
1.153.1 • Public • Published


This package contains stacks for creating lambdas. These stacks take in as configuration the location of the build artifacts for the lambda, the name of the lambda, etc. The stacks give you the following options:


Stack Description
LambdaStack Create Lambdas without hooks to RestAPI, SNS or anything else. This is the base stack for the other implementations
RestApiLambdaStack Create Lambdas and associate them with APIGateway for RestAPI calls. You have the option to pass in an already configured Custom Domain to associate API Gateway with
SnsLambdaStack Create or use an existing SNS Topic and create lambdas as subscribers to that topic.
SqsLambdaStack Create or use an existing SQS Queue and create lambdas as event sources for the queue.

NOTE RestApiLambdaStack, SnsLambdaStack and SqsLambdaStack all extend LambdaStack.

LambdaStack Properties

A LambdaStack will add Lambdas to your environment. It will not associate them to RestAPI, SNS or anything else. This stack is the base for the other stacks, and can even serve as the base for your own stack.

When defining a LambdaStack, you provide the following properties.
| Property | Required | Type | Description | --- | --- | --- | applicationName | Yes | string | Name of the application and used as a prefix for all lambda names | splunkForwarder | No | LambdaStackSplunkForwarderProps | If you wish to define a splunk forwarder, you can specify this object, see the definition of the object below | definition | Yes | LambdaDefinition | The definition of each lambda you wish to deploy. LambdaDefinition is well documented in the interface itself which should reflect what each property is for. | includeNewRelicExtension | No | boolean | Should the NewRelic Lambda Extension be added (default: true)


| Property | Required | Type | Description | --- | --- | --- | option | No | LambdaStackSplunkForwarderProps | Option to use to get the ARN for the splunk forwarder (see below). By Default, USE_DEFAULT is the option selected | value | No | string | For USE_CUSTOM_ARN or USE_PARAMETER_STORE, the value you want to specify is placed here.


Property Description
USE_DEFAULT* Use the default SplunkForwarder defined which will forward to cai-mmd* indexes
USE_CUSTOM_ARN Specify a custom ARN for the splunk forwarder
USE_PARAMETER_STORE Specify the key for the parameter store that contains the ARN for the forwarder
NONE Do not attach a splunk forwarder


Property Description
description Optional Description of the version. Useful for the package.json version
removalPolicy What should we do with the version once CloudFormation no longer manages it? Default is to retain.


Property Description
description Optional Description of the alias
aliasName Name of the alias. Default is "live"
removalPolicy What should we do with the alias once CloudFormation no longer manages it? Default is to retain.
provisionedConcurrency Optional definition for provisioned concurrency


Property Description
executions number of instances to have warm
minCapacity minimum capacity when auto scaling (optional)
maxCapacity maximum capacity when auto scaling (required)
utilizationTarget When to scale (0.5 means 50%)

RestApiLambdaStack Properties

RestApiLambdaStack extends LambdaStack to allow for creation of an API Gateway and adding the Lambdas as endpoints. It also allows creation of lambdas for Custom Authorizers as well. Below are the properties to pass when constructing the class. These properties are an extension of the properties defined for the LambdaStack above. This section will define the additional properties.

