A specialized wallet implementation for the Cosmos blockchain ecosystem using Lit Protocol's PKP (Programmable Key Pair) technology. Built on top of @cosmjs/proto-signing
, this package enables secure transaction signing and account management through Lit nodes.
yarn add @lit-protocol/pkp-cosmos
import { PKPCosmosWallet } from '@lit-protocol/pkp-cosmos';
// Initialize wallet
const wallet = new PKPCosmosWallet({
controllerAuthSig: authSig,
pkpPubKey: publicKey,
addressPrefix: 'cosmos',
// Get wallet address
const address = await wallet.getAddress();
// Sign transaction
const signedTx = await wallet.signDirect(address, {
bodyBytes: tx.bodyBytes,
authInfoBytes: tx.authInfoBytes,
chainId: chainId,
- Bech32 address generation
- Account data management
- Transaction signing via LIT nodes
- SigningStargateClient integration
- Customizable RPC endpoints
- Flexible address prefix support
- Address Generation: Create Cosmos blockchain addresses
- Transaction Management: Sign and prepare transactions
- Client Integration: Create SigningStargateClient instances
- Account Operations: Manage account data and balances
- Network Configuration: Customize RPC URLs and prefixes