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4.0.2 • Public • Published


LiveChat Customer SDK is a set of tools that helps you build a custom chat widget. Under the hood, it makes use of the LiveChat Customer Chat API. Customer SDK lets you communicate with LiveChat services directly from the browser environment using JavaScript without the need to develop your backend.

Is it for me?

If you need to customize the LiveChat Widget, using LiveChat Customer SDK is one of the options to do this. If you need a fully customizable solution and you feel brave, dive into LiveChat Customer SDK. We provide methods and events for deep integration with the LiveChat environment.

Keep in mind that interacting with this API requires some development skills.

Customer SDK allows you to create frontend apps, so if you're looking for server-side solutions, you should explore the LiveChat Customer Chat API instead. If you want to dive deeper into the LiveChat Platform, you might find the Platform Overview article handy.

About LiveChat Customer SDK

We provide an asynchronous API. Most methods return a Promise. You can subscribe to the emitted events with the on and off methods. Not familiar with promises? Read this article to learn more.

We authenticate your sessions with the use of customer-auth package and expose the created auth object to the returned SDK instance. In general, you don't have to worry about it or use the exposed object. If you need to get the authentication token, you can get it through the SDK like this:

customerSDK.auth.getToken().then(token => {


If you have any questions, you can start a chat with our 24/7 Support.

How to start

This tutorial is here to help you get started with LiveChat Customer SDK.

Create an application

First, you need to create an application in Developer Console (select the Web app (frontend, e.g. JavaScript) type). Then, you will have to give it the access to the customers:own scope and the correct URI to the Redirect URI whitelist.

Install Customer SDK

You can use the LiveChat Customer SDK in two different ways:

Using npm

npm install --save @livechat/customer-sdk

Import the SDK in your code:

import * as CustomerSDK from '@livechat/customer-sdk'

Or use the node-style require call:

const CustomerSDK = require('@livechat/customer-sdk')

Using a script tag - UMD module hosted on unpkg's CDN

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@livechat/customer-sdk@3.1.1"></script>

If you just want to look around and play with the SDK, check out our sample chat widget implementation.

For the time being you need to register your application in the Developers Console as a "Web app (frontend, eg. JavaScript)" type. Then, you have to pass the configured redirectUri to the init, along with the regular required properties (organizationId and clientId).

Using the API

To use the API you will first need to create an instance using the init function. You will need to provide your organizationId and clientId when creating a Customer SDK instance.

Other optional configuration parameters are also available:

parameters type default description
organizationId string Your Organization ID, you receive this value when creating a new livechat account.
clientId string Your client id, you receive this value when you register your application in the LiveChat Developer Console.
autoConnect boolean true Optional; should the library try to reconnect on it's own.
groupId number 0 Optional; the id of the group you wish to connect to.
uniqueGroups boolean false Optional; by default, the customer's identity is the same for all groups. If you want to create a separate customer identity for each group, set this parameter to true. When set to true, passing a groupId is required.
region 'dal' | 'fra' 'dal' Optional; the server region your license is at.
redirectUri string Optional; should only be used inside ReactNative, this is the URI which your webview is redirected to after authorization.
customerDataProvider () => CustomerData Optional; should only be used if you need to send customer data during login. In general, updateCustomer() should be prefered for sending customer data.
identityProvider () => CustomerAuth Optional; allows for providing own instance of the CustomerAuth object which contains the customer access token handlers. See Custom Identity Provider for more information.
page object Optional; customer page information.
page.url string Optional; customer page url.
page.title string Optional; customer page title.
referrer string Optional; page referrer


parameters type description
name string Optional
email string Optional
sessionFields object Key: value pairs


parameters type description
getFreshToken () => Promise Should resolve with freshly requested customer access token.
getToken () => Promise Should resolve with currently stored customer access token.
hasToken () => Promise Should resolve with a boolean value representing if a token has been already acquired.
invalidate () => Promise Should handle token invalidation and/or clearing the locally cached value.

The init function will return a Customer SDK instance:

const customerSDK = CustomerSDK.init({
  organizationId: ORGANIZATION_ID,
  clientId: CLIENT_ID,

With customerSDK, you can attach events:

customerSDK.on('new_event', newEvent => {

Or execute methods:

const chatId = 'OU0V0P0OWT'
    event: {
      type: 'message',
      text: 'Hi!',
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {

Using the API in React Native

If you want to use LiveChat Customer SDK in React Native, keep in mind that we use cookies to authenticate your sessions, so we need some sort of browser environment for that. We've prepared a special wrapper for you to use in React Native. It opens a WebView component to get an authentication token. All you have to do is import it from our authentication package (no need to install it - the SDK depends on it, so you already have it) and mount it in your React Native application:

import { AuthWebView } from '@livechat/customer-auth'
import { init } from '@livechat/customer-sdk'

export default class App extends React.Component {
  customerSDK = null

  componentDidMount() {
    this.customerSDK = init({
      organizationId: ORGANIZATION_ID,
      clientId: CLIENT_ID,
      redirectUri: REDIRECT_URI,
    // you can start using customerSDK from now

  render() {
    return (
        <AuthWebView />

If you are looking for something simpler, you can use a LiveChat for React Native library. This is a React Native component to easily add the LiveChat Widget with basic functionality to your application.

Key Concepts

The LiveChat system includes four basic types of entities - users, chats, threads, and events.

  • Chats consist of threads and threads consist of events.
  • Threads are parts of chats.
  • Users can add events to chats, which then are automatically added to threads.
  • Users can participate in many chats at the same time.

