React Lemin Cropped Captcha
Lemin Captcha is uniquely playful, robust, and effective. Through gamification, we are curing the pains of traditional CAPTCHA.
Table Of Contents
Getting Started
How can I get my captchaId
Select a puzzle captcha from your puzzle captchas
Copy your captchaId
from your puzzle's captcha script source
How can I get my containerId
Click on Advanced Settings from the puzzle captcha of your choice
Copy your containerId
from Captcha Div ID
Installation with npm:
npm install @leminnow/react-lemin-cropped-captcha
Installation with yarn:
yarn add @leminnow/react-lemin-cropped-captcha
Usage Examples
Use LeminCroppedCaptchaContainer
in your component
import {LeminCroppedCaptchaContainer} from "@leminnow/react-lemin-cropped-captcha";
function App() {
return (
Use LeminCroppedCaptchaContainer
with Src in your component
import {LeminCroppedCaptchaContainer} from "@leminnow/react-lemin-cropped-captcha";
function App() {
return (
Use captcha methods with Multiple Instances
import {leminCroppedCaptcha, LeminCroppedCaptchaContainer} from "@leminnow/react-lemin-cropped-captcha";
function getCaptchaValue() {
const values = leminCroppedCaptcha.getCaptcha('CROPPED_...').getCaptchaValue()
function App() {
return (
<button onClick={getCaptchaValue}>Get captcha value</button>
Use captcha methods with LeminCroppedCaptcha
import {LeminCroppedCaptcha, LeminCroppedCaptchaContainer} from "@leminnow/react-lemin-cropped-captcha";
const myCaptcha = new LeminCroppedCaptcha('...', 'CROPPED_...')
function getCaptchaValues() {
const values = myCaptcha.getCaptchaValue();
function App() {
return (
<button onClick={getCaptchaValues}>Get captcha values</button>
Click here to documentation for Lemin Cropped Captcha
Click here to developers guide
leminCroppedCaptcha Methods
Name | Return Type | Parameter | Description |
getCaptcha |
CaptchaInstance | (CAPTCHA_KEY: Optional String) => | Returns the given CAPTCHA_KEY's captcha instance. If CAPTCHA_KEY is empty, it will return first captcha instance. |
getInstances |
CaptchaInstance{} | (CAPTCHA_KEY: Optional String) => | Returns all the instances of captchas |
destroyAll |
void | () => | Destroys all captchas on the page. |
reloadAll |
void | () => | Reload all captchas on the page. |
LeminCroppedCaptcha Object Methods
Name | Return Type | Parameter | Description |
getCaptchaValue |
{"answer": "answer","challenge_id": "challenge_id"} | () => | Returns the captcha value on the page for needed validation |
isReady |
boolean | () => | Returns the state of captcha |
reloadPuzzle |
void | () => | Reloads puzzle, you may use it in fail scenarios. |
onLoad |
void | (callbackFunction = function(){}) => | Calls the function when the captcha loaded. |
loadPuzzleError |
void | (callbackFunction = function(){}) => | Calls the function when the captcha loaded. |
destroyCaptcha |
void | () => | Destroys the captcha on the page |
adjustSize |
void | () => | |
execute |
Promise<{"answer": "answer","challenge_id": "challenge_id"}> | () => | |
display |
void | () => | |
getToken |
void | () => | |
loadPuzzleImage |
void | () => | |
setUserinfo |
void | () => | |
stopRefreshing |
void | () => |