
4.1.0 • Public • Published


This library contains type checking functions and a few general utilities.


npm i @locustjs/base



var someFn = require('@locustjs/base').someFn;
var { someFn } = require('@locustjs/base');


import { someFn } from '@locustjs/base'


function description
isString(arg: any) returns true if arg is string, otherwise returns false
isNumber(arg: any) returns true if arg is number, otherwise returns false
isDate(arg: any) returns true if arg is date, otherwise returns false
isBool(arg: any) returns true if arg is boolean, otherwise returns false
isaN(arg: any) returns true if arg is a number, otherwise returns false
isBasic(arg: any) returns true if arg is basic data type (number, boolean, string, date), otherwise returns false
isPrimitive(arg: any) it is similar to isBasic, however, it accepts Number, String, Boolean and Date
isNull(arg: any) returns true if arg is null, otherwise returns false
isNullOrEmpty(arg: any) returns true if arg is null or empty, otherwise returns false
isEmpty(arg: any) returns true if arg is empty (null, undefined or empty string), otherwise returns false
isSomeString(arg: any) returns true if arg is a non-zero length string, otherwise returns false
isAnObject(arg: any) returns true if arg is object and is not null, otherwise returns false
isObject(arg: any) returns true if arg is object and is not an instance of String, Number, Boolean or Date, otherwise returns false
isSomething(arg: any) returns true if arg is not null, undefined, otherwise returns false
isSomeObject(arg: any) returns true if arg is an object with at least one key, otherwise returns false
isFunction(arg: any) returns true if arg is function, otherwise returns false
isNumeric(arg: any) returns true if arg is numeric, otherwise returns false
isInteger(arg: any) returns true if arg is an integer number, otherwise returns false
isFloat(arg: any) returns true if arg is a floating-point number, otherwise returns false
isSomeNumber(arg: any) returns true if arg is non-zero number, otherwise returns false
isjQueryElement(arg: any) returns true if arg is a jQuery element, otherwise returns false
hasDate(arg: any) returns true if arg is a string containing a date value, otherwise returns false
hasBool(arg: any) returns true if arg is a string containing true or false, otherwise returns false
isFormatedDate(arg: any) returns true if arg is a string containing a date value in yyyy-MM-dd, yyyy/MM/dd, yyyy.MM.dd or yyyy\MM\dd format, otherwise returns false
isArray(arg: any) returns true if arg is an array, otherwise returns false
isIterable(arg: any) returns true if arg is iterable (like an array), otherwise returns false
isSomeArray(arg: any) returns true if arg is a non-empty array , otherwise returns false
isNamespace(arg: any) returns true if arg is a namespace string, i.e. an string starting and ending with a letter and containing only letter/digit or underscore, otherwise returns false
isSubClassOf(child, parent) returns true if child is sub-class of parent, otherwise returns false


isString(x: any): boolean

isString(1)                 // false
isString(null)              // false
isString(undefined)         // false
isString(NaN)               // false
isString({})                // false
isString(``)                // true
isString('')                // true
isString("")                // true
isString('abc')             // true
isString(new String())      // true
isString(new String('123')) // true

isNumber(x: any): boolean, isaN(x: any): boolean

isNumber(1)                 // true
isNumber(`1`)               // false
isNumber(1.01)              // true
isNumber('1.01')            // false
isNumber("0.25")            // false
isNumber('')                // false
isNumber(null)              // false
isNumber(undefined)         // false
isNumber(NaN)               // false
isNumber({})                // false
isNumber(new String())      // false
isNumber(new Number())      // true
isNumber(new Number(123))   // true

isNumeric(x: any): boolean

isNumeric(1)                 // true
isNumeric(`1`)               // true
isNumeric(1.01)              // true
isNumeric('1.01')            // true
isNumeric("0.25")            // true
isNumeric('')                // false
isNumeric(null)              // false
isNumeric(undefined)         // false
isNumeric(NaN)               // false
isNumeric({})                // false
isNumeric(new String())      // false
isNumeric(new Number())      // true
isNumeric(new Number(123))   // true

isInteger(x: any): boolean

isInteger(1)                 // true
isInteger(`1`)               // false
isInteger(1.01)              // false
isInteger('1.01')            // false
isInteger("0.25")            // false
isInteger('')                // false
isInteger(null)              // false
isInteger(undefined)         // false
isInteger(NaN)               // false
isInteger({})                // false
isInteger(new String())      // false
isInteger(new Number())      // true
isInteger(new Number(123))   // true
isInteger(new Number(12.34)) // false

