Pixar is a boilerplate for writing a simple Web App or a PWA App relying on the bundler Kadoo.

Quick Startup

You can easily get your first Pixar Wep App running in a couple of minutes by just typing a few command lines. But first, you need to create an empty folder. It will contain your Web App.

Then, you just need to create a package.json file that contains:

  "name": "NameOfYourProject",
  "scripts": {
    "create": "npm install @mobilabs/pixar && npm run populate",
    "populate": "pixarpulsar populate --name $npm_package_name --author $npm_package_config_name --acronym $npm_package_config_acronym --email $npm_package_config_email --url $npm_package_config_url && npm install && npm run build && npm run test && npm run report && npm run dev"
  "config": {
    "name": "John Doe",
    "acronym": "jdo",
    "email": "jdo@johndoe.com",
    "url": "http://www.johndoe.com/"

Replace NameOfYourProject by your project name and fill writer with your credentials.

And finally, type in the terminal:

npm run create.

That's almost all! When the script has been executed, your folder contains the following files:

Your project Folder
      |_ public
      |   |_ ...              // The source files of your library,
      |   |_ ...
      |   |_ ...
      |_ tasks
      |   |_ src              // The source files of your project,
      |   |_ .htaccess
      |   |_ 404.html
      |   |_ favicon.ico
      |   |_ index.html       // The entry of your Web App,
      |   |_ ...  
      |_  test
      |     |_ main.js        // Your Mocha, Chai test file,
      |     |_ ...
      |_ .eslintignore        // Files to be ignored by ESLint,
      |_ .eslintrc            // A Configuration file for the ESLint linter tool (if you use it),
      |_ .gitignore           // Files that Git must ignore (if you use git),
      |_ .npmignore           // Files that Npm must ignore (optional),
      |_ .travis.yml          // A configuration file for Travis CI (if you use it),
      |_ .CHANGELOG.md        // The changes between your different versions,
      |_ .gulpfile.js         // The main Gulp task,
      |_ index.js             // The link to your javascript code,
      |_ LICENSE.md           // The license that applies to your library (here MIT),
      |_ package-lock.json    // The NPM dependency tree,
      |_ package.json         // The NPM package file,
      |_ README.md            // Your README file,

And, your browser displays the Web App at the url http://localhost:8888.

How to build it

In a terminal, type the command:

npm run build

It builds the Web App.

In another terminal type the command:

npm run dev

It starts an http server and makes the Web App visible in your browser.

How to create a distribution version

When your development is over, type in a terminal:

npm run makedist

it creates the folder _app that contains the Web App ready to be deployed. And you can see the final result by typing:

npm run app






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  • jclo