
0.1.25 • Public • Published


A 2D grid that uses zero-based indexing.


You must use npm 2.7.0 or higher because of the scoped package name.

$ npm init
$ npm install @mitchallen/grid --save


There are two forms of usage:

  • Square Grid
  • Circle Grid

Square Grid Usage

Create a new folder and do the following at the command line:

$ npm init
$ npm install @mitchallen/grid --save

In the same folder create a file called index.js with the content below:

    "use strict";
    var gridFactory = require("@mitchallen/grid");
    var xSize = 5;
    var ySize = 10;
    var value = 100;
    var i = xSize - 1;
    var j = ySize - 1;
    var grid = gridFactory.Square( { x: xSize, y: ySize } );
	if(!grid) {
    	console.error("couldn't create grid");
    if(! grid.isCell( i, j ) ) {
    	console.error("parameters not within grid");
    if(! grid.set( i, j, value )) {
    	console.error("couldn't set grid value");
    let result = grid.get( i, j );
    if(! result) {
    	console.error("couldn't get grid value");
    } else {
    	console.log("grid value: ", result );

At the command line, execute the following:

$ node index.js

An example similar to this exists on the examples folder out on the repo.

Square Methods

create( spec )

The create method is deprecated. Use Square instead.

Square( spec )

Factory method that returns a square grid object.

It takes one spec parameter that must be an object with x and y values specifying the size of the grid.

The x and y values can not be less than one (1).

The method will set xSize and ySize to 0 if no parameters are set

You can call Square multiple times to create multiple grids.

var gridFactory = require("@mitchallen/grid");

var grid1 = gridFactory.Square( { x: 5, y: 10 } );
var grid2 = gridFactory.Square( { x: 7, y: 20 } );

if(!grid1 || !grid2) ...


Returns the size of the x dimension.



Returns the size of the y dimension.


Square grid.isCell( x, y )

The x and y parameters should be zero-based coordinates ranging from zero (0) to axis size minus one.

The method is called internally by get.

if(! grid.isCell( i, j ) ) {
	console.error("parameters not within grid");

Square grid.set( x, y, value )

The x and y values must be greater than zero. If the parameters fail validation then a value of false is returned. Otherwise true is returned.

The value parameter can be a number, a string or even an object.

if(! grid.set( i, j, value )) {
	console.error("couldn't set grid value");

Square grid.get( x, y )

The x and y values are passed to the isCell method internally for validation. If the parameters fail validation then a null object is returned. Otherwise the value of the cell (grid location) is returned.

The returned value can be a number, a string or even an object.

let result = grid.get( i, j );

if(! result) {
	console.error("couldn't get grid value");
} else {
	console.log("grid value: ", result );

Square grid.fill(value)

Fills the grid with whatever is passed in as value. Value can be a number, a string or even an object. Any existing values in the grid will be replaced with the new fill value.

let fillValue = "foo";

var result = grid.fill(fillValue);

Square grid.cloneArray()

Returns a clone of the internal array. This is not a reference. So changes to the cloned array should not change the original.

let tX = 0;
let tY = 0;
let gridValue = 100;
let cloneValue = 500;

// Set a value in the original grid

// Clone the grid	
let arr = grid.cloneArray();

// Verify value exists in clone

// Change value in clone
arr[tX][tY] = cloneValue;

// Verify new value is set in clone

// Ensure that value does not alter original grid

Square grid.rows

Number of rows in the grid.

var r = grid.rows;

Square grid.rowSize(rowIndex)

var r = grid.rowSize(1);

Size of row.

Square grid.log()

Logs the size and contents of the internal array.


Example output:

size: 4
[ [ 20, 10, 10, 10, 10 ],
  [ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 ],
  [ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 ],
  [ 10, 10, 10, 10, 30 ] ]

Circle Grid Usage

Create a new folder and do the following at the command line:

$ npm init
$ npm install @mitchallen/grid-circle --save

In the same folder create a file called index.js with the content below:

"use strict";
var gridFactory = require("@mitchallen/grid");
var grid = gridFactory.Circle( { rings: 5 } );

var r = 2,	// ring
	p = 4	// position

if(! grid.isCell( r, p ) ) {
	console.error("parameters not within grid");

var value = 4;

if(! grid.set( r, p, value )) {
	console.error("couldn't set grid value");

let result = grid.get( r, p );

if(! result) {
	console.error("couldn't get grid value");
} else {
	console.log("grid value: ", result );

At the command line, execute the following:

$ node index.js


Circle( spec )

Factory method that returns a circle grid object.

It takes one spec parameter that must be an object with a rings value specifying the number of rings in the grid.

The method will normalize rings to 0 if for a missing or bad parameter.

You can call Circle multiple times to create multiple grids.

var gridFactory = require("@mitchallen/grid");

var grid1 = gridFactory.Circle( { rings: 6 } );
var grid2 = gridFactory.Circle( { rings: 5 } );

if(!grid1 || !grid2) ...