isFloat(x: any): boolean

isFloat(1)                 // true
isFloat(`1`)               // false
isFloat(1.01)              // true
isFloat('1.01')            // false
isFloat("0.25")            // false
isFloat('')                // false
isFloat(null)              // false
isFloat(undefined)         // false
isFloat(NaN)               // false
isFloat({})                // false
isFloat(new String())      // false
isFloat(new Number())      // false
isFloat(new Number(123))   // false
isFloat(new Number(12.34)) // true

isDate(x: any): boolean

isDate('')                      // false
isDate(null)                    // false
isDate(undefined)               // false
isDate({})                      // false
isDate('2024')                  // false
isDate('2024-04-21')            // false
isDate('2024/04/21')            // false
isDate(new Date())              // true
isDate(new Date(2024, 10, 21))  // true

isBool(x: any): boolean

isBool('')                  // false
isBool(null)                // false
isBool(undefined)           // false
isBool({})                  // false
isBool('true')              // false
isBool("false")             // false
isBool(true)                // true
isBool(new Boolean())       // true
isBool(new Boolean(true))   // true

isBasic(x: any): boolean

isBasic('')                     // true
isBasic(null)                   // false
isBasic(undefined)              // false
isBasic(NaN)                    // false
isBasic('23')                   // true
isBasic({})                     // false
isBasic(true)                   // true
isBasic(new String('123'))      // false
isBasic(new Boolean(false))     // false
isBasic(new Number(123))        // false
isBasic(new Date(1998, 5, 14))  // false

isPrimitive(x: any): boolean

isPrimitive('')                     // true
isPrimitive(null)                   // false
isPrimitive(undefined)              // false
isPrimitive(NaN)                    // false
isPrimitive('23')                   // true
isPrimitive({})                     // false
isPrimitive(true)                   // true
isPrimitive(new String('123'))      // true
isPrimitive(new Boolean(false))     // true
isPrimitive(new Number(123))        // true
isPrimitive(new Date(1998, 5, 14))  // true

The difference between isBasic and isPrimitive is that, the former does not return true on instances of String, Number and Boolean, while the latter does.

isNull(x: any): boolean

isNull('')          // false
isNull(null)        // true
isNull(undefined)   // false
isNull(NaN)         // false
isNull({})          // false

isUndefined(x: any): boolean

isUndefined('')          // false
isUndefined(null)        // false
isUndefined(undefined)   // true
isUndefined(NaN)         // false
isUndefined({})          // false

isEmpty(x: any): boolean

isEmpty('')          // true
isEmpty('   ')       // true
isEmpty(null)        // true
isEmpty(undefined)   // true
isEmpty(NaN)         // true
isEmpty({})          // false

isNullOrEmpty(x: any): boolean

isNullOrEmpty('')          // true
isNullOrEmpty('   ')       // false
isNullOrEmpty(null)        // true
isNullOrEmpty(undefined)   // true
isNullOrEmpty(NaN)         // true
isNullOrEmpty({})          // false

The difference between isEmpty and isNullOrEmpty is that, the former returns true on strings that have only whitespaces characters while the latter does not.

isAnObject(x: any): boolean

isAnObject('')              // false
isAnObject(null)            // false
isAnObject(undefined)       // false
isAnObject(NaN)             // false
isAnObject({})              // true
isAnObject(new String())    // true
isAnObject(new Number(5))   // true
isAnObject([])              // false
isAnObject([10, 20, 30])    // false

isObject(x: any): boolean

isObject('')              // false
isObject(null)            // false
isObject(undefined)       // false
isObject(NaN)             // false
isObject({})              // true
isObject(new String())    // false
isObject(new Number(5))   // false
isObject([])              // false
isObject([10, 20, 30])    // false

isObject is a safe method that returns true only and only on objects. Although, arrays and instances of String, Number and Boolean types are object, isObject does not return true for them.

isSomeString(x: any): boolean

isSomeString(1)                 // false
isSomeString(null)              // false
isSomeString(undefined)         // false
isSomeString(NaN)               // false
isSomeString({})                // false
isSomeString(``)                // false
isSomeString('')                // false
isSomeString('  ')              // false
isSomeString("")                // false
isSomeString('abc')             // true
isSomeString(new String())      // false
isSomeString(new String('123')) // true

isSomeNumber(x: any): boolean

isSomeNumber(1)                 // true
isSomeNumber(0)                 // false
isSomeNumber(`1`)               // false
isSomeNumber(1.01)              // true
isSomeNumber('1.01')            // false
isSomeNumber("0.25")            // false
isSomeNumber('')                // false
isSomeNumber(null)              // false
isSomeNumber(undefined)         // false
isSomeNumber(NaN)               // false
isSomeNumber({})                // false
isSomeNumber(new String())      // false
isSomeNumber(new Number())      // false
isSomeNumber(new Number(123))   // true
isSomeNumber(new Number(12.34)) // true

