TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.0 • Public • Published


Cross-platform development is now an essential aspect of software development. Node Packet Manager, the online repository is a go to site for React Programmers. This is MetaSys’ contribution based on challenges we had while developing a single application for both Android and iOS. We offer a flexible NPM package, for custom table widgets which will work on both Android and iOS platforms. The package is based on React hooks and typescript, which provides an error-free custom table. It also gives you a clean and consistent look and feel on iOS and Android devices with high performance.

This React Native package has the Custom Flatlist with most of the common usage functionalities like swipe buttons, filter table row, pull to refresh and load more on reach end of the data. The code takes care of most use cases for the flat list and swipe functionality. Developers can pass the required properties and get the results easily and very quickly. The documentation below will help you to easily integrate with your React Native projects.

This version is compatible with react-native 0.60 and above.


  1. Installation and Linking

  2. Screenshots

  3. Getting stated

  4. Properties

  5. Contribution


Run npm i @metasys96/react-native-custom-table –save


Getting started Add @metasys96/react-native-custom-table to your JS file.


import {CustomTable} from '@metasys96/react-native-custom-table';
import {data} from ‘./src/data';

// Right button props
const swipeRightBtns = [
text: 'Delete',
backgroundColor: '#D11A2A',
underlayColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1, 0.6)',

// Left button props
const swipeLeftBtns = [
text: 'Archive',
backgroundColor: '#009d00',
underlayColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1, 0.6)',

const App = () => {
const [isFetching, setIsFetching] = useState(false);
const onChangeText = (text: string) => {

const archiveRow = (rowData: any) => {
console.log('rowData to archive :-', rowData);

const deleteRow = (rowData: any) => {
console.log('rowData to delete :-', rowData);

const getSwipeLeftBtns = (dataRow: any) => {
return swipeLeftBtns.map((element) => ({
onPress: () => archiveRow(dataRow),

const getSwipeRightBtns = (dataRow: any) => {
return swipeRightBtns.map((element) => ({
onPress: () => deleteRow(dataRow),

const getTableRow = ({item, index}: any) => {  // Returning table rows
return (
<View style={styles.tableCell}>
<Text key={index}>{item.name}</Text>

const onRefresh = () => {
setTimeout(() => { setIsFetching(false); }, 1000);

return (
<View style={styles.conatiner}>
ItemSeparatorComponent={() => (
<View style={styles.tableCellSeparator} />
onRefresh={() => onRefresh()}

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
conatiner: {
backgroundColor: '#3498DB',
paddingTop: 50,
tableContainer: {
backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',
tableCellSeparator: {
height: 0.5,
backgroundColor: '#d3d3d3',
tableCell: {
height: 60,
padding: 20,
borderTopWidth: 2,
borderBottomWidth: 2,
borderColor: '#d3d3d3',

export default App;


export const data = [ { name: 'Liam' }, { name: ‘Noah }, { name: 'William' }, { name: ‘James' }, { name: 'Oliver' }, { name: ‘Benjamin' }, { name: 'Lucas'}, ];


Name Description Type Required
tableData Data in array Array Required
renderRow Provide an item from data to render the table row ReactNode Required
renderRow Provide an item from data to render the table row ReactNode Required
searchText Use to filter the table rows by search text String Not Required
searchTextForKey Use to specify the key to compare the search text for a row String Not Required
swipeLeftButtons Swipe-out button props for left array Not Required
swipeRightButtons Swipe-out button props for right array Not Required
tableContainerStyle Table container Style Object Not Required
ItemSeparatorComponent Rendered in between each item [ReactClass] Not Required
extraData A property for telling the list to re-render Any Not Required
keyExtractor Use to set unique key for an item String Required
Horizontal If true, renders items next to each other horizontally Boolean Not Required
initialScrollIndex Display table row at initialScrollIndex Number Not Required
Invert Reverses the direction of scroll Boolean Not Required
onEndReached Called over when scroll reached to end of the table row (info: {distanceFromEnd: number}) => void Not Required
onEndReachedThreshold How far from the end in units of visible length of the list Number Not Required
onRefresh It is called when pulled the table rows to refresh table data functionality () => void Not Required
refreshing Waiting for the new data to load on pulled to refresh functionality. Boolean Not Required
autoClose Auto close on swipe button press Boolean Not Required
Close close on swipe button press Boolean Not Required
disabled Whether to disable the sSwipe-out Boolean Not Required
onOpen Called on opening swipe out buttons (sectionId, rowId, direction:string)=> void Not Required
onClose Called when on close of swipe out buttons (sectionId, rowId, direction:string)=> void Not Required
Sensitivity Change the sensitivity of Swipe-out button gesture Number Not Required (Default 50)
buttonWidth Each button with of Swipe-out buttons Number Not Required


1. scrollToEnd()

To schools to the end of the content. scrollToEnd(([params]: object));

Example: this.flatListRef.scrollToEnd();

2. scrollToIndex()

To schools to the item at the specified index. scrollToIndex(([params]: object));

Example: this.flatListRef.scrollToIndex({animated: true, index: randomIndex});

Button Properties

Name Description Type Default
backgroundColor Background color String '#b6bec0'
color text color String '#ffffff'
component pass custom component to Swipe-out buttons ReactNode null
onPress function executed onPress Function null
text Text String 'Click Me'
type default, delete, primary, secondary String 'default'
underlayColor Swipe-out button underlay color on press String Null
disabled disable swipe-out button Boolean false


Any type of issues are welcome. Please add screenshots of the bug and code snippet. Also the quickest way to solve the bug is to reproduce it with one of the examples. We would also welcome Pull Requests.

git clone https://github.com/metasys96/CustomTable.git

npm install

react-native run-android or react-native run-android

Copyright and License


MetaSys Software Pvt. Ltd.



Copyright 2020 MetaSys Software Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

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  • metasys96