Threads are a vital part of the LiveChat architecture. Grouping events in threads allows us to provide the continuous chat experience (i.e. the Customer always has the option to continue the conversation) while still maintaining smaller, logical chunks of events (e.g. for reporting and caching purposes). Handling operations such as loading archival events from the chat history can be challenging, but you won't have to worry about managing threads most of the time. Customer SDK provides wrappers for common tasks and most methods expect to receive chat IDs. You will only get notified about thread metadata if you explicitly ask for it.

You can read more about key concepts of the LiveChat messaging in the Messaging Overview.



  id: 'ed9d4095-45d6-428d-5093-f8ec7f1f81b9',
  type: 'agent',
  name: 'Jane Doe',
  jobTitle: 'Agent',
  avatar: 'https://cdn.livechat.com/cloud/?uri=https://livechat.s3.amazonaws.com/default/avatars/a7.png',


  id: 'ed9d0195-45d6-428d-5093-f8ec7f1471b9',
  type: 'customer',
  name: 'Jon Doe',
  avatar: 'https://cdn.livechat.com/cloud/?uri=https://livechat.s3.amazonaws.com/default/avatars/a6.png',
  fields: {
    custom_property: 'BasketValue=10usd',


  id: 'OU0V0P0OWT',
  users: [{
    id: 'ed9d4095-45d6-428d-5093-f8ec7f1f81b9',
    // ... more user properties
  lastSeenTimestamps: {
    'ed9d4095-45d6-428d-5093-f8ec7f1f81b9': 1503062591000, // might be null
  threads: ['OU0V0U3IMN'],


  type: 'message',
  text: 'hi!',
    author: 'ed9d4095-45d6-428d-5093-f8ec7f1f81b9', // assigned by server
  id: 'OU0V0U3IMN_1', // assigned by server
    timestamp: 1503062591000, // assigned by server
    customId: '814.3316641404942', // optional
    thread: 'OU0V4R0OXP',
  properties: {},


  id: 'OU0V0U3IMN',
  active: true,
  order: 3,
  users: ['ed9d4095-45d6-428d-5093-f8ec7f1f81b9'],
  lastSeenTimestamps: {
    'ed9d4095-45d6-428d-5093-f8ec7f1f81b9': 1503062591000, // might be null
  events: [ /* events */ ],



You can use this method to inform that a Customer has seen a greeting. Based on that, the Reports section displays only the greetings seen by Customers instead of all the sent greetings. If a Customer started a chat from a greeting but you didn't execute acceptGreeting method, the greeting counts as seen in Reports anyway.

As arguments to this method you should use uniqueId & greetingId received in the incoming_greeting or connected event.

    greetingId: 7,
    uniqueId: 'Q10X0W041P',
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {


parameters type
greetingId number
uniqueId string


  • GREETING_NOT_FOUND - a given uniqueId couldn't be found on the server


Cancels a greeting (an invitation to the chat). For example, Customers could cancel greetings by clicking close icon on the displayed greeting.

    uniqueId: 'Q10X0W041P',
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {


parameters type
uniqueId string


  • GREETING_NOT_FOUND - given uniqueId could not be found on the server


Cancels rate-related thread properties.

    chatId: 'ON0X0R0L67',
    properties: ['score', 'comment'],
  .then(response => {
  .catch(() => {


  • MISSING_CHAT_THREAD - the targeted chat is empty and has no threads.


Starts the connection process to our servers. It is needed when:

  • The autoConnect: false argument has been passed to the init method.
const customerSDK = CustomerSDK.init({
  licenseId: LICENSE_ID,
  clientId: CLIENT_ID,
  autoConnect: false,

/* later in the code... */

  • You get disconnected for a reason that suspends reconnection attempts (e.g. inactivity_timeout).
customerSDK.on('disconnected', ({ reason }) => {
  if (reason === 'inactivity_timeout') {


  .deactivateChat({ id: 'ON0X0R0L67' })
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {


parameters type description
id string Chat ID in which thread should get closed

Returned value:

properties type
success boolean


Deletes given chat properties.

    id: 'ON0X0R0L67',
    properties: {
      property_namespace: ['sample'],
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {


parameters type description
id string ID of the chat whose properties you want to delete.
properties object Chat properties to delete

Returned value:

properties type
success boolean


Deletes given event properties.

    chatId: 'ON0X0R0L67',
    threadId: 'OS0C0W0Z1B',
    eventId: 'Q50W0A0P0Y',
    properties: {
      property_namespace: ['sample'],
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {


parameters type description
chatId string ID of the chat whose properties you want to delete.
threadId string ID of the thread whose properties you want to delete.
eventId string ID of the event whose properties you want to delete.
properties object Properties to delete

Returned value:

properties type
success boolean


Deletes given chat thread properties.

    chatId: 'ON0X0R0L67',
    threadId: 'OS0C0W0Z1B',
    properties: {
      property_namespace: ['sample'],
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {


parameters type description
chatId string ID of the chat whose properties you want to delete.
threadId string ID of the thread whose properties you want to delete.
properties object Properties to delete

Returned value:

properties type
success boolean


Clears any stored resources, removes all listeners, and disconnects from the network. After using this method, you won't be able to use the destroyed Customer SDK instance.



Disconnects from the server.



Returns the chat data about the requested chat ID together with a single thread's data. If the method is called with the threadId parameter, then this particular thread is being returned. If no threadId is given, the latest thread is automatically returned.

    chatId: 'ON0X0R0L67',
  .then(chat => {
    const { id, access, users, properties, thread } = chat
    console.log({ id, access, users, properties, thread })
  .catch(error => {


parameters type description
chatId string
threadId string optional

Returned value:

properties type description
id string Chat ID
access object Chat initial access
users object[] Users objects referenced in the chat
properties object Chat properties
thread object


Helps loading in historical thread events.

First, call getChatHistory to access the history object of a particular chat. The returned history object has only one method, next, which gives you a Promise with a { done, value } object.

