TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.2.1-beta.1 • Public • Published


This package contains Lekko's Webpack plugin for TypeScript projects bundled using Webpack.

These build tools transform your locally defined TypeScript config functions under lekko/ into code that can communicate with Lekko and serve up-to-date dynamically configured values.



npm install -D @lekko/webpack-loader


yarn add -D @lekko/webpack-loader

Lekko CLI

This package depends on the Lekko CLI for local development. Installing it and setting up an account will make sure your project can communicate with Lekko's services for dynamic configuration correctly.

brew tap lekkodev/lekko
brew install lekko

lekko setup


This package has 2 main parts, the loader and the plugin:

  • The loader is responsible for:
    • Transforming code under lekko/ at build time
    • Translating config functions defined in TypeScript to a cross-language DSL, stored locally on the filesystem to be pushed to remote
  • The plugin is responsible for:
    • Emitting Lekko-specific environment variables for running your project in production mode
      • Lekko's SDK clients will automatically read these environment variables

[!NOTE] You only want the loader and plugin to run for production builds. Make sure that you add them to your production webpack configs.

Example: In your webpack.prod.config.js:

const lekko = require("@lekko/webpack-loader");


module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    // Pass the appropriate env var `prefix` so that Lekko env vars will be picked up
    new lekko.LekkoPlugin({ prefix: "REACT_APP_" }),

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npm i @lekko/webpack-loader

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  • passichenko
  • lekko_jonathan
  • davidsgk
  • konradlekko