isSomeObject(x: any): boolean

isSomeObject('')              // false
isSomeObject(null)            // false
isSomeObject(undefined)       // false
isSomeObject(NaN)             // false
isSomeObject({})              // false
isSomeObject(new String())    // false
isSomeObject(new Number(5))   // false
isSomeObject([])              // false
isSomeObject([10, 20, 30])    // false
isSomeObject({ a: 10 })       // true

isSomeArray(x: any): boolean

isSomeArray('')              // false
isSomeArray(null)            // false
isSomeArray(undefined)       // false
isSomeArray(NaN)             // false
isSomeArray({})              // false
isSomeArray(new String())    // false
isSomeArray(new Number(5))   // false
isSomeArray([])              // false
isSomeArray([10, 20, 30])    // true
isSomeArray({ a: 10 })       // false

isSomething(x: any): boolean

isSomething('')              // true
isSomething(null)            // false
isSomething(undefined)       // false
isSomething(NaN)             // false
isSomething({})              // true
isSomething(new String())    // true
isSomething(new Number(5))   // true

isFunction(x: any): boolean

isFunction('')                          // false
isFunction(null)                        // false
isFunction(undefined)                   // false
isFunction(NaN)                         // false
isFunction({})                          // false
isFunction(new String())                // false
isFunction(new Number(5))               // false
isFunction([])                          // false
isFunction([10, 20, 30])                // false
isFunction({ a: 10 })                   // false
isFunction(() => ())                    // true
isFunction((x) => x)                    // true
isFunction(() => {})                    // true
isFunction(() => { return 10 })         // true
isFunction(function () {})              // true
isFunction(function () { return 10 })   // true

hasDate(x: any): boolean

hasDate('')                     // false
hasDate(null)                   // false
hasDate(undefined)              // false
hasDate(NaN)                    // false
hasDate(new Date())             // true
hasDate(new Date(2024, 10, 5))  // true
hasDate('')                     // false
hasDate('2024')                 // true
hasDate('2024-05-06')           // true
hasDate(new String(''))         // false
hasDate(new String('1'))        // true
hasDate(5)                      // true
hasDate(new Number(5))          // true

hasBool(x: any): boolean

hasBool('')                     // false
hasBool(null)                   // false
hasBool(undefined)              // false
hasBool(NaN)                    // false
hasBool({})                     // false
hasBool({ a: 10 })              // false
hasBool(new Boolean())          // true
hasBool(new Boolean(true))      // true
hasBool('')                     // false
hasBool('true')                 // true
hasBool('false')                // true
hasBool('  true    ')           // true
hasBool('   false')             // true
hasBool('True')                 // true
hasBool('tRUe')                 // true
hasBool('FALSE')                // true
hasBool('   FALSE ')            // true
hasBool('True', false)          // false
hasBool('FALSE', false)         // false
hasBool(new String('true'))     // true
hasBool(new String('  true'))   // true
hasBool(new String('FALSE'))    // true
hasBool(5)                      // false
hasBool(new Number(5))          // false

isNamespace(x: any): boolean

isNamespace(null)   // false
isNamespace('')     // false
isNamespace('_')    // false
isNamespace('a')    // true
isNamespace(' a')   // false
isNamespace('_a')   // false
isNamespace('a_')   // false
isNamespace('a1')   // true
isNamespace('1')    // false
isNamespace('1a')   // false

isSubClassOf(ChildClass, ParentClass)

class Foo {}
class Bar extends Foo {}
class Baz {}

isSubClassOf(Bar, Foo)  // true
isSubClassOf(Baz, Foo)  // false

forEach(x: any, callback: function): array

This function iterates over x's props and calls callback on each iteration. It returns an array of callback's return value. if the callback does not return anything, it uses value of current prop.

callback receives an object with the following structure:

    source: any,            // main object
    index: number,          // iteration number
    key: string | number    // in objects: current prop name; in arrays:, current index
    value: any,             // current value
    count: number           // in objects: number of props; in arrays: array length

Example 1: iterate an object

const obj = { name: 'ali', age: 23, sex: true }

forEach(obj, ({ index, key, value }) => console.log(`${index}: ${key} = ${value}`))
0: name = ali
1: age = 23
2: sex = true

Example 2: iterate an array

const obj = [10, 'ali', true, new Date(2024, 10, 12)]

forEach(obj, ({ key, value }) => console.log(`${key} = ${value}`))
0 = 10
1 = ali
2 = true
3 = 2024-10-12 15:47:35

Example 3: more practical exmaple:

const obj = { name: 'ali', age: 23, sex: true }

const values = forEach(obj).map(x => x.value)

console.log(values)     // [ 'ali', 23, true ]

const querystring = forEach(obj).map(x => `${x.key}=${encodeURI(x.value)}`).join('&')

console.log(querystring)     // name=ali&age=23&sex=true

forEach() also provides breaking feature. In order to break the loop, we should set break to true in the argument passed to callback.