  • done - indicates if there is anything more to load
  • value - an object with an array of threads, each containing an array of its events

Then, you can keep calling history.next() multiple times to load previous historical events. They're going to be grouped into threads and might require merging with already loaded events. This is useful for implementing an infinite scroll or otherwise showing your Customer's archival chats. Keep in mind, though, that you generally shouldn't call next while the history is loading - we queue those requests, so the previous one must resolve before we proceed with the next one.

The structure such as our history object is called an async iterator.

let wholeChatHistoryLoaded = false

const history = customerSDK.getChatHistory({ chatId: 'OU0V0P0OWT' })

history.next().then(result => {
  if (result.done) {
    wholeChatHistoryLoaded = true

  const { threads } = result.value

  const events = threads
    .map(thread => thread.events || [])
    .reduce((acc, current) => acc.concat(current), [])



parameters type description
chatId string Chat ID of the requested history object


Returns the info about the Customer requesting it.

  .then(customer => {
  .catch(error => {

Returned value:

properties type description
type 'customer'
id string
name string Returned only if set
email string Returned only if set
avatar string Returned only if set
sessionFields object
statistics object
statistics.chatsCount number
statistics.threadsCount number
statistics.visitsCount number
statistics.pageViewsCount number
statistics.greetingsShownCount number
statistics.greetingsAcceptedCount number


Allows you to fetch a form template for a given group and form type.

    groupId: 0,
    type: 'prechat',
  .then(response => {
    if (response.enabled) {
      // prechat form is enabled for this group in the configurator
  .catch(error => {


parameters type
groupId number
type 'prechat', 'postchat' or 'ticket'

Returned value:

properties type description
enabled boolean
form object Available only when a given form is enabled
form.id string
form.fields object[]


    groupId: 0,
  .then(agent => {
  .catch(error => {


parameters type description
groupId number Optional

Returned value:

properties type description
agent object
agent.id string
agent.name string
agent.jobTitle string
agent.type 'agent'
agent.isBot boolean
queue boolean True when the current group has reached concurrent chat limit


  • GROUP_OFFLINE - the requested group is offline, and it was not possible to return a predicted Agent for it.
  • GROUP_UNAVAILABLE - thrown when manual routing is enabled for the group and a predicted Agent is requested for it. If you call startChat or resumeChat accordingly, you'll end up in the queue.


It returns the info on a given URL.

  .getUrlInfo({ url: 'https://www.livechat.com' })
  .then(urlDetails => {
    if (urlDetails.title) {
      console.log(`The title of requested URL is: ${urlDetails.title}`)
    if (urlDetails.description) {
        `The description of requested URL is: ${urlDetails.description}`,
    if (urlDetails.imageUrl) {
        `The preview image of requested URL is available under: ${urlDetails.imageUrl}`,
      if (urlDetails.imageWidth && urlDetails.imageHeight) {
        console.log(`Its width is: ${urlDetails.imageWidth}`)
        console.log(`Its height is: ${urlDetails.imageHeight}`)
  .catch(error => {


parameters type
url string

Returned value:

properties type description
url string
title string Optional
description string Optional
imageUrl string Optional
imageWidth number Optional
imageHeight number Optional


Unsubscribes from emitted events, which are described here.


Subscribes to emitted events, which are described here.


Subscribes to emitted events, which are described here. Unsubscribes immediately after the callback gets called.


It returns summaries of the chats a Customer participated in.

    pageId: 'MTU5MTEwMTUxNDM5NTk5OTpkZXNj',
    limit: 10,
  .then(({ chatsSummary, totalChats }) => {
  .catch(error => {


parameters type description
pageId string Optional; the cursor returned from the previous listChats calls
limit number Optional; the limit of returned results. Default is set to 10 and maximum is 25

Returned value:

properties type description
chatsSummary object[]
chatsSummary[].id string Chat ID
chatsSummary[].active boolean
chatsSummary[].users object[] Users objects referenced in the chat
chatsSummary[].lastEvent object Event
chatsSummary[].lastEventsPerType object Map of event types to event objects
chatsSummary[].lastSeenTimestamps object Map of user IDs to optional lastSeenTimestamps
chatsSummary[].lastThread string Thread ID
totalChats number


Returns availability statuses of the requested groups.

    groupIds: [3, 10],
  .then(statusMap => {
    console.log(`Status of the group 3: ${statusMap[3]}`)
    console.log(`Status of the group 10: ${statusMap[10]}`)
  .catch(error => {


parameters type description
groupsIds number[] Optional; if omitted, statuses of all groups are returned.

Returned value:

properties type description
statusMap object Map of group numbers to availability statuses


Returns a list of thread objects together with the previous and next page ID cursors that can be used to load more threads. If you want to load consecutive events, consider using getChatHistory.

    chatId: 'ON0X0R0L67',
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {


parameters type description
chatId string
pageId string Optional, the cursor returned from the previous listThreads calls
sortOrder 'desc' | 'asc' Optional, default: 'desc'
limit number Optional, default: 3, can't be used together with minEventsCount
minEventsCount number Optional, can't be used together with limit

Returned value:

properties type description
threads object[]
threads[].id string Thread ID
threads[].chatId string Chat ID
threads[].active boolean Active state
threads[].createdAt string Thread creation date in RFC 3339 date-time format
threads[].userIds string[] User IDs
threads[].events object[] Events
threads[].properties object Chat properties
threads[].access object
threads[].queue object Optional
threads[].queue.position number Current position in the queue
threads[].queue.waitTime number Estimated waiting time for an agent to be assigned to the chat, in seconds
threads[].queue.queuedAt string RFC 3339 date-time format
previousPageId string
nextPageId string


Marks events as seen by the current Customer up to the given date.

    chatId: 'ON0X0R0L67',
    seenUpTo: '2017-10-12T15:19:21.010200Z',
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {


parameters type description
chatId string ID of the chat in which you want to mark events as seen.
seenUpTo string RFC 3339 date-time format; you should use the event's createdAt value as the argument.

