yarn add @kugatsu/vueComposes
Composition function to get result and states of a api call
How to use
import { useApi } from "@kugatsu/vueComposes";
import { apiFetchUsers } from "~/api"; // Your api to call (payload) : Promise
import { IUser } from "~/models"; // Model if you are using TS
const {
exec: execUsers,
results: users,
} = useApiOptions<{ active: boolean }, IUser[]>(apiFetchUsers, {
loader: true,
defaultValue: [],
function reloadUsers() {
execUsers({ active: true });
Composition function to get result and states of a api call
How to use
import { useApiOptions } from "@kugatsu/vueComposes";
import { apiFetchUsers } from "~/api"; // Your api to call (options, payload) : Promise
import { IUser } from "~/models"; // Model if you are using TS
const {
exec: execUsers,
results: users,
} = useApiOptions<{ active: boolean }, IUser[]>(apiFetchUsers, {
loader: true,
defaultValue: [],
function reloadUsers() {
execUsers({ active: true });
Composition function to filter datas[] with keywords or keyword
How to use
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useSearch } from "@kugatsu/vueComposes";
const datas = ref([
{ name: "Romain", age: 32, sport: ["badminton"] },
{ name: "Aline", age: 30, sport: ["tennis", "badminton"] },
const { datasFiltred, search } = useSearch(datas, "");
<input v-model="search" ... />
{{ datasFiltred }}
Composition function to filter datas[] with keywords or keyword
How to use
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useScreenSize } from "@kugatsu/useScreenSize";
const { width, height, isMobile } = useSearch(datas, "");
<div>{{ width }}</div>
<div>{{ height }}</div>
<div v-if="isMobile">show only on mobile</div>
You can change the mobile size value
import { setSizeMobile } from "@kugatsu/useScreenSize";