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0.0.21 • Public • Published

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Running your dev IDE vscode on AWS for development and workshop purposes.

[!Note] This construct is designed for workshop purposes and does not fulfill all security and authentication best practices.

This is an early version of the package. The API will change while I we implement new features. Therefore make sure you use an exact version in your package.json before it reaches 1.0.0.

Table of Contents


  • Quick Setup: Spin up and configure your vscode server in under 10 minutes in your AWS account
  • 📏 Best Practice Setup: Set up with projen and a single configuration file to keep your changes centralized.
  • 🤹‍♂️ Pre-installed packages: Besides the vscode server, other tools and software packages such as git, docker, awscli nodejs and python are pre-installed on the EC2 instance.
  • 🏗️ Extensibility: Pass in properties to the construct, which start with additional*. They allow you to extend the configuration to your needs. There are more to come...


The following steps get you started:

  1. Create a new awscdk-app via
npx projen new awscdk-app-ts --package-manager=npm
  1. Add @mavogel/cdk-vscode-server as a dependency to your project in the .projenrc.ts file
  2. Run npx projen to install it
  3. Add the following to the src/main.ts file:
import { App, Stack, StackProps } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import * as ec2 from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2';
import * as iam from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-iam';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { 
} from '@mavogel/cdk-vscode-server';

export class MyStack extends Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: StackProps = {}) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    new VSCodeServer(this, 'vscode', {
      // for example (or simply use the defaults by not setting the properties)
      instanceVolumeSize: 8,
      instanceClass: ec2.InstanceClass.M7G,
      instanceSize: ec2.InstanceSize.LARGE,
      instanceOperatingSystem: LinuxFlavorType.UBUNTU_22,
      instanceCpuArchitecture: LinuxArchitectureType.ARM,
      // 👇🏽 or if you want to give the InstanceRole more permissions
      additionalInstanceRolePolicies: [
        new iam.PolicyStatement({
          effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW,
          actions: [
          resources: [
      // and more... 💡

const env = {
  account: '123456789912',
  region: 'eu-central-1',

const app = new App();
new MyStack(app, 'vscode-server', { env });

and deploy it

npx projen build
npx projen deploy

with the output

✨  Deployment time: 509.87s

dev.vscodedomainName6729AA39 = https://d1foo65bar4baz.cloudfront.net/?folder=/Workshop
dev.vscodepassword64FBCA12 = foobarbaz

See the examples folder for more inspiration.

  1. Then open the domain name in your favorite browser and you'd see the following login screen: vscode-server-ui-login

  2. After entering the password, you are logged into VSCode and can start coding 🎉


[!Important] There are issues with copy pasting into the VSCode terminal within the Firefox browser (2025-01-12)

Solution Design

... if you're curious about click here for the details



This project was created based on the following inspiration

🚀 Unlock the Full Potential of Your AWS Cloud Infrastructure

Hi, I’m Manuel, an AWS expert passionate about empowering businesses with scalable, resilient, and cost-optimized cloud solutions. With MV Consulting, I specialize in crafting tailored AWS architectures and DevOps-driven workflows that not only meet your current needs but grow with you.

🌟 Why Work With Me?

✔️ Tailored AWS Solutions: Every business is unique, so I design custom solutions that fit your goals and challenges.
✔️ Well-Architected Designs: From scalability to security, my solutions align with AWS Well-Architected Framework.
✔️ Cloud-Native Focus: I specialize in modern, cloud-native systems that embrace the full potential of AWS.
✔️ Business-Driven Tech: Technology should serve your business, not the other way around.

🛠 What I Bring to the Table

🔑 12x AWS Certifications
I’m AWS Certified Solutions Architect and DevOps – Professional and hold numerous additional certifications, so you can trust I’ll bring industry best practices to your projects. Feel free to explose by badges

⚙️ Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
With deep expertise in AWS CDK and Terraform, I ensure your infrastructure is automated, maintainable, and scalable.

📦 DevOps Expertise
From CI/CD pipelines with GitHub Actions and GitLab CI to container orchestration Kubernetes and others, I deliver workflows that are smooth and efficient.

🌐 Hands-On Experience
With over 7 years of AWS experience and a decade in the tech world, I’ve delivered solutions for companies large and small. My open-source contributions showcase my commitment to transparency and innovation. Feel free to explore my GitHub profile

💼 Let’s Build Something Great Together

I know that choosing the right partner is critical to your success. When you work with me, you’re not just contracting an engineer – you’re gaining a trusted advisor and hands-on expert who cares about your business as much as you do.

✔️ Direct Collaboration: No middlemen or red tape – you work with me directly.
✔️ Transparent Process: Expect open communication, clear timelines, and visible results.
✔️ Real Value: My solutions focus on delivering measurable impact for your business.

Schedule your call

🙌 Acknowledgements

Big shoutout to the amazing team behind Projen!
Their groundbreaking work simplifies cloud infrastructure projects and inspires us every day. 💡


Manuel Vogel

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  • mavogel