Returned value:

properties type
success boolean


Sends chat rating and a comment for the most recent chat thread.

    chatId: 'ON0X0R0L67',
    rating: {
      score: 1,
      comment: 'Agent helped me a lot!',
  .then(() => {
    console.log('Rating has been set')
  .catch(error => {


parameters type description
chatId Destination chat ID
rating.score 0 or 1 Rating value: 0 for a bad rating and 1 for a good rating
rating.comment string Optional comment

Returned value:

properties type
success boolean


  • MISSING_CHAT_THREAD - the targeted chat cannot be rated because it has no threads.


Resumes an archived chat.

    chat: {
      id: 'OU0V0P0OWT',
      thread: {
        events: [],
  .then(chat => {
  .catch(error => {


parameters type description
data.active boolean Optional; defaults to true but can be used to create threads that are immediately inactive
data.continuous boolean Optional
data.chat.id string
data.chat.access Access Optional
data.chat.properties object Optional, Default properties docs
data.chat.thread.events Event[] Optional; you can pass initial events which will immediately become part of the created thread.
data.chat.thread.properties object Optional, Default properties docs


  • CHAT_ALREADY_ACTIVE - the chat is already active and you can't activate it again.
  • GROUPS_OFFLINE - a group in the targeted chat is offline. It can happen when asynchronous communication is disabled.


Sends a provided object as an event with a specified type.

const event = {
  type: 'message',
  // ... other properties specific for the event's type

    chatId: 'ON0X0R0L67',
  .then(event => {
  .catch(error => {


parameters type description
chatId string Destination chat ID
event.type string Type of the event
attachToLastThread boolean Optional


Sends information to the server about a user's interaction with a rich message button.

    chatId: 'ON0X0R0L67',
    threadId: 'OS0C0W0Z1B',
    eventId: 'OS0C0W0Z1B01',
    postback: {
      id: 'OS0C0W0Z1B01002',
      toggled: true,
  .then(() => {
  .catch(error => {


parameters type default description
chatId string postback chat ID
threadId string postback thread ID
eventId string postback event ID
postback.id string Postback button ID
postback.toggled boolean true Postback toggled


Sends the request to set customer's session fields. They are available for the duration of the session.

  sessionFields: {
    foo: 'bar',
    test: 'qwerty',


parameters type
sessionFields object


You can use it to update the sneak peek in the Agent App. It is sent to the server only if the target chat is active. This method doesn't return a promise.

  chatId: 'ON0X0R0L67',
  sneakPeekText: 'what is the price for your ',


parameters type description
chatId string Target chat ID
sneakPeekText string Message preview broadcasted to the Agent


Starts a new chat. For one Customer, you can only start one chat. In order to activate a previously started chat, use resumeChat.

    chat: {
      thread: {
        events: [],
  .then(chat => {
  .catch(error => {


parameters type description
active boolean Optional, defaults to true but can be used to create threads that are immediately inactive
continuous boolean Optional
chat.access access Optional
chat.properties object Optional, Default properties docs
chat.thread.events event[] Optional; initial events that will immediately become a part of the created thread.
chat.thread.properties object Optional, Default properties docs


  • CHAT_LIMIT_REACHED - the maximum limit of chats per Customer has been reached, and it's not possible to start a new one. You should activate one of the existing chats. The limit is 1.
  • GROUPS_OFFLINE - a group in the targeted chat is offline. It can happen when asynchronous communication is disabled.


const properties = {
  property_namespace: {
    sample: 'property',
  .updateChatProperties({ id: 'ON0X0R0L67', properties })
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {


parameters type description
id string ID of the chat whose properties you want to update.
properties object Default properties docs


Updates the specified Customer properties and fields.

const properties = {
  name: 'John Doe',
  email: 'john.doe@example.com',
  sessionFields: {
    custom_property: 'BasketValue=10usd',
    any_key_is_ok: 'sample custom field',


parameters type description
properties.name string Optional
properties.email string Optional
properties.sessionFields object Optional; custom fields with string values


  • CUSTOMER_SESSION_FIELDS_LIMIT_REACHED - total amount of session fields would have been exceeded after requested update


Updates information about the Customer page using the provided page object.

const page = {
  url: 'https://developers.livechat.com/',
  title: 'LiveChat for Developers',


parameters type
page.url string
page.title string


Updates given properties of an event.

const properties = {
  property_namespace: {
    sample: 'property',
    chatId: 'ON0X0R0L67',
    threadId: 'OS0C0W0Z1B',
    eventId: 'Q50W0A0P0Y',
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {


parameters type description
chatId string ID of the chat whose properties you want to update.
threadId string ID of the thread whose properties you want to update.
eventId string ID of the event whose properties you want to update.
properties object Default properties docs


const properties = {
  property_namespace: {
    sample: 'property',
    chatId: 'ON0X0R0L67',
    threadId: 'OS0C0W0Z1B',
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {


parameters type description
chatId string ID of the chat whose properties you want to update.
threadId string ID of the thread whose properties you want to update.
properties object Default properties docs.


Returns both a promise and a cancel. You can use cancel to abort a file upload. It also lets you pass the onProgress callback function. Keep in mind that the maximum accepted file size is 10 MB.

