Nunjucks loader for Webpack
Nunjucks loader for webpack, supporting both javascript templating and generating static HTML files through the HtmlWebpackPlugin.
Originally forked from SudoCat/Nunjucks-Isomorphic-Loader.
This loader needs nunjucks
as a peer dependency. Versions >= 2.5.0 <= 4.0.0 are accepted. If you do not have nunjucks already installed, first run:
Using yarn:
yarn add nunjucks -D
Using npm:
npm install nunjucks -D
If you have nunjucks installed, you can then install the loader.
Using yarn:
yarn add @julians/nunjucks-loader -D
Using npm:
npm install @julians/nunjucks-loader -D
Basic usage of this loader with html-webpack-plugin
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.(njk|nunjucks|html|tpl|tmpl)$/,
use: [
loader: '@julians/nunjucks-loader',
query: {
root: [path.resolve(__dirname, 'path/to/templates/root')]
plugins: [
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
customData: { foo: 'bar' },
filename: 'list.html',
template: 'path/to/template.nunjucks'
Requiring assets in templates
Uses regular Webpack loaders to load the required file, so you have to have them configured in your Webpack config.
{{ "src/assets/whatever.jpg" | require }}
// include specific templates
includeTemplates: [/.*\.(njk|nunjucks|html|tpl|tmpl)$/],
// enable jinja compatibility
jinjaCompat: true,
// add custom filters
filters: {
obj_debug: function(variable) {
return JSON.stringify(variable, null, 2);
Accessing data from the templates with the above config of html-webpack-plugin
{% set vars = htmlWebpackPlugin.options.customData %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>{{ }}</title>{# outputs 'bar' #}
<header class="header">
{% block header %}
<h1 class="header-logo">
<a href="#">{{ }}</a>{# outputs 'bar' #}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<p>I was generated with html-webpack-plugin and @julians/nunjucks-loader!</p>
{% endblock %}