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0.6.1 • Public • Published

MCP Stream Parser

A stream parser for Claude's message API that provides real-time access to:

  • Text content
  • Thought processes
  • Action invocations
  • Error handling


npm install @anthropic-ai/mcp-stream-parser

Quick Start

import { AnthropicStreamParser } from '@anthropic-ai/mcp-stream-parser';

const parser = new AnthropicStreamParser({
  apiKey: 'your-api-key'

// Listen for events
parser.on('text', event => {
  console.log('Text:', event.content);

parser.on('thought', event => {
  console.log('Thought:', event.content);

parser.on('action', event => {
  console.log('Action:', event.name, event.params);

parser.on('error', event => {
  console.error('Error:', event.error);

parser.on('typing', event => {
  if (event.isTyping) {
    console.log('Claude is typing...');
  } else {
    console.log('Claude stopped typing');

// Send a message
await parser.sendMessage({
  model: 'claude-3-opus-20240229',
  content: 'Hello Claude!'


The parser can be configured with various options:

const parser = new AnthropicStreamParser({
  apiKey: 'your-api-key',
  // Parser mode
  mode: ParserMode.MESSAGE, // or ParserMode.STREAM
  // System prompt configuration
  systemPrompt: {
    content: 'Your custom system prompt',
    prependInstructions: true // or false
  // Message handling
  message: {
    maxLength: 2000,
    splitPoints: ['\n\n', '. ', ' '],
    overflow: 'split' // or 'error'
  // Buffer management
  buffer: {
    maxSize: 64 * 1024, // 64KB
    overflow: 'error', // or 'truncate'
    flushOnNewline: true
  // Throttling configuration
  throttle: {
    enabled: true,
    readingSpeed: 250, // words per minute
    minPause: 100, // minimum pause between emissions in ms
    maxBuffer: 200 // maximum characters to buffer before forcing emission
  // Debug options
  debug: {
    enabled: true,
    state: true,
    events: true,
    buffer: true,
    json: true,
    stream: true,
    logger: console.debug


Text Event

Emitted for regular text content. Text events are throttled based on the throttling configuration to provide a more natural reading experience:

interface TextEvent {
  type: EventType.TEXT;
  content: string;
  offset: number;
  blockIndex?: number;
  splitInfo?: {
    position: number;
    reason: string;

Thought Event

Emitted when Claude expresses its thought process. Thought events are emitted immediately without throttling:

interface ThoughtEvent {
  type: EventType.THOUGHT;
  content: string;
  offset: number;
  blockIndex?: number;
  hasAction: boolean;

Action Event

Emitted when Claude invokes an action. Action events are emitted immediately without throttling:

interface ActionEvent {
  type: EventType.ACTION;
  name: string;
  params: Record<string, unknown>;
  offset: number;
  blockIndex?: number;
  thoughtContent?: string;

Typing Event

Emitted when Claude starts or stops generating content:

interface TypingEvent {
  type: EventType.TYPING;
  isTyping: boolean;
  offset: number;
  blockIndex?: number;

The typing event is emitted with isTyping: true when Claude starts processing content, and isTyping: false when it finishes processing a block or sending a message. This can be used to implement typing indicators in user interfaces.

Example usage:

parser.on('typing', event => {
  if (event.isTyping) {
    console.log('Claude is typing...');
    // Show typing indicator
  } else {
    console.log('Claude stopped typing');
    // Hide typing indicator

Error Event

Emitted when parsing errors occur:

interface ErrorEvent {
  type: EventType.ERROR;
  error: Error;
  fatal: boolean;
  offset: number;
  blockIndex?: number;
  partialContent?: string;

Error Handling

The parser provides detailed error information through the error event:

parser.on('error', event => {
  const { error, fatal, partialContent } = event;
  if (fatal) {
    console.error('Fatal error:', error);
    // Handle unrecoverable error
  } else {
    console.warn('Non-fatal error:', error);
    // Continue processing
  if (partialContent) {
    console.log('Partial content:', partialContent);
    // Handle incomplete content


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some amazing feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/amazing-feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


The parser includes a throttling mechanism to provide a more natural reading experience for text content. Throttling can be configured with the following options:

const parser = new AnthropicStreamParser({
  apiKey: 'your-api-key',
  throttle: {
    enabled: true, // Enable/disable throttling
    readingSpeed: 250, // Target reading speed in words per minute
    minPause: 100, // Minimum pause between emissions in milliseconds
    maxBuffer: 200 // Maximum characters to buffer before forcing emission

Note that thought and action events bypass the throttling mechanism and are emitted immediately to ensure responsive tool usage and thought process visibility.

Package Sidebar


npm i @meldscience/mcp-stream-parser

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  • adamavenir