GBX Parser
Nadeo GameBox file format parser. Currently supporting the following types:
- Maps
Install to your local project with:
npm install @maniajs/gbxparser
(you can append --save to save to your package.json).
Depending on the parsers including you mostly import it and create new instance with file path or buffer and options object (optional).
Map File
Create new Map Parser:
let MapParser = require('@maniajs/gbxparser').MapParser;
// ES6:
// import {MapParser} from '@maniajs/gbxparser';
let parser = new MapParser(__dirname + '/greyroad.Map.Gbx'); // From file
let parser = new MapParser(buffer); // From buffer
Let it parse and interact with promise:
parser.parse().then((map) => {
console.log(`Map Author: ${}`);
Errors will be thrown when file is invalid, or error while reading occur. Make sure you catch the errors!
For the full map properties, referer to the map object definition.
Debug during parse can be enabled before calling parse() like this:
let parser = new MapParser(...);
parser.debug = console.log; // Any function that takes first parameter as string and output/write it to anywere.