
2.2.5 • Public • Published


  • Before you start create this first:
npm create vite@latest name-of-your-project -- --template react
# follow prompts
cd your-new-project-directory

-And then run this:

npx @mhmurad/respa init

Hints: This may take 3-7 minutes depends on your net speed.

react-structure-package(respa) is a Node.js package that helps you quickly set up a React front-end project structure with essential folders, files, and dependencies. By running a single command, you’ll get a boilerplate setup for a React app, ready to use with tools like React, React-dom, React-router-dom, React-icons, Axios, Firebase, Tailwind, DaisyUI, Prop-types, localforage, match-sorter, sort-by and React Hook Form.


  • Automatically creates a standard React project folder structure.
  • Generates common files like index.css, ErrorPage.jsx, firebase.config.js,MainLayout.jsx,Routes.jsx,tailwind.config.js and Home.jsx.
  • Installs additional dependencies like React, React-dom, React-router-dom, React-icons, Axios, Firebase, Tailwind, DaisyUI, Prop-types, localforage, match-sorter, sort-by and React Hook Form.
  • Saves you time by handling initial project setup and structure creation.

Folder Structure Created

When you run this package, it creates the following folder structure:


Created Files

  • src/main.jsx: A basic React component that serves as the app’s main component.
  • src/index.css: CSS file for global styles.
  • index.html: HTML file that serves as the main template.
  • src/components/ExampleComponent.js: A sample component to show where components can be added.
  • .gitignore: Includes common files and folders to ignore in Git.
  • And many more like: index.css, ErrorPage.jsx, firebase.config.js,MainLayout.jsx,Routes.jsx and Home.jsx


Before using this package, make sure you have:

  • Node.js (v14 or later) and npm installed on your system.


To use react-structure-package(respa), you don’t need to install it globally. Instead, use npx to run it directly:

npx @mhmurad/respa init

This command will execute the init.js script in the package, setting up the project folder structure and installing necessary dependencies.


  1. Run the Initialization Command

    To set up the React project structure, simply run:
npx @mhmurad/respa init
  1. What Happens During Initialization

    When you run the command:

A folder structure will be created in your current directory. Essential files like App.js and index.html will be generated with starter content. react-router-dom and react-hook-form will be installed automatically, appearing in your package.json as dependencies.

  1. Start Using the Project

    Once the structure is created, navigate to your project folder (if needed) and install any remaining dependencies (e.g., react and react-dom) if they aren't installed by default.

To start the development server, initialize a new project with Create React App:

npx create-react-app

Or, if you have the structure and dependencies already in place, you can just start coding in the src folder.

  1. Example Usage in Code

    You can now start using react-router-dom and react-hook-form in your app right away. Here’s a quick example of how to use React Router in App.js:
// src/App.js
import React from "react";
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Routes } from "react-router-dom";
import ExampleComponent from "./components/ExampleComponent";

function App() {
  return (
      <div className="App">
        <h1>My React App</h1>
          <Route path="/" element={<ExampleComponent />} />

export default App;

Additional Dependencies

If you need to install additional dependencies, you can add them using npm install as usual. This package sets up the initial folder structure and installs a couple of common dependencies, but you’re free to add more as needed.


Common Issues

  1. Permission Issues: If you run into permission issues, try using sudo with npx (on macOS or Linux) or run your terminal as Administrator (on Windows).

  2. Missing Dependencies: If react and react-dom are not installed by default, you can install them manually:

npm install react react-dom


If you run into any issues or have suggestions for improvement, feel free to open an issue on the GitHub repository or contact the maintainer.


This package is open-source and available under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


Package Sidebar


npm i @mhmurad/respa

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  • mhmurad