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0.15.0 • Public • Published

LytraX JS/TS library

A collection of useful functions/classes for string/time manipulation, math/random calculations and encryption.


bitCount32 from math

import { bitCount32 } from '@lytrax/lxlib/math';

const bitLength = bitCount32(0x55555555); // 16 flagged bits

randomColor from random

import { randomColor } from '@lytrax/lxlib/random';

const cssRandomColor = randomColor();

randomHueColor from random

import { randomHueColor } from '@lytrax/lxlib/random';

const cssRandomHueColor = randomHueColor(33, 76);

randomInt from random

import { randomInt } from '@lytrax/lxlib/random';

const randInt = randomInt(1, 100);

randomIntNotIn from random

import { randomIntNotIn } from '@lytrax/lxlib/random';

// randInt <=> 1..10 and <> 2, 4, 6
const randInt = randomIntNotIn(1, 10, [2, 4, 6]);

randomIndex from random

import { randomIndex } from '@lytrax/lxlib/random';

let index = randomIndex(10); // index range 0..9
index = randomIndex(10, { inclusive: true }); // index range 0..10
index = randomIndex(10, { startFrom: 2 }); // index range 2..9

randomId from random

import { randomId } from '@lytrax/lxlib/random';

const id = randomId(); // id range 1..0x7FFFFFFF

randomId64 from random

import { randomId64 } from '@lytrax/lxlib/random';

const id = randomId64(); // id range 1..0X7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

dice from random

import { dice } from '@lytrax/lxlib/random';

const diceValue = dice(6);

sleep from time

import { sleep } from '@lytrax/lxlib/time';

await sleep(500);

uts from time

import { uts } from '@lytrax/lxlib/time';

const unixTimeStamp = uts(); // UTS in seconds

utsj from time

import { utsj } from '@lytrax/lxlib/time';

const unixTimeStampMillis = utsj(); // UTS in milliseconds

timeHash from time

import { timeHash } from '@lytrax/lxlib/time';

const hash = timeHash(); // kkluv4t0

dayKey from time

import { dayKey } from '@lytrax/lxlib/time';

const key = dayKey({ year: 2021, ordinal: 111 }); // 2021111
const resolved = dayKey.resolve(key); // { year: 2021, ordinal: 111 }

monthKey from time

import { monthKey } from '@lytrax/lxlib/time';

const key = monthKey({ year: 2021, month: 7 }); // 202107
const resolved = monthKey.resolve(key); // { year: 2021, month: 7 }

dateKey from time

import { dateKey } from '@lytrax/lxlib/time';

const key = dateKey({ year: 2021, month: 7, day: 1 }); // 20210701
const resolved = dateKey.resolve(key); // { year: 2021, month: 7, day: 1 }

minuteKey from time

import { minuteKey } from '@lytrax/lxlib/time';

const key = minuteKey({ hour: 23, minute: 30 }); // 2330
const resolved = minuteKey.resolve(key); // { hour: 23, minute: 30, second: 0 }

timeKey from time

import { timeKey } from '@lytrax/lxlib/time';

const key = timeKey({ hour: 23, minute: 30, second: 59 }); // 233059
const resolved = minuteKey.timeKey(key); // { hour: 23, minute: 30, second: 59 }

timeToMinutes from time

import { timeToMinutes } from '@lytrax/lxlib/time';

const minutes = timeToMinutes({ hour: 23, minute: 30 }); // 1410

minutesTotime from time

import { minutesTotime } from '@lytrax/lxlib/time';

const time = minutesTotime(1410); // { hour: 23, minute: 30 }

toFormData from utils

import { toFormData } from '@lytrax/lxlib/utils';

const formData = toFormData({
  some: 'Some',
  values: 123

fetchTimeout from utils

import { fetchTimeout } from '@lytrax/lxlib/utils';

