Universal Profile Integration for Web3-Onboard
The Web3-Onboard library is an open-source, framework-agnostic JavaScript tool to onboard users to Web3 apps.
This package can be used to integrate the Universal Profile Browser Extension into Web3-Onboard's connection module. The Web3-Onboard library will then establish and manage the connection to the window.ethereum
provider. If the Universal Profile Browser Extension is not installed, the user will be taken to its download page.
You can learn more about Universal Profiles on the Official Developer Documentation of LUKSO.
npm i @web3-onboard/core @lukso/web3-onboard-config @web3-onboard/injected-wallets
The Web3-Onboard configuration and calls should be set up as a global context
or component
, accessible to every page or component of your application layout that is interacting with the blockchain. You can find more information on the following pages:
- Themes and custom styles for Web3-Onboard
- Modules description for React, Nextjs, Vue, and Vanilla-JS
CAUTION: Anyone implementing Web3-Onboard can modify the referral link to the extension!
// Import the necessary components
import Onboard, { OnboardAPI } from "@web3-onboard/core";
import { ConnectModalOptions } from "@web3-onboard/core/dist/types";
import injectedModule from "@web3-onboard/injected-wallets";
import luksoModule from "@lukso/web3-onboard-config";
// Initialize the LUKSO provider from this library
const luksoProvider = luksoModule();
// Define the download link for the extension
// Set up the injected wallet interface
const injectedWallets = injectedModule({
* Add custom wallets here that you want
* to inject into Web3-Onboard
custom: [luksoProvider],
// OPTIONAL: Add sorting for supported wallets
sort: (wallets) => {
const sorted = wallets.reduce<any[]>((sorted, wallet) => {
* Universal Profiles will be placed at the
* top of the wallet connection screen
* Add other injected wallet names here
* to adjust their order
if (wallet.label === "Universal Profiles") {
} else {
return sorted;
}, []);
return sorted;
* OPTIONAL: Specify wallets that should still be displayed
* in the list, even when unavailable in the browser
displayUnavailable: ["Universal Profiles"],
* Define at least one blockchain network that is able to
* interact with the Universal Profile Browser Extension
const supportedChains = [
id: 42,
token: "LYX",
label: "LUKSO Mainnet",
rpcUrl: "https://rpc.lukso.gateway.fm/",
id: 4021,
token: "LYXt",
label: "LUKSO Testnet",
rpcUrl: "https://rpc.testnet.lukso.gateway.fm/",
* OPTIONAL: Set up the app description of the
* Web3-Onboard connection window
const appInfo = {
name: "My LUKSO App",
* Pictures can either be a valid
* Image URL or SVG as string
* The icon shows behind the extension picture
* on the right side, while the connection
* is being established
icon: "/my_app_icon.svg",
* The logo shows left of the wallet list,
* indicating the used app
logo: "<svg> ... </svg>",
description: "My LUKSO App using Web3-Onboard",
recommendedInjectedWallets: [
* Add other injected wallets and their download links
* to directly take users to the installation screen
name: "Universal Profiles",
// OPTIONAL: Set up global installation notices
const connectionOptions: ConnectModalOptions = {
removeWhereIsMyWalletWarning: true,
// Create the Web3-Onboard Component
const web3OnboardComponent: OnboardAPI = Onboard({
wallets: [injectedWallets],
chains: supportedChains,
appMetadata: appInfo,
connect: connectionOptions,
To set and access the Web3-Onboard wallet within your dApp, you can call the integrated connectWallet()
method provided by the @web3-onboard/core
library. The library will show a connection window with all supported wallets. You can then fetch the active wallet and set it as the default provider within your dApp.
// Trigger the connection process and screen
const connectedWallets = await web3OnboardComponent.connectWallet();
// Debug
To disconnect your wallet, you have to call the disconnectWallet()
method provided by the @web3-onboard/core
library. This method requires specifying the wallet you wish to disconnect. You can obtain the necessary information from the state of the Web3-Onboard component, maintaining the current wallet connections.
// Retrieve the current onboard state
const onboardState = web3OnboardComponent.state.get();
// Extract the current connected wallets
const [currentWallet] = onboardState.wallets;
if (currentWallet) {
// If there is an active connection, trigger the disconnect process
await web3OnboardComponent.disconnectWallet({ label: currentWallet.label });
Sample Integration
- Check out the Web3-Onboard Guide from LUKSO.
- Check our sample integration for NextJS on the dApp Boilerplate repository.
- Experiment with Web3-Onboard on up-test-dapp.lukso.tech.