It returns a URL that expires after 24 hours unless the URL is used in sendEvent

const { promise, cancel } = customerSDK.uploadFile({
  onProgress: progress => console.log(`upload progress: ${progress}`),

document.getElementById('cancel-upload').onclick = () => {

  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {


parameters type description
file blob
onProgress function Receives a progress value

onProgress parameters:

parameters type min max
progress number 0 1

Returned value:

properties type
url string

In React Native, instead of passing a blob you need to pass an object of such a shape:

const file = {
  uri: uriFromCameraRoll,
  type: 'image/jpeg', // optional
  name: 'photo.jpg', // optional


You can listen for emitted events by subscribing to them using the on method with your custom callback. For example, your function can be executed every time a message is received.

Availability updated

Informs about a changed availability status.

customerSDK.on('availability_updated', ({ availability }) => {
  console.log('availability_updated', availability)


properties type description
availability string 'online' or 'offline'

Chat deactivated

Informs that thread has been closed.

customerSDK.on('chat_deactivated', payload => {
  const { chatId } = payload
  console.log('chat_deactivated', { chatId })


properties type description
chatId string Chat ID

Chat properties deleted

Informs about deleted chat properties.

customerSDK.on('chat_properties_deleted', payload => {
  const { chatId, properties } = payload
  console.log('chat_properties_deleted', { chatId, properties })


properties type description
chatId string Chat ID
properties object Chat properties

Chat properties updated

Informs about updated chat properties.

customerSDK.on('chat_properties_updated', payload => {
  const { chatId, properties } = payload
  console.log('chat_properties_updated', { chatId, properties })


properties type description
chatId string Chat ID
properties object Chat properties

Chat transferred

Informs that a chat was transferred to a different group or an Agent.

customerSDK.on('chat_transferred', payload => {
  const { chatId, threadId, transferredTo } = payload
  console.log('chat_transferred', {


properties type description
chatId string
threadId string
reason string
requesterId string returned only if reason is equal to 'manual'
transferredTo.agentIds string[] optional
transferredTo.groupIds number[] optional
queue optional
queue.position number Current place in the queue
queue.waitTime number Estimated waiting time for an agent to be assigned to the chat, in seconds
queue.queuedAt string RFC 3339 date-time format


Informs that the connection has been established.

customerSDK.on('connected', payload => {
  const { customer, availability, greeting } = payload
  console.log('connected', { customer, availability, greeting })


argument type description
customer object Customer object, the same as the response from getCustomer
availability string 'online' or 'offline'
greeting greeting Optional greeting received before the thread started


argument type description
id number Greeting template identifier
text string Text content of the greeting message
uniqueId string Unique event ID of the greeting
displayedFirstTime boolean
accepted boolean
agent.id string
agent.name string
agent.avatar string
agent.jobTitle string
agent.isBot boolean

Connection recovered

Informs that Customer SDK has recovered from an "unstable" connection state. It's always preceded by the "connection_unstable" event.

customerSDK.on('connection_recovered', () => {

This event doesn't carry any additional payload.

Connection unstable

Informs that Customer SDK has detected that connection quality is poor. It doesn't mean that it has disconnected from the server just yet.

customerSDK.on('connection_unstable', () => {

This event doesn't carry any additional payload.

Customer ID

Informs about the ID of the Customer.

customerSDK.on('customer_id', id => {
  console.log('customer id is', id)


argument type
id string

Customer page updated

The Customer moved to another page, for example by following a link on your website.

customerSDK.on('customer_page_updated', payload => {
  const { url, title, openedAt } = payload
  console.log('customer_page_updated', { url, title, openedAt })


properties type
url string URL of the Customer current website
title string Title of the Customer current website
openedAt string Date of the last update in RFC 3339 date-time format

Customer updated

Informs that Customer's data was updated. Each property in payload is available only if it was updated.

customerSDK.on('customer_updated', customer => {
  if (customer.name) {
    console.log(`Name got updated to: ${customer.name}`)
  if (customer.email) {
    console.log(`Email got updated to: ${customer.email}`)
  if (customer.avatar) {
    console.log(`Avatar got updated to: ${customer.avatar}`)
  if (customer.fields) {
    console.log(`Fields got updated:`)


properties type
name string
email string
avatar string
fields object


Informs that SDK has disconnected from the server. The event provides the disconnection reason.

customerSDK.on('disconnected', payload => {
  const { reason } = payload
  console.log('disconnected', { reason })


properties type description
reason string disconnection reasons

Event properties deleted

Informs about the event properties that were deleted.

customerSDK.on('event_properties_deleted', payload => {
  const { chatId, threadId, eventId, properties } = payload
  console.log('event_properties_deleted', {


properties type description
chatId string Chat ID
threadId string Thread ID
eventId string Event ID
properties object Event properties

Event properties updated

Informs about the event properties that were updated.

customerSDK.on('event_properties_updated', payload => {
  const { chatId, threadId, eventId, properties } = payload
  console.log('event_properties_updated', {


properties type description
chatId string Chat ID
threadId string Thread ID
eventId string Event ID
properties object Event properties

Event updated

Informs that an event was updated.

customerSDK.on('event_updated', payload => {
  const { chatId, threadId, event } = payload
  console.log('event_updated', { chatId, threadId, event })


properties type description
chatId string Chat ID
threadId string Thread ID
event object The entire updated event

Events marked as seen

Informs that the events were seen by the particular user.

customerSDK.on('events_marked_as_seen', payload => {
  const { chatId, userId, seenUpTo } = payload
  console.log('events_marked_as_seen', { chatId, userId, seenUpTo })


properties type description
chatId string Chat ID
userId string User ID
seenUpTo string RFC 3339 date-time format

Greeting accepted

Informs about a greeting accepted by the Customer.

customerSDK.on('greeting_accepted', payload => {
  console.log('greeting_accepted', payload.uniqueId)


properties type
uniqueId string

Greeting canceled

Informs about a greeting canceled by the Customer. It is also emitted when a new greeting automatically cancels the currently displayed one.

