Aidpcoin wallet library for JavaScript. Non-custodial. By default it interacts with the Aidpcoin blockchain using public RPC services from for both testnet and mainnet. You are free to use any RPC-service you like, including your own. See section Run your own blockchain node for more info
This lib needs a lot of testing before being used in production. Only use on mainnet if you "play around". This lib supports EVR as well (see section at the end)
To run these code examples
- Create an empty npm project
- Install
- Create a .mjs file called
import AidpcoinWallet from "@metavatem/aidpcoin-jswallet";
mnemonic: "horse sort develop lab chest talk gift damp session sun festival squirrel",
network: "aidp-test"
.then(wallet => wallet.getBalance())
import AidpcoinWallet from "@metavatem/aidpcoin-jswallet";
const wallet = await AidpcoinWallet.createInstance({
"horse sort develop lab chest talk gift damp session sun festival squirrel",
network: "aidp-test",
//OK now you have your wallet
//Example, get your addresses
const addresses = wallet.getAddresses();
//Address objects contains meta data about addresses, such as path/private key
const addressObjects = wallet.getAddressObjects();
//Get assets the wallet holds (not including mempool transactions)
const assets = await wallet.getAssets();
//Get balance of base currency, like AIDP, not including mempool transactions
const balance = await wallet.getBalance();
const changeAddress = await wallet.getChangeAddress();
const receiveAddress = await wallet.getReceiveAddress();
const firstPrivateKey = wallet.getPrivateKeyByAddress(addresses[0]);
//History, is the list of deltas for all the addresses in this wallet
const history = await wallet.getHistory();
//Get this wallets entries in the mempool right now
const mempool = await wallet.getMempool();
//Example send and print out the id, will throw exception if fails
const sendResult = await wallet.send({
toAddress: "muTv54qzXc6ozEc1RH2JbM92jzpBtVJBbw",
amount: 1,
In this example we run a local node in testnet mode, and RPC port is set to 8888
const wallet = await AidpcoinWallet.createInstance({
network: "aidp-test",
rpc_password: "mypassword",
rpc_username: "myuser",
rpc_url: "http://localhost:8888",
//index.mjs very important that file extension is .mjs
import AidpcoinWallet from "@metavatem/aidpcoin-jswallet";
//This wallet belongs to account "Crazy Cat" on
const options = {
"mesh beef tuition ensure apart picture rabbit tomato ancient someone alter embrace",
network: "aidp-test",
const wallet = await AidpcoinWallet.createInstance(options);
const addy = await wallet.getReceiveAddress();
console.log("My receive address", addy);
//Send 100 AIDP to Barry Crump on
await wallet.send({
//Send 100 AIDP
toAddress: "mhBKhj5FxzBu1h8U6pSB16pwmjP7xo4ehG",
amount: 100,
//Send 313 BUTTER tokens to Barry Crump on
const transactionId = await wallet.send({
assetName: "BUTTER",
amount: 313,
toAddress: "mhBKhj5FxzBu1h8U6pSB16pwmjP7xo4ehG",
console.log("Sending", transactionId);
//index.mjs very important that file extension is .mjs
import AidpcoinWallet from "@metavatem/aidpcoin-jswallet";
//This wallet belongs to account "Crazy Cat" on
const options = {
"mesh beef tuition ensure apart picture rabbit tomato ancient someone alter embrace",
network: "aidp-test",
const wallet = await AidpcoinWallet.createInstance(options);
//Send asset BUTTER to multiple recipients
const result = await wallet.sendMany({
assetName: "BUTTER",
outputs: {
muTv54qzXc6ozEc1RH2JbM92jzpBtVJBbw: 1,
mhWahrbRX6xBBrRjCo6ZkazaugXftD1CbM: 2,
console.log("Sending", result.transactionId);
To support EVR instead of AIDP Create an instance of wallet and set baseCurrency
When you create your instance of a wallet you can specify some stuff.
You can set network to be something else than AIDP, for example EVR.
You can specify your own RPC node URL and username/password.
export interface IOptions {
mnemonic: string;
network?: ChainType; (that is "aidp" | "aidp-test" | "evr" | "evr-test")
rpc_username?: string;
rpc_password?: string;
rpc_url?: string;
Check the TypeScript definitions for all the details
If you want to run your own internet exposed Node, checkout our RPC proxy. With RPC proxy and Cloudlare you can get a secure endpoint like checkout
You have access to the underlaying RPC function, wallet.rpc. See example
import AidpcoinWallet from "@metavatem/aidpcoin-jswallet";
async function main(){
const wallet = await AidpcoinWallet.createInstance({
mnemonic: "horse sort develop lab chest talk gift damp session sun festival squirrel",
network: "aidp-test",
const blockhash = await wallet.rpc("getbestblockhash", []);
const block = await wallet.rpc("getblock", [blockhash]);