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1.1.16 • Public • Published


This package provides a set of utilities to help you annotate your Ogma graph. It's a plugin for the Ogma graph visualization library.


npm install @linkurious/ogma @linkurious/ogma-annotations


The plugin comes with no UI of its own, but provides a set of tools that you can enable in your Ogma instance. Currently, it supports the following features:

  • Text boxes: You can create text boxes on top of your visualisation. They can be moved around and resized. Styling is encoded in the feature's data.
  • Arrows: Arrows can be drawn between nodes. They can be styled and can snap to both nodes and text annotations.
import Ogma from '@linkurious/ogma';
import {
} from "@linkurious/ogma-annotations";
// CSS required to style the controls and handles
import "@linkurious/ogma-annotations/style.css";

const ogma = new Ogma({...});
const annotationsEditor = new Control(ogma);

// we assume you have a button with the id 'add-text'
const addTexts = document.getElementById("add-text")! as HTMLButtonElement;

// user has clicked on the button to add text annotations
addTexts.addEventListener("click", () => {
  // disable the button to prevent multiple text annotations from being created
  addTexts.disabled = true;

  // create a new text annotation when user starts dragging the pointer
  ogma.events.once("mousedown", (evt) => {
    // annotations are in graph coordinates
    const { x, y } = ogma.view.screenToGraphCoordinates(evt);
    // create a text annotation feature
    const text = createText(x, y, 0, 0);

    // start drawing
    annotationsEditor.startText(x, y, text);
    // finish drawing
    annotationsEditor.once('dragend', (annotation) => {
      if (annotation.id !== text.id) return;
      addTexts.disabled = false;

// also stop drawing but pressing the escape key
document.addEventListener("keydown", (evt) => {
  if (evt.key === "Escape") annotationsEditor.cancelDrawing();



The Control class is the main entry point for the plugin. It provides a set of methods to create and manage annotations.

new Control(ogma: Ogma)

Creates a new control instance.

.add(annotation: AnnotationCollection | Text | Arrow)

Adds an annotation to the graph.

.remove(annotation: AnnotationCollection | Text | Arrow)

Removes an annotation from the graph.

.startText(x: number, y: number, text: Text)

Starts drawing a text annotation at the given coordinates.

.startArrow(x: number, y: number, arrow: Arrow)

Starts drawing an arrow annotation at the given coordinates.


Cancels the current drawing operation.

.on(event: 'dragend' | 'dragstart' | 'drag' | 'click', listener: (annotation: AnnotationCollection) => void)

Registers an event listener.

.once(event: 'dragend' | 'dragstart' | 'drag' | 'click', listener: (annotation: AnnotationCollection) => void)

Registers a one-time event listener.

createText(x[=0], y[=0], width[=100], height[=50], content = '', styles?: TextStyles): Text

Creates a new text annotation.

createArrow(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number, styles?: ArrowStyles): Arrow

Creates a new arrow annotation.


An annotation collection is a group of annotations that are related to each other. It can be a text annotation or an arrow annotation. It follows GeoJSON's feature collection format.


A text annotation is a feature that represents a text box on the graph. It has the following properties:

  • id: a unique identifier for the text annotation.
  • type: the type of the feature, which is always text.
  • properties: an object that contains the text content and the style of the text.
    • properties.content: string: the content of the text.
    • properties.style: TextStyle: the style of the text.


An arrow annotation is a feature that represents an arrow on the graph. It has the following properties:

  • id: a unique identifier for the arrow annotation.
  • type: the type of the feature, which is always arrow.
  • properties: an object that contains the style of the arrow.
    • properties.style: ArrowStyle: the style of the arrow.
    • properties.links: { ['start'| 'end']: Link }: Encoded connections of the arrow to nodes or text annotations.



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