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1.0.15 • Public • Published


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@libchrono/core is a library for parsing and validating strings representing durations of time. It provides a convenient way to parse strings like "1w 2h" into Duration objects, and provides convenient functions for performing basic math operations on those objects. So whether you need to parse duration strings, or perform calculations on them, @libchrono/core is the perfect library for your project.


To use @libchrono/core in your project, install it via npm:

npm install @libchrono/core

or yarn:

yarn add @libchrono/core


Parse duration literal to Duration object:

const { DurationUtils } = require('@libchrono/core');

const duration = DurationUtils.parse('1w 2h');

 * Output:
 * {
 *    timestamp: 612000000,                 // count of millis in duration
 *    getWeeks: () => number,               // returns current count of weeks
 *    getDays: () => number,                // returns current count of days
 *    getHours: () => number,               // returns current count of hours
 *    getMinutes: () => number,             // returns current count of minutes
 *    getSeconds: () => number,             // returns current count of seconds
 *    getMillis: () => number,              // returns current count of millis
 *    toPlainDuration: () => PlainDuration, // returns object containing all units
 *    toStringLiteral: () => string,        // returns string like 1d 14h
 *    toWeeks: () => number,                // returns count of weeks
 *    toDays: () => number,                 // returns count of days with weeks 
 *                                          // converted to days
 *    toHours: () => number,                // returns count of hours with days 
 *                                          // and weeks converted to hours
 *    toMinutes: () => number,              // returns count of minutes with 
 *                                          // hours, days and weeks converted
 *                                          // to minutes
 *    toSeconds: () => number,              // returns count of seconds with
 *                                          // minutes, hours, days and weeks
 *                                          // converted to seconds
 *    toMillis: () => number,               // returns count of millis with
 *                                          // seconds, minutes, hours and
 *                                          // weeks converted to millis
 * }

Parse duration literal with operations to Duration object:

const { DurationUtils } = require('@libchrono/core');

const duration = DurationUtils.parse('(1w 2h + 5h + 30m) * 2');

console.log(duration.toStringLiteral()); // Output: 2w 15h

Parse duration literal to Duration object and perform operations:

const { DurationUtils } = require('@libchrono/core');

const duration = DurationUtils.parse('1w');

// Output: 1w 2d

// Output: 5d

// Output: 2w

// Output: 3d 12h

Validate duration literal

const { DurationUtils } = require('@libchrono/core');

const duration1 = DurationUtils.validate('1w 2h');

console.log(duration1.isValid); // Output: true

const duration2 = DurationUtils.validate('1w 1q');

console.log(duration2.isValid); // Output: false

const duration3 = DurationUtils.validate('1d 1w');

console.log(duration3.isValid); // Output: false


  • support for arithmetic operations in Duration object
  • support for arithmetic operations in duration literal
  • simple format function to display duration literal from timestamp
  • add option to convert Duration to count of specific unit
  • added JSDoc for methods and classes
  • add option to set schema for duration (assign count of hours in day and days in week)

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  • wilenskid