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10.8.2 • Public • Published

lenne.Tech Nest Server

Modern, fast, powerful Node.js web framework in TypeScript based on Nest with a GraphQL API and a connection to MongoDB (or other databases).

The lenne.tech nest server can be included as an npm package (npm i @lenne.tech/nest-server) or used directly as a project (git clone https://github.com/lenneTech/nest-server.git).

In combination with Angular (see lenne.Tech Angular example incl. ng-base) the Nest Server is an ideal basis for your next project.


Set up your server

The easiest way to set up your own server based on the lenne.Tech Nest Server is to use the lenne.Tech Nest Server starter kit via CLI:

$ npm install -g @lenne.tech/cli
$ lt server create <ServerName>
$ cd <ServerName>


The lenne.Tech Nest Server is based on the Nest framework and can either be used and extended as a boilerplate (git clone) or integrated as a module (npm package).

Since the server is based on Nest, you can find all information about extending your server in the documentation of Nest.

We use Mongoose Module from nestjs. (https://docs.nestjs.com/techniques/mongodb)

To create a new Module with model, inputs, resolver and service you can use the CLI:

$ lt server module <ModuleName>

We are currently working on a documentation of the extensions and auxiliary classes that the lenne.Tech Nest Server contains. As long as this is not yet available, have a look at the source code. There you will find a lot of things that will help you to extend your server, such as:

Running the server

# development
$ npm start

# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev

# production mode
$ npm run start:prod


# unit tests
$ npm test

# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov

Configuration for testing:

Node interpreter: /user/local/bin/node
Jest package: FULL_PATH_TO_PROJECT_DIR/node_modules/jest
Working directory: FULL_PATH_TO_PROJECT_DIR
Jest options: --config jest-e2e.json --forceExit

see E2E-Tests.run.xml


Configuration for debugging is:

Node interpreter: /user/local/bin/node
Node parameters: node_modules/@nestjs/cli/bin/nest.js start --debug --watch
Working directory: FULL_PATH_TO_PROJECT_DIR
JavaScript file: src/main.ts

see Debug.run.xml

Debugging as package in a project

Via yalc the NestJS Server can be linked into the project.

In NestJS Server run npm run watch to watch for changes and build yalc package. Project use following scripts (via package.json):

  • npm run link:nest-server (for yalc add @lenne.tech/nest-server && yalc link @lenne.tech/nest-server && npm install)
  • npm run unlink:nest-server (for yalc remove @lenne.tech/nest-server && npm install)


The configuration of the server is done via the src/config.env.ts file. This file is a TypeScript file that exports an object with the configuration values. It is automatically integrated into the ConfigService (see src/core/common/services/config.service.ts).

Environment variables

To protect sensitive data and to avoid committing them to the repository the .env file can be used. An example .env file is provided in the .env.example file.

There are multiple ways to manipulate or extend the configuration via environment variables:

  1. Via "normal" integration of the environment variables into the src/config.env.ts
  2. Via JSON in the NEST_SERVER_CONFIG environment variable
  3. Via single environment variables with the prefix NSC__ (Nest Server Config)

Normal environment variables

Using dotenv (see https://www.dotenv.org/) environment variables can directly integrated into the src/config.env.ts via process.env. E.g.:

export const config = {
  development: {
    port: process.env.PORT || 3000,


The NEST_SERVER_CONFIG is the environment variable for the server configuration. The value of NEST_SERVER_CONFIG must be a (multiline) JSON string that will be parsed by the server (see config.env.ts). The keys will override the other configuration values via deep merge (see https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.15#merge, without array merging).

Single config variables

The prefix NSC__ (Nest Server Config) can be used to set single configuration values via environment variables. The key is the name of the configuration value in uppercase and with double underscores (__) instead of dots. Single underscores are used to separate compound terms like DEFAULT_SENDER for defaultSender. For example, the configuration value email.defaultSender.name can be set via the environment variable NSC__EMAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER_NAME.


The API and developer documentation can automatically be generated.

# generate and serve documentation
$ npm run docs


Many thanks to the developers of Nest and all the developers whose packages are used here.



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  • kai.haase
  • pascal.klesse