TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.4.0 • Public • Published


MassaLabs as-transformer library.

An AssemblyScript transformer helper module.

The complete documentation of all available functions and objects can be found here:


To install this module, run the following command at your project root directory :

npm install -D @massalabs/as-transformer


Tell your editor where to find the transformer types in a typing file. For example assembly/types.d.ts.

/// <reference types="@massalabs/as-transformer" />

You can use this transformer by adding --transform @massalabs/as-transformer to your asc command.

For instance, to compile assembly/my_sc.ts with this transformer you will execute:

npx asc --transform @massalabs/as-transformer assembly/my_sc.ts --target release --exportRuntime -o build/my_sc.wasm


This transformer loads the given file, encodes it to StaticArray<u8> and then replace the call to file2ByteArray by the encoded content.


export function main(_args: string): i32 {
    const bytes = fileToByteArray('./build/sc.wasm'); // will read `build/sc.wasm`, will encode it in array and then put the result in a string used to initialize `bytes`.
    const sc_addr = createSC(bytes);
    call(sc_addr, "advance", "", 0);
    generateEvent("SC deployed at addr: " + sc_addr);
    return 0;


This transformer allows the creation of function without having to worry about the serialization/deserialization of the arguments or the return value.

By adding the decorator @massaExport the transformer will generate a wrapper that takes care of it.


export function sayHello(accountName: string) : string {
    return "Hello, " + accountName + "!";

Instead of:

export function sayHello(args: StaticArray<u8>) : StaticArray<u8> {
    let deserArgs = new Args(args);
    const accountName = deserArgs.nextString();
    const message = "Hello, " + accountName + "!";

    return stringToBytes(message);

Known limitation(s)

At the moment only the smart contract main file can use this transformer. Any functions outside this file, that are imported and re-exported can not use this decorator.

⚠️ @massaExport cannot be used with the constructor function. This is because the deployer uses "Args" to interact with functions during deployment. This problem should be solved soon.


We welcome contributions from the community!

If you would like to contribute to as-transformer, please read the CONTRIBUTING file.


as-transformer is released under the MIT License.

Powered By

as-transformer is developed with love by MassaLabs and powered by a variety of open-source projects.


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