customerSDK.on('greeting_canceled', payload => {
  console.log('greeting_canceled', payload.uniqueId)


properties type
uniqueId string

Incoming chat

Informs about a newly started chat thread. The payload contains the chat data structure and an object describing the new thread. If the chat was started with some initial events, they will be included in the thread object.

customerSDK.on('incoming_chat', payload => {
  const { chat } = payload
  const { id, access, users, properties, thread } = chat
  console.log('incoming_chat', { id, access, users, properties, thread })


properties type description
chat.id string Chat ID
chat.access object Chat initial access
chat.users object[] Users objects referenced in the chat
chat.properties object Chat properties
chat.thread object

Incoming event

Informs about an incoming event sent to a chat. You should distinguish received events by their types.

customerSDK.on('incoming_event', payload => {
  const { chat, event } = payload
  switch (event.type) {
    case 'message':
      console.log('new message - ', event.text)


properties type description
type string Event type
... Other properties

Incoming greeting

Informs about an incoming greeting.

customerSDK.on('incoming_greeting', payload => {
  const { text, agent } = payload
  const { name } = agent
  console.log(`Received a greeting with "${text}" text content from ${name}.`)


properties type description
id number Greeting template ID
text string Greeting text content
uniqueId string Greeting unique ID
displayedFirstTime boolean Describes if the greeting was generated for the first time.
accepted boolean Chat properties
agent object Agent user

Incoming rich message postback

Informs about an incoming rich message postback.

customerSDK.on('incoming_rich_message_postback', payload => {
  const { chatId, threadId, eventId, userId, postback } = payload
  console.log('incoming_rich_message_postback', {


properties type description
chatId string Chat ID of the sent postback
threadId string Thread ID of the sent postback
eventId string Event ID of the sent postback
userId number User who has sent a rich message postback
postback.id boolean ID of the sent postback
postback.toggled boolean Describes if the sent postback was toggled.

Incoming typing indicator

Informs that one of the chat users is currently typing a message. The message hasn't been sent yet. The push payload contains the typing indicator object.

customerSDK.on('incoming_typing_indicator', payload => {
  if (payload.typingIndicator.isTyping) {
      `user with ${payload.typingIndicator.authorId} id is writing something in ${payload.chatId}`,
  } else {
      `user with ${payload.typingIndicator.authorId} id stopped writing in ${payload.chatId}`,


properties type description
chatId string Chat ID
typingIndicator.authorId string User ID
typingIndicator.isTyping boolean

Queue position updated

Informs that the queue position has been updated.

customerSDK.on('queue_position_updated', payload => {


properties type description
chatId string Chat ID
threadId string Thread ID
queue.position number Current place in the queue
queue.waitTime number Estimated waiting time for an agent to be assigned to the chat, in seconds

Thread properties deleted

Informs about deleted thread properties.

customerSDK.on('thread_properties_deleted', payload => {
  const { chatId, threadId, properties } = payload
  console.log('thread_properties_deleted', { chatId, threadId, properties })


properties type description
chatId string Chat ID
threadId string Thread ID
properties object Chat thread properties

Thread properties updated

Informs about updated thread properties.

customerSDK.on('thread_properties_updated', payload => {
  const { chatId, threadId, properties } = payload
  console.log('thread_properties_updated', { chatId, threadId, properties })


properties type description
chatId string Chat ID
threadId string Thread ID
properties object Thread properties

User added to chat

Informs that a user was added to a chat.

customerSDK.on('user_added_to_chat', payload => {
  const { chatId, user, present } = payload
  console.log('user_added_to_chat', { chatId, user, present })


properties type description
chatId string Chat ID
user object User
present boolean

User data

Contains the information about the User data.

customerSDK.on('user_data', user => {

Customer user type:

properties type description
type 'customer'
id string
name string Optional
email string Optional
avatar string Optional
fields customerFields

Agent user type:

properties type
type 'agent'
id string
name string
avatar string
jobTitle string

User removed from chat

Informs that a user was removed from a chat.

customerSDK.on('user_removed_from_chat', payload => {
  const { chatId, userId } = payload
  console.log('user_removed_from_chat', { chatId, userId })


properties type description
chatId string Chat ID
userId string User ID

Disconnection reasons

Most of the disconnection reasons can be treated as errors. Because of that, you can find their detailed descriptions in this section.

customerSDK.on('disconnected', ({ reason }) => {
  switch (reason) {
    case 'access_token_expired':
      // handle particular disconnection reasons
    // ...

Access token expired

Access token lifetime has elapsed. Customer SDK fetches a new token and reconnects to the server on its own. This is emitted to the user for informational purposes, so for example a reconnection bar can be displayed.

Connection lost

Disconnected because of the poor connection quality. Customer SDK will try to reconnect on its own.

Customer banned

The Customer has been banned.

This internally destroys the current instance of Customer SDK, so it won't be possible to reuse it.

Customer temporarily blocked

The Customer tried reconnecting too many times after the "too_many_connections" error had occurred.

This internally destroys the current instance of Customer SDK, so it won't be possible to reuse it.

Identity mismatch

The identity of the Customer has changed between reconnects. This might happen if cookies can't be persisted in the browser.

This internally destroys the current instance of Customer SDK, so it won't be possible to reuse it.

Inactivity timeout

The Customer didn't chat or change the page in the past 30 minutes. Customer SDK won't try to reconnect on its own after receiving this error. You should implement a reconnect login on your own. Preferably you should only try to reconnect when you detect a clear intention of chatting from your user.

Internal error

Internal error. Customer SDK reconnects on its own.

License expired

The subscription for LiveChat product associated with the specified ID has expired. You should make sure that there are no unpaid invoices for it.

License not found

The LiveChat product associated with the specified ID doesn't exist. You should check the options passed in to Customer SDK and make sure that the parameters provided are correct.

