LegendaryMediaTV Bootstrap
This is a Node.js package for extending React Bootstrap (which is based on Bootstrap 5) and Gatsby 3 or 4. It also has components for class-based icons (i.e., FontAwesome, Bootstrap icons, etc.).
Recent changes
- updated the peer dependency for Gatsby to include
- updated the peer dependency for Gatsby to include
- upgrated to FontAwesome 6 for the default icon names
- updated FontAwesome reference to
- updated Bootstrap Icons CSS reference to
- updated the peer dependency for React to
- updated the peer dependency for React to
- added a new
component withtitle
properties - added
to the<Demo>
- made
component not print - bugfix for
component not showingsubitem
property is set
- added a new
- added an
component withtitle
, anderror
properties - made the
utilize the new<Alert>
- added an
- added a
component withsubitem
properties - added a
- added a
- added a
component that uses our Gatsby-friendly<Link>
component - made the
component more robust - added a
property to the<Spinner>
component - bugfix for
opening internal links in a new tab when requested - bugfix for the
default italics class ondisplaySubClassName
- updated the peer dependency for React Bootstrap to
, since 2.0 stable released - updated the peer dependency for Gatsby to
- updated Bootstrap CSS reference to
- added a
For more information, check out the release notes and the changelog.
Getting started
Install peer dependencies (if they aren't already).
npm install react react-dom react-bootstrap gatsby
Optionally, install React Helmet (useful for linking Bootstrap resources).
npm install react-helmet
Install this package.
npm install @legendarymediatv/bootstrap
NOTE: if you are still using Bootstrap 4.6.x and React Bootstrap 1.6.x, then you can use version 2.13.1 of this package, however, it is not continuing to be maintained
Modify the Babel loader to transpile JSX for this package.
NOTE: not configuring this will result in the following error when running
gatsby build
: ERROR #98123 WEBPACK – Generating development JavaScript bundle failed: Unexpected token
Sample /gatsby-node.js
exports.onCreateWebpackConfig = ({ actions, loaders, getConfig }) => {
const config = getConfig();
config.module.rules = [
// omit the default rule where test === '\.jsx?$'
(rule) => String(rule.test) !== String(/\.jsx?$/)
// re-create it with custom exclude filter
// apply required Babel presets/plugins and merge in your configuration from `babel.config.js`.
test: /\.jsx?$/,
// exclude all node_modules from transpilation, except for this plugin
// NOTE: their pattern has "\/" but this has "[\\\/]" to support all OS path separators
exclude: (modulePath) =>
/node_modules/.test(modulePath) &&
// replace the webpack config with the modified object.
Either import Bootstrap CSS or link Bootstrap into your layout or app file.
Sample /src/components/Layout.js
(link, with FontAwesome)
import React from "react";
import { Helmet } from "react-helmet";
import Container from "react-bootstrap/Container";
const Layout = (props) => {
return (
<Helmet htmlAttributes={{ lang: "en" }}>
<meta name="description" content={props.description} />
<Container className="py-4">
<h1 className="display-1">{props.title}</h1>
export default Layout;
Finally, import the components as needed into your app/components.
