How to use?
This is a one off fork of no0x9d/ngx-strongly-typed-forms to add support for Angular 11.
npm install @mjpenza/ngx-strongly-typed-forms
Attention: Since version 7.2 this project does no longer follow semver version numbers. The major and minor version represents the compatible Angular version and patch versions are bugfixes in this library.
Now you can import generic FormControl, FormGroup and FormArray and use them instead of the classes from @angular/forms
import {FormArray, FormControl, FormGroup} from 'ngx-strongly-typed-forms';
If you want to use the FormBuilder you have to provide it from your app module
import { ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { NgxStronglyTypedFormsModule } from 'ngx-strongly-typed-forms';
imports: [ ReactiveFormsModule, NgxStronglyTypedFormsModule ]
export class AppModule {
All usages of AbstractControl
and its subclasses now supports generic types.
This change is not backwards compatible with Angular's AbstractControl. All occurrence at minimum must be typed with AbstractControl<any>
, or at best with an interface which describes all form fields.
How does it work
This project does not modify any angular classes but provides new strongly typed definitions for Angular's own forms. For convenience it re-exports these classes directly from Angular.
- When working with FormBuilder and FormGroups always mention the type you want, or else the TypeScript compiler tries to match every property, which does not work with nested FormArrays or FormGroups.
form =<MyModel>({
foo: null,
bar: ["bar", Validators.required],
baz: fb.array<Baz>([])
. So if you have aFormArray<string>
you can assign it to anAbstractControl<string[]>
. This is necessary, because for instanceFormArray.get
returns a single instance of typeT
. It's also important when working with FormArrays as part of complex FormGroups. The generic type of the FormArray must always be the same as the generic of the Array in the model.
- Angular's own effort to create typed forms ( But it's not yet merged and has - in my opinion - the drawback to fall back to untyped forms too easy. At the current state it also does not support typed FormBuilder.
- ngx-typed-form provides typed FormBuilder, but does not enforce the structure of any parameters. Because of the chosen implementation FormControl, FormGroup and FormArray are only interfaces and can not be used directly
Something does not work as expected
Beside the known limitations, everything that is possible with the native Angular Forms should be possible too.
If you find something not working as expected then there might be a problem in my type definitions. Please open an issue with an minimal example to reproduce the problem and I will try to fix it asap.
- AbstractControl#value is not correctly typed for TypeScript strict mode. For FormGroup it returns only values of FormControls that are not disabled. So the correct type should be a
TypeScript 2.8 supports conditional types to build this structure like
type DeepPartial<T> = {
[P in keyof T]?: T[P] extends Array<infer U>
? Array<DeepPartial<U>>
: T[P] extends ReadonlyArray<infer U>
? ReadonlyArray<DeepPartial<U>>
: DeepPartial<T[P]>
When Angular uses TypeScript 2.8 the return value should be changed.
- The get method on AbstractControl
AbstractControl#get(path: string|number [])
is impossible to statically type, because every subclass has a different implementation. FormControl always return null, FormGroup only works with string keys and FormArray only with a numerical index. Because I never needed a deeply nested access with both number and string, only string key up to a depth of 5 levels are currently supported. If this is not sufficient for you, please open an issue and explain your situation. - Because of it's nature to support only strongly typed forms, forms with dynamically added fields can not be built an a typesafe way. Workaround: Use
or an interface with all possible fields set as optional.