Containing Triangle
Find the triangle of a Delaunator triangulation that contains a given point.
// Points to be triangulated
const points = [[53,98],[5,201],[194,288],[280,195],[392,148],[413,43],[278,5],[169,71],[146,171]],
// Edges to be constrained (optional)
edges = [[5, 8]],
// Triangulate
del = Delaunator.from(points),
// (Optional: constrain the triangulation)
con = new Constrainautor(del).constrainAll(edges),
// Find the triangle that contains the point (178, 190)
tri = containingTriangle(del, 178, 190);
// tri has triangle id: 3
Install from NPM:
npm install @kninnug/containing-triangle
Use in Node.js:
const containingTriangle = require('@kninnug/containing-triangle'),
isInTriangulation = containingTriangle.isInTriangulation;
or as an ECMAScript/ES6 module:
import containingTriangle, {isInTriangulation} from '@kninnug/containing-triangle';
or in the browser:
<script src="node_modules/@kninnug/containing-triangle/lib/containing-triangle.js"></script>
or minified:
<script src="node_modules/@kninnug/containing-triangle/lib/containing-triangle.min.js"></script>
The containing-triangle library does not depend on Delaunator itself, but the
input is expected to be in the format that Delaunator outputs. The ES module
variant (lib/containing-triangle.mjs
) depends on robust-predicates,
but the CommonJS, browser, and minified versions (lib/containing-triangle.cjs
, and lib/containing-triangle.min.js
) come with
this dependency compiled in, and can be used standalone. The (source)
TypeScript version is in Constrainautor.ts
containingTriangle(del, x, y)
Given a triangulation from Delaunator: del
, and the coordinates of a point
, y
), finds the triangle that contains that point. Returns the triangle
id, or -1 if the point
is outside the hull of the triangulation, i.e. not in any of its triangles.
isInTriangulation(del, x, y)
Whether a point (x
, y
) is within the hull of the given triangulation. Should
generally be faster if you only want to know if the point is in the
triangulation and don't care what triangle it's in.
- Convert to TypeScript.
- Move built files to
- Update dependencies.
- Fix stability issue.
- Add
function. - Move test files to separate repository (to share with other libraries).
- Initial version.
- The algorithm is adapted from "A robust efficient algorithm for point location in triangulations", February 1997, Peter J.C. Brown, Christopher T. Faigle
- Uses Vladimir Agafonkin's robust-predicates port of Jonathan Shewchuk's Adaptive Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic and Fast Robust Predicates for Computational Geometry.
- Nearest point on segment code adapted from Joshua on StackOverflow.