Property Required Type Description
enableCrossOrigin Yes boolean Should Cross Origin support be enabled. Currently this supports only * support, and does not allow for specifying a domain. Default is false
definition Yes RestApiLambdaDefinition Definition of each lambda for the account. This interface is well documented in code and will define eveything you need and can do when using the interface via intellisense. The RestApiEndpoint interface will be defined below for more detail about setting up the endpoint
basePath No string If you are using a custom domain, you can set up a basePath which serves as a virtual folder for your API. You can use this to define the business domain that this API is serving
stage No string The name of the stage you wish to set up with this API. Default is api
domainName No string For REGIONAL and EDGE endpoints, this is the name of the custom domain you wish to set up. This can be retrieved from SSM, imported from a stack variable on another stack or simply hard coded.
endpointType No EndpointType The endpoint type as defined by AWS. Default is REGIONAL. You can look uop their meaning in AWS docs on EndpointType
createSecondaryPrivateApiGateway No boolean When set, it will create a second API gateway which will be a Private API gateway using the same lambdas and same endpoint definitions.
privateEndpoint No RestApiLambdaStackPrivateEndpointProps If you wish to set this up as a private endpoint, and specify endpointType = PRIVATE then these are settings you also need to provide to set it up.
models No RestApiModelOptions Models used to validate the request coming in
customAuthorizers No RestApiCustomAuthorizers[] Set of Custom Authorizers that you would like to define in this API Gateway to be used on your endpoints.
existingDefinition No RestApiLambdaExistingDefinition[] Set of existing lambdas you would like to add endpoints for. This means the lambda is not created in this stack, but an endpoint on api gateway is created
mockDefinition No RestApiMockDefinition[] Set of API Gateway Mock Endpoints you wish to create. These will respond with JSON, for example, on a certain endpoint but not be a proxy to Lambda.
httpProxyDefinition No RestApiHttpProxyDefinition[] Set of HTTP Proxies to add to API Gateway


MockDefinitions allow you to have API Gateway return a response to an endpoint that is static. You can supply the JSON of your choice if you wish. This can be useful for any mocking you wish to do, and the template can consiste of some variables from API Gateway. Please refer to this document about that information: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/request-response-data-mappings.html#mapping-response-parameters


HttpProxyDefinitions allow you to proxy requests right to other HTTP resources, bypassing the need for a lambda to call those endpoints. If your intention is to just pass requests through, this could be a cost saving alternative.

Application Version

One common use-case would be to return the version of the application. Since this is a pretty standard item, we've added a helper function to create this mock integration.

mockDefinitionCreateVersion will take in 3 parameters: | Parameter | Default | Description | --- | --- | appVersion | | The version of the application being deployed. | httpMethod | 'GET' | The Http Method / Verb to use for this mock | path | /echo | The route to use for this mock


Property Required Type Description
vpcEndpointId No string The VPC EndpointId you wish to use. This MUST BE concrete if it is specified. This means it cannot be read from SSM directly. Our tooling has the ability to read from SSM for each CodeBuild and passes it back to the app synthizer so you can pass a concrete value back
privateDnsEnabled No boolean Setup Private DNS for this VPCE. There can only be one endpoint with this turned on per VPC
port No number Default is 443
region No string Region name, the default is the current region we are running under


This extends the AWS CDK ModelOptions by requiring the modelName be entered. We use the modelName later when assigning the model to the given endpoint.


Property Required Type Description
sourceType Yes string EXISTING_ARN to pass in an ARN or LAMBDA_DEFINITION to reference a lambda (by the name assigned in the definition array) as the authorizer
sourceValue Yes string The ARN or Lambda Name based on your selection in sourceType
type No string The type of authorizer TOKEN or REQUEST. The default is TOKEN
settings No RestApiCustomAuthorizersToken or RestApiCustomAuthorizersRequest The properties needed for the given type of authorizer selected
name Yes string The name of the authorizer. This will be used when adding it to the API Gateway and will also be used when referencing it in the endpoint definition.
cacheTtl No Duration How long to cache the result. Default is Duration.minutes(5)


Property Required Type Description
identitySource No string The identity source (where is the token). By Default, IdentitySource.headers('Authorization')
validationRegex No string RegEx to validate the token


Property Required Type Description
identitySources Yes string[] 1 or more IdentitySources to specify the keys to cache by when caching the result


A LambdaCreateAliasStack will add a new alias to an existing lambda function. It will find an existing alias and point the new alias to that function version. This can be useful for blue/green deployment so you can move a "live" alias to a "Dark" existing alias.

When defining a LambdaCreateAliasStack, you provide the following properties.
| Property | Required | Type | Description | --- | --- | --- | applicationName | Yes | string | Name of the application and used as a prefix for all lambda names | alias | Yes | LambdaAliasDefinition | This will define the alias you wish to create | aliasToFind | Yes | LambdaCreateAliasAliasToFindProps | The alias to find and the method on how to find it | definition | Yes | LambdaDefinition | The definition of all the lambdas you wish to add a new alias to. This leverages the same interface used to create the alias to make it easier.