This internally destroys the current instance of Customer SDK, so it won't be possible to reuse it.

Misdirected connection

You have connected to a server in the wrong region. Customer SDK reconnects to the correct region on its own, but to avoid this problem altogether, you should provide the correct region parameter when initializing the SDK. This is emitted to the user for informational purposes, so for example a reconnection bar can be displayed.

Too many connections

The Customer has reached the maximum number of connections. You should avoid opening too many concurrent connections for the same Customer.

This internally destroys the current instance of Customer SDK, so it won't be possible to reuse it.

Too many unauthorized connections

The maximum number of unauthorized connections has been reached. This error can only be received immediately after you try to connect to our servers when there are too many pending (unauthorized) connections. Once you get authorized, you stay that way and the Customer SDK reconnects on its own.

Unsupported version

Connecting to an unsupported version of the Customer Chat API. You should upgrade your Customer SDK version.

This internally destroys the current instance of Customer SDK, so it won't be possible to reuse it.

Users limit reached

The maximum number of Customers connected at the same time has been reached. This can only be received immediately after we try to connect to our servers, because once you get authorized, you stay that way. The limit is different for each plan, and you can check the exact values on our pricing page.

This internally disconnects from the current instance of the Customer SDK. After that, the manual connect() call will be required, preferably linked to the user's action rather than automated.


This is the list of standard error codes. You can receive them for all available methods which perform API calls. It means the errors can occur for methods returning Promises. Because we wrap API calls with Promise interface, the errors are available on the thrown Error objects under the code property. They can be caught using a regular Promise catch method.

There are also some per-method error codes, which are not described below. They are mentioned under corresponding methods instead.

Connection lost

All in-flight requests fail with this one when the network connection gets lost.

Customer banned

The Customer has been banned.

Group not found

Can be received in response to any request that accepts a group somewhere in its payload.


Internal error.

Pending requests limit reached

This is a rate-limiting error. You have sent out too many requests in a too short time period without waiting for them to resolve.

Request timeout

The request has timed out.

Service unavailable

The backend service is under heavy traffic and it had to restrict creation of a new resource.


Wrong format of request, for example a string sent in the place of a number.


Chat transcript feature

To implement Chat transcript, you need to set the transcript_email thread property in the routing namespace. The value of this property should be set to the email address of the requester.

    chatId: 'ON0X0R0L67',
    threadId: 'OS0C0W0Z1B',
    properties: {
      routing: {
        transcript_email: 'john.doe@example.com',
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {

Hard limit error handling

In order to handle hard limit error properly, you can listen for this specific disconnect reason and then react accordingly. In our case, we are showing simple information that our agents are not available at the moment.

customerSDK.on('disconnected', ({ reason }) => {
  if (reason === 'users_limit_reached') {
    console.log('Our agents are not available at the moment')


[v4.0.2] - 2023-11-02


  • Extend init function types with page and referrer.

[v4.0.1] - 2023-09-19


  • Additional types and constants for better development experience.


Switched to using Customer API 3.5:

  • Drop support for the licenseId parameter in the init method. It has been replaced by the organizationId.


  • sendTicketForm method. As of June 1 2023 LiveChat tickets are handled by HelpDesk

[v3.1.2] - 2023-02-28


  • Fixed situations when a value for urlDetails.imageUrl available in the getUrlInfo method could sometimes return a URL with a duplicated protocol (like "https://https://...")

[v3.1.0] - 2021-10-7


  • New optional config property identityProvider, which allows for specifying own custom access token handlers.
  • Handle new event type 'form' representing the optional custom forms sent from the server.

[v3.0.0] - 2021-05-25


  • Chat structures can now have thread set to null since it's possible for threads to be removed
  • Prevented additional connections to be created in the case when SDK gets destroyed in the middle of the login flow


  • Switched to using Customer API 3.3:
    • activateChat method has been renamed to resumeChat.
    • In the deactivateChat method, the chat_id parameter was renamed to id.
    • In the updateChatProperties method, the chat_id parameter was renamed to id.
    • In the deleteChatProperties method, the chat_id parameter was renamed to id.
    • In the getPredictedAgent method, agent properties are grouped in agent property and additional queue parameter is returned.
    • In the customer_page_updated event the timestamp property has been replaced with openedAt.
    • In the customer_updated event customer data is no longer grouped in the customer object but rather all properties are returned at the top level.
  • The communication with the server is done now using WebSocket endpoint, without the SockJS overhead.
  • Users limit handling changed from destroying the instance to disconnecting.


  • active parameter to the startChat & resumeChat methods. It defaults to true but can be used to create threads that are immediately inactive.
  • Greetings can now have a subtype property.
  • Support for alternative_text image property in:
    • image attachments
    • rich greetings
    • rich messages
  • cancel button type in rich messages.
  • Support for the events of type "custom"

[v2.0.4] - 2020-10-28


  • Updated documentation.

[v2.0.3] - 2020-08-31


  • Fixed API compatibility issues that could cause misalignment in data shape.

[v2.0.2] - 2020-08-21


  • Updated the @livechat/file-upload dependency to resolve compatibility issues.

[v2.0.1] - 2020-06-24


  • rateChat and cancelRate methods are updating properties of the correct thread now.

[v2.0.0] - 2020-06-22


  • The iterator returned from getChatHistory no longer returns users. User data needs to be obtained independently, for example by using the getChat method.
  • listChats no longer accepts offset parameter. Instead, it now accepts pageId to which you can provide a value of previousPageId or nextPageId returned from the other listChats calls.
  • Chat objects returned from listChats no longer have the lastThreadOrder property, but they received a new lastThreadCreatedAt property instead.
  • The threads objects no longer have the order property, but they received a new createdAt property instead.
  • The eventsSeenUpToMap is no longer available on the thread object, it has been moved to chat objects.
  • The payload of the chat_transferred event was changed. It now always has the reason property. It contains the queue property if the chat has been transferred and queued immediately. requesterId is available when reason is equal to "manual".


