Generate a changelog from git metadata
It's recommended to use high level standard-version. Alternatively, you are probably looking for the cli module. Or use one of the plugins if you are already using the tool: grunt/gulp/atom.
$ npm install --save conventional-changelog
var conventionalChangelog = require('conventional-changelog');
preset: 'angular'
.pipe(process.stdout); // or any writable stream
conventionalChangelog([options, [context, [gitRawCommitsOpts, [parserOpts, [writerOpts]]]]])
Returns a readable stream.
See the conventional-changelog-core docs. The API is the same with the following changes or additions:
Type: string
Possible values: 'angular', 'atom', 'codemirror', 'ember', 'eslint', 'express', 'jquery', 'jscs', 'jshint'
It's recommended to use a preset so you don't have to define everything yourself. Presets are names of built-in config
NOTE: options.config
will be overwritten by the values of preset. You should use either preset
or config
, but not both.
Notes for parent modules
- conventional-changelog-cli - cli of this module
- standard-changelog - Similar to this module but only with angular convention
- conventional-github-releaser - Make a new GitHub release from git metadata
- conventional-recommended-bump - Get a recommended version bump based on conventional commits
- conventional-commits-detector - Detect what commit message convention your repository is using
- commitizen - Simple commit conventions for internet citizens.
- angular-precommit - Pre commit with angular conventions
- conventional-changelog-lint - Lint commit messages against your conventional-changelog preset