Sample /src/pages/index.js
// dependencies
import React from "react";
// page layout template
import Layout from "../components/Layout";
// sample LegendaryMediaTV component
import Icon from "@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/Icon";
const SamplePage = () => {
return (
<Layout title="Page Title" description="Page Description">
<Icon name="fa-solid fa-camera" />
export default SamplePage;
NOTE: components can be imported at the package level or at the component level
// package-level
import { Demo } from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap';
// component level (preferred)
import Demo from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/Demo';
An extension of React Bootstrap’s <Alert>
component, but with the ability to set a title, subtitle, and/or error. It provides <Alert.Heading>
as is, but converts their <Alert.Link>
to our Gatsby-friendly <Link>
import Alert from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/Alert';
title="Alert Title"
subtitle="Alert subtitle"
onClose={() => {
alert("Insert dismiss logic here");
Some text with a <Alert.Link to="/sample">link</Alert.Link>
error: "Request failed with status code 401",
url: "/",
method: "GET",
onRetry={() => {
alert("Insert retry logic here");
<Alert error={["Field 1 is required", "Field 2 is required"]} />
In addition to the properties provided by React Bootstrap’s <Alert>
component, the following additional properties are available:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
error |
JSX | object | either a JSX component or an object containing keys for error /message and optionally url and/or method
onRetry |
function | when defined, a retry <Button> is rendered with this as its onClick
subtitle |
JSX | if error is an array, then 'Please fix the following error(s):' ; if error is not an array, then 'The server has encountered a situation it doesn’t know how to handle' ; otherwise, blank |
content that goes inside a <p> tag styled with a lead class |
title |
JSX | if error is an array, then 'Submission Error' ; if error is not an array, then 'Process Error' ; otherwise, blank |
content that goes inside an <Alert.Heading> styled as a <div> with an h3 class |
variant |
string |
'danger' if error is defined, otherwise 'primary' (inherited) |
Bootstrap theme color name |
Set a background image so that it covers the whole screen without distorting and stays in place, regardless of scrolling.
import BackgroundImage from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/BackgroundImage';
<BackgroundImage src="/images/sample.jpg" />
Name | Type | Default | Description |
imageClassName |
string |
className property for the <img>
imageStyle |
object |
style property for the <img>
src |
string | required | path to the image file |
Quote blocks of content using Bootstrap’s Blockquote.
import Blockquote from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/Blockquote';
<p className="mb-0">
A well-known quote, contained in a blockquote element.
Success, meaningful success, begins when we take ownership and actively
take responsibility for our part in the shortcomings of our life.
Dr Eric Thomas,{" "}
<cite>Greatness Is Upon You: Laying the Foundation</cite>
Quickly see what the current breakpoint is (e.g., “md”).
import Breakpoint from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/Breakpoint';
<Breakpoint />
NOTE: This component is intended to be used for development purposes and probably should be removed before deploying your app
Name | Type | Default | Description |
variant |
string | 'info' |
Bootstrap theme color name |
Allow someone to select a date using a calendar popover.
import DatePicker from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/DatePicker';
// use React state to track selected date
const [componentState, setComponentState] = React.useState(null);
// select a new date
function dateHandler(selected) => {
title="Contact Date"
TIP: You could make your date change handler set the value for a hidden form element in addition to setting the state so that the date is submitted with the other form values
Name | Type | Default | Description |
title |
JSX | Date Picker |
popover title |
titleAs |
elementType | <h3> |
as property for the popover title |
variant |
string | light |
Bootstrap theme color name applied to the display button |
This component is intended to be used for development purposes (e.g., testing your custom Bootstrap theme) by having everything all one one page!
Bootstrap’s display heading typography classes.
import Display from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/Display';
<Display.Heading1>Display Heading 1</Display.Heading1>
<Display.Heading2>Display Heading 2</Display.Heading2>
<Display.Heading3>Display Heading 3</Display.Heading3>
<Display.Heading4>Display Heading 4</Display.Heading4>
<Display.Heading5>Display Heading 5</Display.Heading5>
<Display.Heading6>Display Heading 6</Display.Heading6>
Name | Type | Default | Description |
as |
elementType |
<h#> corresponding to the size |
changes the HTML tag |
Quickly create a stylized hero link or button that uses scaling and shadows to grow on hover and appear as depressed when clicked.