  • The access_set event has been removed. chat_transferred event covers for its use cases.
  • The getChatThreads and the getChatThreadsSummary methods have been removed. Newly introduced listThreads can be used instead.


  • The listThreads and getChat methods have been added.
  • The thread objects gained back userIds property.
  • The thread objects got previousThreadId and nextThreadId properties.
  • The sendTicketForm methods accepts a new timeZone parameter which influences how times are formatted in a generated ticket.
  • Queue objects got a new queuedAt property. This doesn't apply to the information returned in queue_position_updated event.

[v2.0.0-beta.2] - 2020-04-02


  • Renamed methods:
    • closeThread to deactivateChat
    • deleteChatThreadProperties to deleteThreadProperties
    • getChatsSummary to listChats
    • getGroupsStatus to listGroupStatuses
    • getUrlDetails to getUrlInfo
    • updateChatThreadProperties to updateThreadProperties
  • Renamed events:
    • chat_thread_properties_deleted to thread_properties_deleted
    • chat_thread_properties_updated to thread_properties_updated
    • chat_user_added to user_added_to_chat
    • chat_user_removed to user_removed_from_chat
    • thread_closed to chat_deactivated
  • chat_transferred event doesn't contain type and ids properties anymore. Instead transferredTo property is available. It has optional agentIds and groupIds properties


  • customer data available in the connected callback
  • statistics property available on the Customer object returned from the getCustomer method

[v2.0.0-beta.1] - 2020-03-13


  • Updated the @livechat/customer-auth dependency, which has been previously published with broken dist files.

[v2.0.0-beta.0] - 2020-03-12


  • Most methods have been changed to accept parameters by name instead of by position. We found this pattern to be easier to read and maintain in the long run. As an example, a call that previously might have looked like this: customerSDK.updateChatProperties('ON0X0R0L67', properties) will now look like this: customerSDK.updateChatProperties({ chatId: 'ON0X0R0L67', properties }). All methods and their respective parameters are described in the documentation.

  • All data structures have been adjusted: Previously properties like chat or thread could hold a primitive value (usually a string) because they actually contained IDs. This has been confusing and all such properties have been renamed to have an Id suffix now. For example: chat was renamed to chatId, and thread was renamed to threadId.

  • updateCustomer method now returns a Promise. Additionally, customer data is not sent automatically in the login request. If you still need to send customer data during the login request, you will need to provide a customerDataProvider in the configuration passed in the init call. This provider will be called before sending any login request.

  • connected event no longer contains any chat information. You should use getChatsSummary and getChatHistory appropriately to fetch it.

  • getChatHistory now returns an array of threads instead of an array of events.

  • sendEvent can no longer activate an existing chat. You should use the activateChat method for that purpose.

  • new_event event has been renamed to incoming_event.

  • customer_updated doesn't provide the whole Customer object anymore. You will only receive the data that has actually been changed.

  • Chat summary & incoming chat objects used to contain an array of user IDs. This has been changed to align with the API and you can now expect complete user objects in those objects.

  • getPredictedAgent method requires a group argument now.

  • updateLastSeenTimestamp method has been changed to markEventsAsSeen.

  • sendPostback method has been changed to sendRichMessagePostback.


  • reconnected event got removed. You should just use a single connected handler for both initial connection and reconnets.

  • thread_summary event got removed.

  • sendMessage method has been removed. You can just use sendEvent to send any of the supported types of events.

  • user_is_typing and user_stopped_typing events have been removed. You can use incoming_typing_indicator to receive those informations - it comes with a isTyping property.

  • user_joined_chat and user_left_chat events have been renamed to chat_user_added and chat_user_removed respectively.

  • sendFile method has been removed. You should use the new uploadFile method instead.

  • Events of type "annotation" don't exist anymore. They were only used for rating events and now those are automatically added to a chat upon rating in a form of system events.


  • incoming_typing_indicator event replaced user_is_typing and user_stopped_typing events.

  • optional queue property has been added on thread objects.

  • chat_user_added and chat_user_removed events replaced user_joined_chat and user_left_chat events respectively.

  • getForm and sendTicketForm have been added.

  • deleteChatProperties, deleteChatThreadProperties and deleteEventProperties methods have been added with accompanying chat_properties_deleted, chat_thread_properties_deleted and event_properties_deleted events.

  • acceptGreeting and cancelGreeting have been added with accompanying incoming_greeting, greeting_accepted and greeting_canceled events.

  • getCustomer method has been added.

  • setCustomerSessionFields method has been added.

  • cancelRate method has been added.

  • getGroupsStatus method has been added.

  • uploadFile method has been added. It replaces sendFile and doesn't add an event of type "file" to a chat but rather returns a URL which you can then use to send a "file" event using the sendEvent method.

  • queue_position_updated event has been added.

  • availability_changed event has been added.

  • event_updated event has been added.

  • access_set event has been added.

  • chat_transferred event has been added.

  • connection_recovered and connection_unstable have been added.

  • All possible errors and disconnection reasons have been documented.

  • SDK automatically reconnects to the correct region, but it's advised to pass the correct region of your license explicitly to the init function. dal is the default.

  • Users of type "agent" got a jobTitle property.

  • Events of type "file" got a name property.

  • New types of rich message buttons have been added and some of them have additional properties. Buttons of type "webview" come with a webviewHeight and buttons of type "url" come with a target.

  • connected event payload has a new availability property.

  • You can send custom system message events using sendEvent.

[v2.0.0-alpha.0] - 2018-08-17

Initial alpha release.



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