Managers are used to have a consolidated object that will control the CICD and Build process. This allows the same object to be passed to the CICD and APP setups. They allow for custom actions to be run during the IAC Setup, the Environment Setup, and when creating the stack. These managers will be passed to the CICD process.

Each stack above has a corresponding manager:

  • LambdaStackManager
  • RestApiLambdaStackManager
  • SnsLambdaStackManager
  • SqsLambdaStackManager
  • LambdaCreateAliasStackManager


import { ParameterType, StringParameter } from '@aws-cdk/aws-ssm';
import { Construct } from '@aws-cdk/core';
import {
} from '@makemydeal/cdk-lambda-stack';
import { isPrivateApi } from './utils';

export class DealerRestApiLambdaManager extends RestApiLambdaStackManager {
    public CreateStack(scope: Construct, props: RestApiCreateStackProps): RestApiLambdaStack {
        const stack = super.CreateStack(scope, props) as RestApiLambdaStack;

        const { environmentName } = props;

        // add storage of the restApi and stage to parameter store
        new StringParameter(stack, `${stack.instanceName}-parameter-restapiid`, {
            parameterName: `/dr/${environmentName}/services/dealer/lambda/restApiId`,
            stringValue: stack.ApiGateway.restApiId,
            type: ParameterType.STRING

        return stack;

NewRelic Lambda Extension Support

By Default, each lambda will be instrumented with NewRelic's Lambda Extension. This will send more detailed information to NewRelic about the lambda. If you do not wish to do this, in each lambda definition, there is a includeNewRelicExtension setting. Setting this to false will not install the layer for the particular lambda.

NewRelic Prerequisites

In order for the NewRelic extension to work, there are a few prerequisites. These are outlined below:

  • A Role with Trust Relationship setup to account 754728514883. This is NewRelic's account. This Role should be setup by CBO in our account and have the following: ReadOnlyAccess AWS Managed Policy and
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

In our L1 accounts, this role is called SvcNewRelicInfrastructure-Integrations

Here is the command once you've installed the newrelic-lambda and placed our files on top of theirs to apply to the account. This has been done for awsdrst and awsdrstnp

newrelic-lambda integrations install --nr-account-id 1840109 --linked-account-name awsdrstnp --nr-api-key <nr userapikey> --enable-license-key-secret --role-name acct-managed/cai-dr-lambda-execution-role 
  • newrelic-log-ingestion will also be created by the process above.
  • cai-dr-lambda-execution-role (lambda execution role) needs the following policy so it can read secrets:
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "secretsmanager:GetSecretValue",
            "Resource": [
  • SSM Parameter Store needs to be setup with /dr/global/services/newrelic/* as defined in the "Parameter Store Dependencies" section below. This has been done for awsdrst and awsdrstnp

Parameter Store Dependencies

Key Construct Description
/dr/global/services/splunk-forwarder/dr LambdaStack DR Lambda used to forward logs to splunk
/dr/global/services/newrelic/environmentVariables/NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID' LambdaStack NewRelic Account ID
/dr/global/services/newrelic/environmentVariables/NEW_RELIC_EXTENSION_SEND_FUNCTION_LOGS LambdaStack NewRelic flag for sending function logs
/dr/global/services/newrelic/environmentVariables/NEW_RELIC_LAMBDA_EXTENSION_ENABLED NewRelic flag to enable the extension
/dr/global/services/newrelic/extensions/{runtime} LambdaStack NewRelic Lambda Extension Layer ARN. {runtime} is the name of the runtime, for instance, nodejs14.x. We have setup Node 10, 12 and 14.
/dr/global/services/newrelic/handler LambdaStack NewRelic Extension Handler. NR uses this as the handler function which proxies to our actual handler.
/dr/global/services/pipeline-tools/create-or-update-alias/lambda-arn LambdaMoveAliasToVersionManager Find the lambda to use to move an alias




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