TIP: use in conjunction with grid layout components to have a wall effect
TIP: since this component uses scaling, to prevent horizontal scrollbars on smaller displays, you may want to wrap your content in a
component or otherwise addoverflow: hidden;
styling to a fluid container, your<body>
tag, etc.
import Feature from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/Feature';
title="Featured Content"
subtitle="content to be featured"
wrapperClassName="rounded-pill mb-3"
className="text-white py-5"
<Row className="text-white">
<Col sm className="p-0">
title="Sample 1"
<Col sm className="p-0">
title="Sample 2"
<Col sm className="p-0">
title="Sample 3"
onClick={() => {
NOTE: This component is intended to be used for development purposes and probably should be removed before deploying your app
Name | Type | Default | Description |
href | to
string | URL or anchor target, making the feature item our Gatsby-friendly <Link> when set, otherwise it renders as a <button> and probably should have the onClick set |
id |
string | applied to the wrapper <div>
subtitle |
JSX | content that goes inside a <div> tag styled with lead fst-italic between the title and children
title |
JSX | content that goes inside an <h2> tag styled with display-4 mb-0 above the subtitle and/or children
textShadow |
boolean | false |
add a slight shadow to the feature’s text |
variant |
string | Bootstrap theme color, if one is not provided, you should probably add background color and/or image using the provided id (images are set to center and cover ) |
wrapperClassName |
string |
className property for the wrapper <div>
wrapperStyle |
object |
style property for the wrapper <div>
Flashcard-like component that can flip horizontally or vertically using a 3D effect either on hover or via an event.
import Flipper from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/Flipper';
front={<h3>auto-flipper front content</h3>}
frontClassName="bg-primary text-light p-2"
back={<h3>auto-flipper back content</h3>}
backClassName="bg-secondary text-light p-2"
// use React state to track flipped state
const [componentState, setComponentState] = React.useState(false);
function flipHandler(event) => {
// un-click the button
// toggle flip state
click to flip to the back
frontClassName="d-flex align-items-stretch"
click to flip to the front
backClassName="d-flex align-items-stretch"
Name | Type | Default | Description |
back |
JSX | flipper back side content | |
backClassName |
string |
className property for the back side of the flipper |
backStyle |
object |
style property for the back side of the flipper |
front |
JSX | flipper front side content | |
frontClassName |
string |
className property for the front side of the flipper |
frontStyle |
object |
style property for the front side of the flipper |
flipped |
boolean | null |
determines whether the card should display as flipped over (i.e., tie events to this property), if null , then it flips on hover |
height |
string | 15rem |
height property to apply to the style for the flipper and both sides |
horizontal |
boolean | false |
flip the card horizontally instead of vertically |
NOTE: if
, then doesn’t togglearia-label
for the flipper sides, because it flips on an untracked hover action rather than an event
An extension of React Bootstrap’s <Form.Group>
, which automatically contains a React Bootstrap <Form.Label>
. The label then optionally includes a <InfoIcon>
when the info
property is set.
import FormGroup from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/FormGroup';
title="Sample textbox"
info={<p>Things, <i>stuff</i>, <b>content</b>!</p>}
Name | Type | Default | Description |
ref |
ReactRef | inherited |
ref property for the <Form.Group>
as |
elementType | inherited |
as property for the <Form.Group>
controlId |
string | inherited |
controlId property for the <Form.Group>
info |
JSX | popover content for the <InfoIcon>
infoAlt |
string | inherited |
alt property for the <InfoIcon>
infoClassName |
string |
className property for the <InfoIcon>
infoStyle |
object |
style property for the <InfoIcon>
infoName |
string | inherited |
name property for the <InfoIcon>
infoTitle |
title property |
title property for the <InfoIcon>
infoTitleAs |
elementType | inherited |
titleAs property for the <InfoIcon>
infoVariant |
string | inherited |
variant property for the <InfoIcon>
iconClassName |
string |
className property for the <InfoIcon>
iconStyle |
object |
style property for the <InfoIcon>
title |
JSX | content for the <Form.Label>
labelRef |
ReactRef | inherited |
ref property for the <Form.Label>
labelAs |
elementType | inherited |
as property for the <Form.Label>
column |
boolean | 'sm' | 'lg'
inherited |
column property for the <Form.Label>
htmlFor |
string | inherited |
htmlFor property for the <Form.Label>
visuallyHidden |
boolean | inherited |
visuallyHidden property for the <Form.Label>
labelClassName |
string |
className property for the <Form.Label>
labelStyle |
object |
style property for the <Form.Label>
Make your page always use at least the full height of the browser window using flexbox instead of fixed/sticky styling. Plus, it has a footer component that will display at the bottom of the page without forcing a scrollbar!