Example: break iteration

const obj = {
    name: 'ali',
    age: 23,
    sex: true,
    city: 'tehran',
    phone: '22334455'

const list = forEach(obj, (args) => {
    if (args.key == 'city') {
        args.break = true

    { key: 'name', value: 'ali' },
    { key: 'age', value: 23 },
    { key: 'sex', value: 'true' }

Finally, forEach provides skipping over some items by setting skip to true on the argment passed to callback.

const obj = {
    name: 'ali',
    age: 23,
    sex: true,
    city: '',
    phone: '22334455',
    zip: '   '

const querystring = forEach(obj, (args) => {
    args.skip = isEmpty(args.value)
}).map(x => `${x.key}=${encodeURI(x.value)}`).join('&')

console.log(querystring)     // name=ali&age=23&sex=true&phone=22334455

equals(objA: any, objB: any, strict: boolean): boolean

This function checks whether objA and objB are equal or not. Comparison can be done strict or loose.

// loose comparison: strict = false
equals(null, null) // true
equals(null, undefined) // true
equals(1, 1) // true
equals(1, '1') // true
equals({}, {}) // true
equals({ a: 10 }, { a: 10 }) // true
equals({ a: 10 }, { a: '10' }) // true
equals({ a: 10, b: 'test' }, { a: '10', b: 'test' }) // true
equals([], []) // true
equals([10, 20], [10, 20]) // true
equals([10, '20'], ['10', 20]) // true
equals({ a: 10, b: [20, 30] }, { a: 10, b: [20, 30] }) // true
equals({ a: 10, b: [20, '30'] }, { a: 10, b: ['20', 30] }) // true
equals({ a: 10, b: [20, {c: 30}] }, { a: 10, b: ['20', {c: 30}] }) // true
equals({ a: 10, b: [20, {c: 30}] }, { a: 10, b: ['20', {c: '30'}] }) // true

// strict comparison: strict = true
equals(null, null, true) // true
equals(null, undefined, true) // false
equals(1, 1, true) // true
equals(1, '1', true) // false
equals({}, {}, true) // true
equals({ a: 10 }, { a: 10 }, true) // true
equals({ a: 10 }, { a: '10' }, true) // false
equals({ a: 10, b: 'test' }, { a: '10', b: 'test' }, true) // false
equals([], [], true) // true
equals([10, 20], [10, 20], true) // true
equals([10, '20'], ['10', 20], true) // false
equals({ a: 10, b: [20, 30] }, { a: 10, b: [20, 30] }, true) // true
equals({ a: 10, b: [20, '30'] }, { a: 10, b: ['20', 30] }, true) // false
equals({ a: 10, b: [20, {c: 30}] }, { a: 10, b: ['20', {c: 30}] }, true) // false
equals({ a: 10, b: [20, {c: 30}] }, { a: 10, b: ['20', {c: '30'}] }, true) // false

query(obj: any, path: string): any

This function reads a value from an object.

const obj = {
    name: 'ali',
    address: {
        id: 123,
        city: {
            name: 'tehran',
            phone: '22334455'
    marks: [19.5, 18.25, 15],
    locations: [
        { x: 34.5, y: 32.26, name: 'home' },
        { x: 20.1, y: 30.78, name: 'work' },
        { x: 18.7, y: 29.01, name: 'parents' },
    points: {
        likes: [
                source: {
                    page: {
                        id: 8001,
                        tags: ['earth', 'mars', 'venus']

query(obj, 'name')    // ali
query(obj, 'address.id')    // 123
query(obj, 'address.city.name')    // tehran
query(obj, 'marks[2]')    // 18.25
query(obj, 'locations[2].name')    // work
query(obj, 'points.likes[0].source.page.tags[1]')    // mars


This is an abstract base class that defines structure of conversion classes.


method description
toBool(x: any): boolean converts x to a boolean value if possible. if not, returns false
toNumber(x: any): number converts x to a number if possible. if not, returns zero
toDate(x: any, default = new Date()): date converts x to a Date object if possible. if not, returns default (current date by default)


This is the default implementation of ConversionBase.


This is a static helper class with static methods similar to ConversionBase class.

Convert.toBool('true')      // true
Convert.toBool('True')      // true
Convert.toNumber('23.5')    // 23.5

By default, Convert uses an instance of ConversionDefault to do conversions. However, it has a static property named instance through which we can set another subclass of ConversionBase for conversion.

class MyConversion extends ConversionBase { 
    toBool(x) {
        return x == 'true'

Convert.instance = new MyConversion()

Convert.toBool('True')  // false

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  • mansoor-omrani