Abstraction for Utilizing Rocket.Chat's Realtime API Methods with RxJS v7. Forked by Luca Büning.
npm install --save @lucabuening/
For RxJS v5 Version of the Package
npm install --save
import { RealTimeAPI } from "lucabuening@/";
const realTimeAPI = new RealTimeAPI("wss://");
// Provide, URL to the Rocket.Chat's Realtime API.
// Responds "pong" to the "ping" message sent by the Realtime API. To keep the connection alive.
const auth = realTimeAPI.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD);
// Creating Observable
//Now subscribing the observable
(data) => console.log(data),
(err) => console.log(err),
() => console.log('completed'));
// Use any of the methods implmented in the package.
Methods | Functionality |
connectToServer() | Initiates Connections to the Server to the RealTime API. Returns Observable with the server's response |
keepAlive() | Returns Observable to subscribe which Responds "pong" to the "ping" message sent by the Realtime API. To keep the connection alive. |
login(username, password) | Returns Observable to the Result/Response from the RealTime API. |
loginWithAuthToken(authToken) | Returns Observable to the Result/Response from the RealTime API. |
loginWithOAuth(credToken, credSecret) | Returns Observable to the Result/Response from the RealTime API. |
callMethod(methodName, ...params) | Returns Observable to the Result of Method Call from Rocket.Chat Realtime API |
sendMessage(jsonObject) | Sends the JSON Object to the API Server |
onMessage( message => console.log(message) ) | Subscribes to the Messages sent from the server |
onError( error => console.error(error) ) | Subscribes to the Errors. |
onCompletion(() =>"Complete")) | Subscribes to Completion on the Websocket Connection |
subscribe(messageHandler, errorHandler, completionHandler) | Subscribes to All three i.e - messages, errors and completion |
getObservable() | Returns observable of the WebSocket Connection to the RealTime API |
disconnect() | Disconnect the WebSocket Connection between client and RealTime API |