This component set doesn't have any special properties, but it is made up of three parts:
– the wrapper (should only contain the other FullPage components below) -
(required) – page content (should contain your<Navbar>
and page copy components such as<article>
) -
(optional) – page footer (can be styled directly or given anid
and styled elsewhere)
import FullPage from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/FullPage';
<FullPage.Content>Page Content</FullPage.Content>
<FullPage.Footer>Footer Content</FullPage.Footer>
Containerized example:
<div className="bg-dark">
<Container className="bg-light p-0">
<Navbar bg="primary" variant="dark">
<article className="py-4 px-2">
<h1>Title or whatever</h1>
<p>Things, stuff, content!</p>
<FullPage.Footer className="bg-secondary py-2 text-center text-white">
Footer Content
NOTE: if using React Helmet, you can use its
property instead of a<div>
wrapper to set the main background color:<Helmet bodyAttributes={{ class: "bg-dark" }}>
Class-based icon (<i>
tag) that can automatically add an ARIA label based on the icon name.
import Icon from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/Icon';
<Icon name="fa-solid fa-camera" />
name="fa-solid fa-camera"
style={{ fontSize: '2rem' }}
Name | Type | Default | Description |
alt |
string | variation of name (e.g., 'camera' ) |
alternate text for the icon (i.e., ends up in aria-label ) |
name |
string | required | icon class name (e.g., 'fa-solid fa-camera' ) |
variant |
string | Bootstrap theme color name (e.g., 'primary' ) |
An extension of React Bootstrap’s <Popover>
(with rootClose
set to auto-close when it loses focus) that contains an <Icon>
import InfoIcon from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/InfoIcon';
<InfoIcon title="Info Title">Info Content</InfoIcon>
title="Info Title"
name="bi bi-info-circle-fill"
alt="help me!"
iconStyle={{ fontSize: "2rem" }}
Things, <i>stuff</i>, <b>content</b>!
Name | Type | Default | Description |
children | JSX | popover content | |
alt |
string | variation of name (e.g., 'camera' ) |
alternate text for the <Icon> (i.e., ends up in aria-label ) |
iconClassName |
string |
className property for the <Icon> (i.e., className is applied to the toggler button) |
iconStyle |
object |
style property for the the <Icon> (i.e., style is applied to the toggler button) |
name |
string | 'fa-solid fa-circle-info' |
icon class name |
title |
JSX | popover title | |
titleAs |
elementType | <h3> |
as property for the popover title |
variant |
string | info |
Bootstrap theme color name applied to the icon |
A combination of an HTML <a>
tag and Gatsby’s <Link>
. It mostly uses the normal <a>
tag properties, but accepting either href
or to
in order to set the URL, so that you can simply swith the import of Gatsby’s <Link>
to this one instead, plus you can set the as
property for any React Bootstrap to be this component so that links work properly in Gatsby.
If href
property begins with #
(i.e., anchor), a protocol (e.g., https://
or mailto:
), or ends with a file extension (e.g., sample.jpg
), or external
is set, then it uses an <a>
tag. Otherwise, it uses Gatsby’s <Link>
tag, so that it doesn’t force a page reload.
