seasonsCalc is a tiny Javascirpt library for calculating the season based on the current time. Dev insipired by the php version with the help of this documentation
Usage example
const actualSeason = seasonsCalc()
const datedSeason = seasonsCalc(new Date('2023-12-22 12:21:00'))
seasonsCalc is also available as an NPM package:
npm i @mlnop/seasonscalc --save-dev
const seasonsCalc = require('@mlnop/seasonscalc')
Returns a string with the season like "winter", "spring", "summer" or "autumn"
2.0.0 — 27/12/2023
- You can now add parameter when calling the function
- Fix "Returns undefined in winter" error (issue)
- Fix equinox datas (issue)
1.0.0 — 07/11/2022
- First commit.
- Published to NPM.