// Will timeout after 5s if fetch won't get a reply
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    body: JSON.stringify(data)
  5000 // Timeout in milliseconds

normalizeGreek from string

import { normalizeGreek } from '@lytrax/lxlib/string';

normalizeGreek('Ελληνικό κείμενο που θα φύγουν οι τόνοι');

camelize from string

import { camelize } from '@lytrax/lxlib/string';

camelize('Some text to camelize'); // "SomeTextToCamelize"

toTitleCase from string

import { toTitleCase } from '@lytrax/lxlib/string';

toTitleCase('Some text to title case') // "Some Text To Title Case"

toSentence from string

import { toSentence } from '@lytrax/lxlib/string';

toSentence('Some Text TO SENTENCE') // "Some text to sentence"

makeLines from string

import { makeLines } from '@lytrax/lxlib/string';

makeLines({ lines: ['make', 'some', 'lines'] }) // "make↵some↵lines"

nl2br from string

import { nl2br } from '@lytrax/lxlib/string';

nl2br('Some\ntext\nwith\nlines') // "Some<br/>text<br/>with<br/>lines"

removeAllWhitespaces from string

import { removeAllWhitespaces } from '@lytrax/lxlib/string';

removeAllWhitespaces('Text   With \tWitespaces\t\t') // "TextWithWitespaces"

decodeHtmlCharCodes from string

import { decodeHtmlCharCodes } from '@lytrax/lxlib/string';

decodeHtmlCharCodes('This&#32;is&#10;some&#32;text') // "This is↵some text"

toJsonIntended from string

import { toJsonIntended } from '@lytrax/lxlib/string';

toJsonIntended({some: 'Some', one: 1})
// {
//   "some": "Some",
//   "one": 1
// }

format from string

import { format } from '@lytrax/lxlib/string';

format('My name is {name} and my IQ is {IQ}', { name: 'Christos', IQ: 111 })
// "My name is Christos and my IQ is 111"

translateBool from string

import { translateBool } from '@lytrax/lxlib/string';

translateBool('Yes') // true

quoteSingle from string

import { quoteSingle } from '@lytrax/lxlib/string';

quoteSingle('test') // "'test'"

quoteDouble from string

import { quoteDouble } from '@lytrax/lxlib/string';

quoteDouble('test') // ""test""

quoteBacktick from string

import { quoteBacktick  } from '@lytrax/lxlib/string';

quoteBacktick('test') // "`test`"

quoteLRSingle from string

import { quoteLRSingle } from '@lytrax/lxlib/string';

quoteLRSingle('test') // "‘test’"

quoteLRDouble from string

import { quoteLRDouble } from '@lytrax/lxlib/string';

quoteLRDouble('test') // "“test”"

quote from string

import { quote } from '@lytrax/lxlib/string';

quote('test', 'backtick') // "`test`"

quoteIf from string

import { quoteIf } from '@lytrax/lxlib/string';

quoteIf('', 'single') // ""

numToSSColumn from string

// Number to SpreadSheet column
import { numToSSColumn } from '@lytrax/lxlib/string';

numToSSColumn(29) // "AC"

uniqueChars from string

// Number to SpreadSheet column
import { uniqueChars } from '@lytrax/lxlib/string';

uniqueChars('ABCabcABCabc/iumi/') // "ABCabc/ium"

applyBackspaceChar from string

// Apply all backspaces to the string
import { applyBackspaceChar } from '@lytrax/lxlib/string';

applyBackspaceChar('Test small\b\b\b\b\b line!\b') // "Test line"

removeRepeatedChars from string

// Remove all/selected repeated characters from the string
import { removeRepeatedChars } from '@lytrax/lxlib/string';

removeRepeatedChars('aa bbb word aaa cat aaaa cccc') // "a b word a cat a c"
removeRepeatedChars('This   is  aaa test', ' ') // "This is aaa test"
removeRepeatedChars('This   is  aaa test', ' a') // "This is a test"

hslToRgb from color

// Apply all backspaces to the string
import { hslToRgb } from '@lytrax/lxlib/color';

hslToRgb(260, 55, 27)


Cryptr from crypto/cryptr

// https://github.com/MauriceButler/cryptr with options
import Cryptr from '@lytrax/lxlib/crypto/cryptr';

const cryptr = new Cryptr('mysecret', {
  algorithm: 'aes-256-gcm',  // 'aes-256-gcm' is the default value
  encoding: 'base64'         // 'base64' is the default value

const encryptedBase64 = cryptr.encrypt('Some data');
const decryptedData = cryptr.decrypt(encryptedBase64);


  • Commit changes to GitHub using commitizen git cz


Always commit everything before publishing new releases.

  1. yarn build to build the distribution files
  2. yarn deploy or np --contents=release to bump version, run release script and publish to NPM and GitHub

Running np will have the version script executed which will run the makeRelease script.



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