The following Magnolia modules must be installed to use this light module:
The purpose of this module is to make the public APIs Dall-e's usable in Magnolia. The following functions are provided:
- Generation and storage of images based on text (Create image)
- Creation of further image variants (Create image variation)
- Creation of modified images (Create image edit)
The installation of this module is very simple.
- the light-module must be integrated into a Magnolia project.
- in the dialog definitions the placeholder "DALL_E_TOKEN" has to be replaced with a valid access token
- /dialogs/generateAsset.yaml [Ln 24, Col 33]
- /dialogs/generateEdit.yaml [Ln 34, Col 33]
- /dialogs/generateVariation.yaml [Ln 26, Col 33]
An api access token can be created by logging into the dall-e api documentation page.
@magnolia-services/dall-e is open source software licensed as MIT.