import Link from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/Link';
<Link href="/">Gatsby link</Link>
<Link href="#link">HTML link</Link>
<Link href="https://www.legendarymediatv.com">auto-external HTML link</Link>
externalIcon="bi bi-box-arrow-up-right"
HTML link with custom external icon and color
<Navbar.Brand as={Link} to='/'>LegendaryMediaTV</Navbar.Brand>
<Nav.Link as={Link} to='/'>Home</Nav.Link>
Name | Type | Default | Description |
href | to
URL | required | URL or anchor target |
external |
boolean |
true if the URL starts with http: or https: or externalIcon is set |
explicitly (un-)flag an external link icon (also forces an <a> tag when enabled), which goes inside its own <small> tag |
externalNewTab |
boolean | false |
set newTab to true when external is true
externalIcon |
icon class name | 'fa-solid fa-arrow-up-right-from-square' |
external icon class name |
externalVariant |
string | info |
Bootstrap theme color name (e.g., 'primary' ) applied to the icon |
externalClassName |
string | 'small ps-1 align-text-top' |
className property for the <Icon> (i.e., className is applied to the toggler button) |
externalStyle |
object |
style property for the the <Icon> (i.e., style is applied to the toggler button) |
newTab |
boolean | false |
force the link to open in a new tab (sets target="_blank" rel="noopener" ) |
An extension of React Bootstrap’s <ListGroup>
that has a title, accepting arrays of URL strings and arrays of obects as items. If the item has a URL, then it is rendered as our Gatsby-friendly <Link>
component, otherwise it is rendered as our <ListGroup.Item>
import ListGroup from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/ListGroup';
const linkArray = [
<ListGroup title="Array of Links" items={linkArray} />
const linkObjects = [
{ title: 'Test Link', url: '/test' },
title: 'Sample Link',
subtitle: "additional information in a subtitle",
url: '/sample'
<ListGroup title="Array of Objects with Links" items={linkObjects} />
function sampleHandler(itemSelected) {
alert(JSON.stringify(itemSelected, null, 4));
const objectArray = [
{ id: 1, title: 'Test Non-Link' },
{ id: 2, title: 'Sample Non-Link' }
title="Array of Objects with Click Handler"
Name | Type | Default | Description |
activeKey |
unknown | inherited |
activeKey property |
as |
elementType | inherited |
as property for the list group |
defaultActiveKey |
unknown | inherited |
defaultActiveKey property |
horizontal |
true | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl'
inherited |
horizontal property |
onSelect |
function | inherited | when items is an array of objects, this is the onClick callback function that passes the clicked item as an argument |
variant |
'flush' | inherited |
variant property |
displayField |
string | 'title' |
when items is an array of objects, this is the object field to display |
displaySubField |
string | 'subtitle' |
when items is an array of objects, this is the object field to subtly display below the displayField
displaySubClassName |
string | fst-italic small text-muted |
when items is an array of objects, this is the className property for the displaySubField
items |
string[] or object[] | required | array of URL strings or an array of objects |
itemsAs |
elementType | inherited |
as property for the list group items |
keyField |
string | 'id' |
when items is an array of objects, this is the object field to use as the React list key; otherwise it just uses the array index as the key |
title |
string | list group title | |
titleAs |
elementType | <h3> |
as property for the list group title |
titleVariant |
string | 'primary' |
Bootstrap theme color name for the list group title |
titleClassName |
string |
className property for the list group title |
titleStyle |
object |
style property for the list group title |
urlField |
string | 'url' |
when items is an array of objects, this is the object field to use as the link URL |
An extension of React Bootstrap’s <ListGroup.Item>
that adds support for sub-items, sub-actions, auto-conversion to a Gatsby-friendly <Link>
when a URL is provided, and auto-conversion to an action when a URL or click handler are defined.
