
1.0.6 • Public • Published


A notification service based on Nodemailer & Handlebars templating engine.


To install, run the following command in your terminal:

npm install @lumot-eu/medusa-plugin-nodemailer

Add the following values to your medusa-config.js file:

const plugins = [
    // ...
        resolve: "@lumot-eu/medusa-plugin-nodemailer",
        options: {
            fromAddress: process.env.MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS,

            // This object is passed directly into nodemailer.createTransport(),
            // so any configuration options supported by nodemailer will work here.
            // For more details, see: https://nodemailer.com/smtp/#1-single-connection
            transport: {
                host: process.env.MAIL_SMTP_HOST,
                port: process.env.MAIL_SMTP_PORT,
                auth: {
                    user: process.env.MAIL_SMTP_USER,
                    pass: process.env.MAIL_SMTP_PASS,
                tls: {
                    // do not fail on invalid certs
                    rejectUnauthorized: false,

            // Path to the directory where your email templates are stored
            templatesDir: "email-templates",

            // Path to the directory where your layouts are stored
            layoutsDir: "email-templates/_layouts",

            // Path to the directory where your partials are stored
            partialsDir: "email-templates/_partials",

            // The name or file path of a template within the `layoutsDir` that will be used as the default layout.
            // To disable the use of a default layout, you can provide a falsy value
            defaultLayout: "default.hbs",

            // Maps templates to MedusaJS events
            // Only events listed here will be subscribed to.
            templateMap: {
                // "eventName": {
                //   name: "templateName"
                //   subject: "E-mail subject"
                // }
                "order.placed": {
                    name: "order.placed",
                    subject: "Order confirmation",

            // Helper functions, or "helpers" can be registered with Handlebars
            // and used within templates. Helpers provide additional functionality to templates,
            // such as transforming output, iterating over data, and more.
            hbsHelpers: {
                // Example: A helper that divides two numbers
                // divide: function (a, b, opts) {
                //     return a / b;
                // },
                // Usage in template: {{#divide 50 2}}

E-mail templates

Templates for each event should be placed in a sub-directory matching the name specified in the templateMap: eg. {templatesDir}/order.placed. The sub-directory must contain two files: html.hbs for the HTML version and txt.hbs for the plain text version of the email.

If you'd like to try the example email templates, simply comment out templatesDir, layoutsDir, and partialsDir in your configuration.

Custom events

To send notifications for custom events, include to property in the event data payload. This property specifies the recipient e-mail address.

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npm i @lumot-eu/medusa-plugin-nodemailer

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  • lumot