Circle grid.rings

Returns the ring count for the grid.


Circle grid.ringSize(ring)

Returns the number of cells in the ring.

let ring = 1;

var result = grid.ringSize(ring);

Circle grid.isCell( ring, position )

The ring and position parameters should be zero-based coordinates.

Values that will return true:

  • ring: 0 to rings minus one
  • position: 0 to ringSize(ring) minus one.

For example if the rings passed to the create method is 5, then valid values for ring are 0 through 4.

The method is called internally by get.

if(! grid.isCell( ring, position ) ) {
	console.error("parameters not within grid");

Circle grid.set( ring, position, value )

The ring and position values are passed to the isCell method internally for validation. If the parameters fail validation then a value of false is returned. Otherwise true is returned.

The value parameter can be a number, a string or even an object.

if(! grid.set( ring, position, value )) {
	console.error("couldn't set grid value");

Circle grid.get( ring, position )

The ring and position values are passed to the isCell method internally for validation. If the parameters fail validation then a null object is returned. Otherwise the value of the cell (grid location) is returned.

The returned value can be a number, a string or even an object.

let result = grid.get( ring, position );

if(! result) {
	console.error("couldn't get grid value");
} else {
	console.log("grid value: ", result );

Circle grid.fill(value)

Fills the grid with whatever is passed in as value. Value can be a number, a string or even an object. Any existing values in the grid will be replaced with the new fill value.

let fillValue = "foo";

var result = grid.fill(fillValue);

Circle grid.cloneArray()

Returns a clone of the internal array. This is not a reference. So changes to the cloned array should not change the original.

let ring = 0;
let pos = 0;
let gridValue = 100;
let cloneValue = 500;

// Set a value in the original grid

// Clone the grid	
let arr = grid.cloneArray();

// Verify value exists in clone

// Change value in clone
arr[ring][pos] = cloneValue;

// Verify new value is set in clone

// Ensure that value does not alter original grid

Circle grid.log()

Logs the size and contents of the internal array.


Example output:

size: 3
[ [ 8 ],
  [ 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ],
  [ 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ] ]


You can find examples in the repos listed below in the examples folder.

Browser Client Example

You can reference a minimized client version inside an HTML script tag using one of these URL's:

Adjust the URL's depending upon what version is available

The rawgit.com URL will pull based on the version from GitHub.

The unpkg.com URL will pull based on the version in npmjs.com.

See http://rawgit.com and https://unpkg.com for other ways to retrieve the file.

The factory function can be retrieved from window.MitchAllen.Grid:

var factory = window.MitchAllen.Grid;
var xSize = 10, ySize = 5;
var sg = factory.Square( { x: xSize, y: ySize } );


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Grid Example</title>
    <meta name="description" content="Grid Example">
    <!-- either cdn should work 
    <script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/mitchallen/grid/v0.1.21/dist/grid.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/@mitchallen/grid@0.1.21/dist/grid.min.js"></script>
      var factory = window.MitchAllen.Grid;
      var xSize = 10, ySize = 5;
      var sg = factory.Square( { x: xSize, y: ySize } );
    <h1>Grid Example</h1>


To test, go to the root folder and type (sans $):

$ npm test



In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.

Version History

Version 0.1.23

  • replaced internal square with @mitchallen/grid-square

Version 0.1.22

  • square and cirlce modules now uses @mitchallen/git-core
  • remove modules/base.js which is replaced by grid-core

Version 0.1.21

  • Client must now use window.MitchAllen.Grid to reference factory function.

Version 0.1.20

  • Updated CDN URL

Version 0.1.19

  • Checked in dist modules

Version 0.1.18

  • added sub-modules to distribution

Version 0.1.17

  • main now points to dist/grid

Version 0.1.16

  • Updated client example to use unpkg.com

Version 0.1.15

  • Fixed version history

Version 0.1.14

  • added uglify and babel es2015 tasks
  • updated client example to use CDN
  • Removed dist from .npmignore so dist files can be accessed via unpkg.com

Version 0.1.13

  • added browserify task
  • created client example

Version 0.1.12

  • added rows method to base class

Version 0.1.11

  • Refactored code
  • added Triangle method for future expansion

Version 0.1.10

  • added experiment Hexagon method

Version 0.1.9

  • Square now replaces create
  • added create deprecation warning
  • Added Circle grid method

Version 0.1.8

  • removed redundant negative check

Version 0.1.7

  • create now sets defaults if parameters invalid instead of returning null

Version 0.1.6

  • added the xSize and ySize properties

Version 0.1.5

  • added log method

Version 0.1.4

  • added cloneArray method

Version 0.1.3

  • added fill method

Version 0.1.2

  • updated readme

Version 0.1.1

  • updated example to use published package
  • updated description in package.json

Version 0.1.0

  • initial release




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  • mitchallen