The subactions
property should be an array of objects corresponding containing <ListGroup.Item>
import ListGroup from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/ListGroup';
title="ListGroup with items"
<ListGroup.Item subitem="sample sub-item">
ListGroup.Item with a sub-item below
<ListGroup.Item to="/sample">
ListGroup.Item auto-converted to a link/action
onClick={() => {
ListGroup.Item auto-converted to a button
to: "/sample",
variant: "info",
children: <Icon name="fa-solid fa-camera" />,
onClick: () => {
variant: "danger",
children: <Icon name="fa-solid fa-trash-can" />,
ListGroup.Item with a URL and sub-actions
Name | Type | Default | Description |
action |
boolean | inherited / true
marks the item as actionable; will be set to true when href / to / onClick are defined |
active |
boolean | inherited | marks the item as active |
as |
elementType | inherited / Link
as property for the item; becomes our Gatsby-friendly Link when the href or to property is defined |
children |
JSX | content for the main list item (will be nested if subactions property is set) |
disabled |
boolean | inherited | marks the item as disabled |
eventKey |
string | number | inherited | unique identifier for when using events |
href | to
URL | URL or anchor target for the <Link>
onClick |
function | fired when the item is clicked | |
subitem |
JSX | to subtly display below the children
subitemClassName |
string | 'fst-italic small text-muted' |
className property for the subitem
variant |
string | Bootstrap theme color name (e.g., 'primary' ) |
Basically a rebuild of React Bootstrap’s <Pagination>
and <PageItem>
components, but based off of our <Link>
component (in order to be Gatsby-friendly).
Sub-components include:
– creates a pagination item containing a<Link>
(native), depending on if a URL is provided in thehref
property -
with the content as an ARIA-friendly«
by default -
with the content as an ARIA-friendly»
by default -
with the content as an ARIA-friendly‹
by default -
with the content as an ARIA-friendly›
by default -
with the content as an ARIA-friendly…
by default
TIP: if you prefer to use icons, you can override the default content of any of the above by making the child an
import Pagination from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/Pagination';
<Pagination.First />
<Pagination.Prev />
<Pagination.Ellipsis />
<Pagination.Item to="/sample">2</Pagination.Item>
<Pagination.Item onClick={sampleHandler.bind(this, 3)}>3</Pagination.Item>
<Pagination.Item active>4</Pagination.Item>
<Pagination.Item disabled>5</Pagination.Item>
<Pagination.Ellipsis />
<Pagination.Next />
<Pagination.Last />
<Pagination size="sm">
<Icon name="fa-solid fa-angles-left" alt="first" />
<Icon name="fa-solid fa-angle-left" alt="previous" />
<Icon name="fa-solid fa-ellipsis" alt="more" />
<Icon name="fa-solid fa-angle-right" alt="next" />
<Icon name="fa-solid fa-angles-right" alt="last" />
Name | Type | Default | Description |
size |
'sm' | 'lg'
sets the sizing for the whole pagination |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
active |
boolean | false |
sets the pagination item as active and appends the children with a <VisuallyHidden> tag containing the activeLabel
activeLabel |
string | (current) |
content of the <VisuallyHidden> tag when flagged as active
disabled |
boolean | false |
sets the pagination item as disabled |
href | to
URL | URL or anchor target for the <Link> ; if blank, then a <button> is rendered and probably should have an onClick defined |
onClick |
function | callback function for when the component is clicked; TIP: as in the example above, use bind() when assigning the property in order to tell which pagination item is clicked
Customizable icon that automatically appears in the bottom-right corner when you’re scrolled down the page a bit and smoothly scrolls to the top of the page when clicked.
import ScrollToTop from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/ScrollToTop';
<ScrollToTop />
<ScrollToTop name="fa-solid fa-square-caret-up" variant="success" />
NOTE: the
handler function can be exported as well; see below for details
Name | Type | Default | Description |
alt |
string | 'up arrow' |
alternate text for the icon (i.e., ends up in aria-label ) |
name |
string | 'fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-up' |
icon class name |
variant |
string | 'dark' |
Bootstrap theme color name |
iconClassName |
string |
className property for the <Icon>
iconStyle |
object |
style property for the <Icon>
An extension of React Bootstrap’s <Spinner>
that automatically selects the border
animation and adds the screen reader and ARIA role, so it can be self-closing and easily ensure the maximum accessibility.
