MahaLend Protocol
This repository contains the smart contracts source code and markets configuration for the MahaLend Protocol.
Getting Started
You can install @mahalend/core
as an NPM package in your Hardhat or Truffle project to import the contracts and interfaces:
npm install @mahalend/core
Import at Solidity files:
import {IPool} from "@mahalend/core/contracts/interfaces/IPool.sol";
contract Misc {
function supply(address pool, address token, address user, uint256 amount) public {
IPool(pool).supply(token, amount, user, 0);
The JSON artifacts with the ABI and Bytecode are also included into the bundled NPM package at artifacts/
Import JSON file via Node JS require
const PoolV3Artifact = require('@mahalend/core/artifacts/contracts/protocol/pool/Pool.sol/Pool.json');
// Log the ABI into console
The repository uses Docker Compose to manage sensitive keys and load the configuration. Prior any action like test or deploy, you must run docker-compose up
to start the contracts-env
container, and then connect to the container console via docker-compose exec contracts-env bash
Follow the next steps to setup the repository:
- Install
- Create an enviroment file named
and fill the next enviroment variables
# Add Alchemy or Infura provider keys, alchemy takes preference at the config level
# Optional, if you plan to use Tenderly scripts
You can run the full test suite with the following commands:
# In one terminal
docker-compose up
# Open another tab or terminal
docker-compose exec contracts-env bash
# A new Bash terminal is prompted, connected to the container
npm run test