HTML Elements
A lightweight typescript/javascript library to improve read and write of code
generated HTML strings. Each HTML element is a Element
class that can be
changed after creation and have the HTML re-generated again by calling toHTML
Another option is provided to use only functions instead of classes. It is a
better option to build faster HTML code without calling the toHTML
function if
dynamic code is not needed.
Use it as classes
import classes from 'html_elements';
const { div, h5, hr } = classes;
const html = div(
// ID
// Classes,
['py-3', 'mt-0', 'd-flex'],
// Content
[hr(), 'Testing content...'],
// Attributes
{'data-test': 'success'},
Use it as functions
import functions from 'html_elements';
const { div, h5, hr } = functions;
const html = div(
// ID
// Classes,
['py-3', 'mt-0', 'd-flex'],
// Content
hr() + 'Testing content...',
// Attributes
{'data-test': 'success'},