import Spinner from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/Spinner';
<Spinner />
<Spinner alert />
title="Reticulating splines …"
Name | Type | Default | Description |
children | JSX | 'loading…' |
content for <VisuallyHidden> child component |
animation |
'border' | 'grow'
'border' |
changes the animation style of the spinner |
alert |
boolean | false |
wrap the spinner in an <Alert> (centered with py-5 padding), defaulting variant to 'info' , and apply non-spinner properties to the alert |
as |
string | 'div' |
custom HTML tag |
role |
string | 'status' |
ARIA accessibility role |
size |
string | component size variations (e.g., sm ) |
title |
JSX | content for <Alert.Heading> , also wraps the spinner in an <Alert> (centered with py-4 padding), see alert above |
variant |
string | 'primary' |
Bootstrap theme color name (e.g., 'primary' ) |
Bootstrap’s visually hidden content (a.k.a., screen reader only).
import VisuallyHidden from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/VisuallyHidden';
<p className="text-danger">
<VisuallyHidden>Danger: </VisuallyHidden>
This action is not reversible
Name | Type | Default | Description |
focusable | boolean | false |
item is focusable |
and separate(string)
Use separate()
to split a string (e.g., className
) by whitespace into an array, always returning at least an empty array.
Use combine()
to join an array with at least one element via a space separator, otherwise return null
NOTE: these are helpful when used together or in conjunction with
in order to joinclassName
before rendering the component; see the example there
A React component's properties cannot be altered, so use this function to create a new properties
array and children
variable. Then, manipulate the array as you see fit, and spread out the new properties in your component.
import { combine, prepare } from "@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/functions";
// prepare properties
const [properties, children] = prepare(props);
// add variant to class
delete properties.variant;
// merge classes
properties.className = combine(properties.className);
// render component
return (
<div {...properties}>{children}</div>
NOTE: this is helpful when used in conjunction with
in order to joinclassName
before rendering the component
Pass this function a form object (e.g., via an onSubmit
event handler’s event.target
) and it will return a JSON object containing the form’s element data as key–value pairs. Key names are pulled from either the form element name
(preferred) or id
attribute, otherwise unnamed/unidentified elements are omitted. Unselected radio
elements are ignored as well.
NOTE: JSON data returned from this function could be utilized in API calls via extensions like Axios
import { formData } from "@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/functions";
const submitHander = (event) => {
// don't traditionally submit the form
// extract data from the form
const data = formData(event.target);
// display the form data object
alert(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
<Form onSubmit={submitHandler}>
<FormGroup title="Simple textbox">
<Form.Control name="sample" />
<Button type="submit">Submit</Button>
Promise-based wrapper for JavaScript’s setTimeout()
function, allowing your script to pause using await
or .then()
import { sleep } from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/functions';
// wait one second and then do something
.then(() => {
// do something
function async sample() {
// do something
// wait 1/4 second
await sleep(250);
// do something else
Name | Type | Default | Description |
milliseconds |
integer | required | number of milliseconds to wait |
title(site, title, parent)
Generate an SEO-friendly HTML title in the format Title | Site
. Optionally, include the parent
argument to render Title – Parent | Site
. Also, if title
and parent
are omitted, then it just uses the site.
NOTE: this is designed to be used in conjunction with a plugin like React Helmet
import { title } from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/functions';
<title>{title("LegendaryMediaTV", "Bootstrap Demo")}</title>
{title("LegendaryMediaTV", "Full Page Demo", "Bootstrap Demo")}
Name | Type | Default | Description |
site |
string | required | site/company name |
title |
string | this page’s title | |
parent |
string | parent page’s title | |
siteSeparator |
string | pipe: |
separator between the site and the title /parent
parentSeparator |
string | en dash: '–'
separator between the title and parent
separatorReplacer |
string | forward slash: '/'
replacement character when title or parent contain the parentSeparator
Add the ability for any component to smoothly scroll to the top of the window.
import { scrollToTopHandler } from '@legendarymediatv/bootstrap/ScrollToTop';
<Button onClick={scrollToTopHandler}>Scroll to Top</Button>
<Link to="#" onClick={scrollToTopHandler}>
scroll to top
NOTE: see the
component above for a turnkey🦃 scroll-to-top solution
Additional examples
For more examples of usage, see /src/pages