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0.5.0 • Public • Published


File logger for React Native (TurboModules) with configurable rolling policy


npm install @mattermost/react-native-turbo-log
npx pod-install


BREAKING CHANGE Starting on version 0.5 we add the native logs also to the file. This means the configuration has to be done also on the native side.


Not yet supported


import com.mattermost.turbolog.TurboLog
import com.mattermost.turbolog.ConfigureOptions

class MainApplication : NavigationApplication(), INotificationsApplication {
    // ...
    override fun onCreate() {
        // ...
        TurboLog.configure(options = ConfigureOptions())
        TurboLog.i("Label", "Text")

Configure the application on application create. Use TurboLog.X instead of Log.X on the native side to get the logs show in the files.


import TurboLogger from "@mattermost/react-native-turbo-log";

await TurboLogger.configure();

// ...

After configuring TurboLogger, your app will store logs in the filesystem. If not specified, all your console calls for debug, log, info, warn and error will be captured by TurboLogger and they'll also get writen to the log files.

You can configure TurboLogger to customize the rolling policy, the interception of console calls or to enable / disable logging to the filesystem.


TurboLogger.configure(options?: ConfigureOptions) => Promise

Starting on 0.5, configuration has to be made at native level, and extra configuration can be given at JavaScript level.

Initialize the TurboLogger with the specified options. Once the configure promise is resolved, all console calls are captured and writen to the log file unless specified otherwise. To ensure that no logs are missing, it is good practice to await this call at the launch of your app.

Option Description Default Set at
logLevel Minimum log level for file output (it won't affect console output) LogLevel.Debug Native
captureConsole If true, all console calls are automatically captured and written to a log file true JavaScript
dailyRolling If true, a new log file is created every day false Native
maximumFileSize A new log file is created when current log file exceeds the given size in bytes. Set it to 0 to disable 1024 * 1024 (1MB) Native
maximumNumberOfFiles Maximum number of log files to keep. When a new log file is created, if the total number of files exceeds this limit, the oldest file is deleted. 0 to disable 5 Native
logsDirectory Absolute path of directory where log files are stored. If not defined, log files are stored in the cache directory of the app undefined Native
logToFile If true, log files are created and written to the filesystem. It can also be changed by calling the setLogToConsole method true Native

TurboLogger.deleteLogs(): Promise

Remove all your app log files from the filesystem.

TurboLogger.getLogPaths(): Promise<string[]>

Return the absolute path of all the log files.

TurboLogger.setLogToFile(enabled: boolean)

Enable or disable logging messages to files

Logging without console

If you don't want to use console calls for file logging, you can instead access TurboLogger methods to write messages to the log files, this approach allows you to log only the relevant messages for your app while discarding console calls made by any third-party library.

TurboLogger.debug(...args: any)

Shortcut for TurboLogger.log(LogLevel.Debug, ...args).

TurboLogger.info(...args: any)

Shortcut for TurboLogger.log(LogLevel.Info, ...args).

TurboLogger.warn(...args: any)

Shortcut for TurboLogger.log(LogLevel.Warning, ...args).

TurboLogger.error(...args: any)

Shortcut for TurboLogger.log(LogLevel.Error, ...args).

TurboLogger.log(level: LogLevel, ...args: any)

Append the log message using the same formatting as console with the specified level.

Important: log formatting does not support string substitution


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MIT License

Made with create-react-native-library

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