
2.0.6 • Public • Published



Visit our reference document site to get an overview of what the MapsIndoors SDK offers.

Getting started

$ npm install @mapsindoors/react-native-maps-indoors-mapbox


The MapsIndoors SDK requires iOS 14, so make sure that your podfile is configured for iOS 14. Disable flipper and add !use_frameworks as well as adding config.build_settings to post install script.

platform :ios, '14.0

flipper_config = FlipperConfiguration.disabled

target 'MyApp' do

  post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
        config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '14.0'
        config.build_settings['BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION'] = 'YES'

Providing API key

  1. Navigate to your application settings and add your Mapbox public access token to info with the key MBXAccessToken
  2. Setup your secret access token for downloading the sdk. Read how to do this here: Configure credentials


Android Mapbox Setup

​ To get the underlying Mapbox to function, you need to perform the following steps: ​

  1. Navigate to android/app/src/main/res/value.
  2. Create a file in this folder called mapbox_access_token.xml.
  3. Copy and paste the below code snippet and replace YOUR_KEY_HERE with your Mapbox api key. ​
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <string name="mapbox_access_token" translatable="false">YOUR_KEY_HERE</string>
    <string name="mapbox_api_key" translatable="false">YOUR_KEY_HERE</string>

MapsIndoors Gradle Setup

​ The plugin Gradle project has trouble resolving the MapsIndoors dependency, so to ensure that it is resolved correctly, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the app gradle.properties and add the value MAPBOX_DOWNLOADS_TOKEN with your Mapbox download access token.
  2. Navigate to the app's project level build.gradle.
  3. add maven { url 'https://maven.mapsindoors.com/' } to allprojects/repositories as well as the Mapbox maven ​
allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://maven.mapsindoors.com/' }
        maven {
            url 'https://api.mapbox.com/downloads/v2/releases/maven'
            authentication {
            credentials {
                // Do not change the username below.
                // This should always be `mapbox` (not your username).
                username = "mapbox"
                // Use the secret token you stored in gradle.properties as the password
                password = project.properties['MAPBOX_DOWNLOADS_TOKEN'] ?: ""


This library implements native modules and can't be used with ExpoGO, developments build is required Delopment Builds

To build and run correctly, the native ios linkage required to being set as dynamic. Project configuration can be done with the expo module expo-build-properties.

with npx :
$ npx expo install expo-build-properties

with npm :
$ npm install expo-build-properties

with yarn :
$ yarn add expo-build-properties

This library includes an expo plugin to support native integration. To enable it, you need to add the configuration in your expo configuration.

// app.json

  "expo": {
    // ... your configuration
    "plugins": [
          "ios": {
            "deploymentTarget": "14.0"
        "@mapsindoors/react-native-maps-indoors-mapbox/app.plugin.js", // plugin ref
          "publicToken": "PUBLIC_TOKEN", // your map public token
          "downloadToken": "DOWNLOAD_TOKEN", // your download token
          "staticPods": true // OPTIONAL, add if your project use static linkage for pods (ex: "useFrameworks": "static" with expo-build-properties)


Showing your map

This snippet shows you how to set up MapsIndoors in a React Native application.

import MapsIndoors, { MapControl, MapView } from 'react-native-maps-indoors';
//Function to initialize mapsindoors and mapcontrol. To load a solution and show data onto the map.
const loadMapsIndoors = () => {
    //Load solution data with your api key
    MapsIndoors.load('API_KEY').then(async () => {
        //Create the MapControl. Which will be using the MapView of the component.
        const mc = await MapControl.create(new MPMapConfig({useDefaultMapsIndoorsStyle: true}), NativeEventEmitter);
        //Get a venue and move the camera to it.
        let venue: MPVenue = (await MapsIndoors.getVenues()).getAll()[0];

render() {
  return (
            width: Dimensions.get('window').width,
            height: Dimensions.get('window').height,

Showing a route

  const showRoute = async () => {
    let point = new MPPoint(57.0580431, 9.9505475);
    let point2 = new MPPoint(57.0581638, 9.9507732, 10);
    var directionsService = await MPDirectionsService.create();

    //Optional query parameters for the route.

    var route = await directionsService.getRoute(point, point2);
    directionsRenderer = new MPDirectionsRenderer(NativeEventEmitter);

Searching locations

This code snippet shows a function called searchForParking that takes a single argument of type MPPoint. The function uses MapsIndoors to search for locations matching the query string "parking" near the point specified, and uses the filter to only get the first 10 matches. ​ It mathces in the locations' descriptions, names, and external IDs to the query string. Once the search is complete, it is possible to update/get information from the locations (not specified in the code snippet).

const searchForParking = async (point: MPPoint) => {
    let query = MPQuery.create({query: "parking",
                                near: point,
                                queryProperties: [MPLocationPropertyNames.description, MPLocationPropertyNames.name, MPLocationPropertyNames.externalId]});
    let filter = MPFilter.create({take: 10});
    let parkingLotsNearPoint = await MapsIndoors.getLocationsAsync(query, filter);

Changing the look with DisplayRules

​ This code snippet shows three ways to manipulate display rules in the MapsIndoors SDK. ​ The hideLocationsByDefault method hides all markers that are not explicitly visible by setting the main display rule to not visible. ​ The showLocationsByDefault method ensures all markers are shown by setting the main display rule to visible. ​ The changeTypePolygonColor(String type, String color) method changes the fill color for all polygons belonging to a specific type. It gets the display rule for the specified type using getDisplayRuleByName, and sets the fill color using setPolygonFillColor. ​ These methods can all be used to customize the display of markers and polygons on the map. ​

// This method changes the main display rule to hide all markers,
// This will cause all locations/types that are not explicitly visible to be hidden.
const hideLocationsByDefault = async () => {
    let mainDisplayRule = await MapsIndoors.getMainDisplayRule();
}// This method changes the main display rule to show all markers,
// This will cause all locations/types that are not explicitly visible to be shown.
const showLocationsByDefault = async () => {
    let mainDisplayRule = await MapsIndoors.getMainDisplayRule();
}// This method changes the fill color for all polygons belonging to a specific [type]
// the color MUST be a valid hex color string.
const changeTypePolygonColor = async (type: string, color: string) => {
    let typeDisplayRule = await MapsIndoors.getDisplayRuleByName(type);

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npm i @mapsindoors/react-native-maps-indoors-mapbox

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