NodeJS Datastore Cache library
Opinionated NodeJS library for simplified google cloud datastore and cache layer interactions.
The implementation should be similar to the official datastore client go version, because this is the only implementation that actually make sense and can be consistent across languages and frameworks.
The library provides a DataClient abstraction to access datastore and/or cached data:
- Data get calls will set the cache
- Data set calls will delete the cache
- Data delete calls will delete the cache
The library can use cache (but does not have to):
- By default no cache client will be used
- Redis client is provided by the library
- Other cache clients can be implemented easily (see redis cache client code for example)
Core dependencies include:
- Datastore client:
- Redis client:
- Class transform:
Node version
The library is tested using NodeJS 12.x, 14.x, 15.x, 16.x.
yarn add @lum-network/nodejs-datastore-cache
The Library documentation should contain everything you need to get started.
Development & Testing
The library requires a Google Cloud datastore and a running redis server to run the unittests.
A docker compose file is provided to simplify this process but those services can eventually be remote or launched "manually".
Datastore emulator & Redis server
docker-compose -f tools/docker-compose.yml up
Run the unittests
yarn test
All contributions must be covered by unit tests.
- Simply use a pull requests
- Documentation should be updated before submitting the PR using
yarn build:docs
- Package version should be bumped by a maintainer using something like
yarn bump major | minor | patch
- Upon PR merge on master an admin must tag the merge commit using the package version (ex: v1.0.0) to trigger the release and package publish workflows
Apache Version 2.0