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0.2.2 • Public • Published

Fetch Hero

Extends server-side fetch with extra features

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  • No magic. Wraps fetch and returns a new fetch function
  • Enables RFC 7234 and RFC 5861 compliant HTTP caching (using http-cache-semantics)
  • Bypass cache semantics on GET and HEAD requests to set a specific cache TTL
  • Support for multiple storage backends by using Keyv
  • Works with local and shared caches
  • Custom namespaces
  • Handles caching a response body through json-buffer
  • Normalizes urls to increase cache hits
  • Retry failed requests, using fine grained retry semantics powered by async-retry
  • Written in strict Typescript
  • BYOF (Bring Your Own Fetch)


Install Fetch Hero

$ npm install --save @jsonhero/fetch-hero

fetchHero wraps the fetch function and returns a new fetch function, with the exact same interface

const fetchHero = require("@jsonhero/fetch-hero");
const nodeFetch = require("node-fetch");

const fetch = fetchHero(nodeFetch);

// Now use fetch exactly how you would without fetchHero
const response = await fetch("http://google.com");

By default http semantic caching is disabled, you can enable it by setting the httpCache.enabled option to true

const fetch = fetchHero(nodeFetch, { httpCache: { enabled: true } });

This will use an in-memory store, but you can customize it by supplying an object that implements the Map interface

const customMap = new Map();

const fetch = fetchHero(nodeFetch, {
  httpCache: { enabled: true, store: customMap },

Or in Typescript:

const customMap = new Map<any, any>();

const fetch = fetchHero(nodeFetch, {
  httpCache: { enabled: true, store: customMap },

You can also pass any connection string to cache.store that Keyv.

$ npm install --save @keyv/redis

@keyv/redis will automatically be imported when using a redis:// connection string

const fetch = fetchHero(nodeFetch, {
  httpCache: { enabled: true, store: "redis://user:pass@localhost:6379" },


By default, cache keys will be namespaced by "fetch-hero.default"

const customMap = new Map();

const fetch = fetchHero(nodeFetch, {
  httpCache: { enabled: true, store: customMap },

await fetch("http://test.dev/foo");

customMap.has("fetch-hero.default:GET:http://test.dev/foo"); // true

You can supply a custom namespace using the cache.namespace option

const customMap = new Map();

const fetch = fetchHero(nodeFetch, {
  httpCache: { enabled: true, store: customMap, namespace: "foobar" },

await fetch("http://test.dev/foo");

customMap.has("fetch-hero.default:GET:http://test.dev/foo"); // false
customMap.has("fetch-hero.foobar:GET:http://test.dev/foo"); // true

Shared caches

If you are using a shared cache (e.g. a Redis instance) and plan to share cached responses with more than 1 user, then you must set httpCache.shared to true (it is true by default, for security reasons)

const fetch = fetchHero(nodeFetch, {
  httpCache: {
    enabled: true,
    shared: true,
    store: "redis://user:pass@localhost:6379",

await fetch("http://test.dev/foo");

This will effect which responses will be cached. For example, responses with the Cache-Control header set to private or with a s-maxage directive will not be storable in a shared cache.

If you are using something like redis for your cache storage, and would like to still cache private responses, then set httpCache.shared to false and provide a namespace when calling the fetch function:

const fetch = fetchHero(nodeFetch, {
  httpCache: {
    enabled: true,
    shared: false,
    store: "redis://user:pass@localhost:6379",

// Using the user identifier so we don't mix cached responses
await fetch("http://test.dev/private", {
  fh: { cache: { namespace: user.identifier } },

As you can see, the fetch function above accepts a non-standard fh property, allowing you to customize Fetch Hero behaviour on a per request basis. See the RequestInitFhProperties documentation for more info.

HTTP Cache semantic bypassing

You can bypass the HTTP caching semantics on GET and HEAD requests by passing the bypass option with a ttl in seconds, like so:

const fetch = fetchHero(nodeFetch, {
  httpCache: { enabled: true, bypass: { ttl: 120 } }, // 120 seconds

await fetch("http://test.dev/foo");
// This will ignore the response headers and return a cached response
await fetch("http://test.dev/foo");

This will force requests to return cached responses for 120 seconds after the first fresh request is made, bypassing the HTTP cache semantics of the response headers.


You can enable retrying to retry requests with failed responses:

const fetch = fetchHero(nodeFetch, {
  retrying: { enabled: true },

await fetch("http://test.dev/foo"); // Will retry up to 3 times if response is 500, 502, 503, or 504

You can customize which response codes will be retried:

const fetch = fetchHero(nodeFetch, {
  retrying: { enabled: true, retryOn: [429] }, // Only retry when there is a 429 error

await fetch("http://test.dev/foo"); // Will retry up to 3 times if response is 429

You can also customize the async-retry options:

const fetch = fetchHero(nodeFetch, {
  retrying: { enabled: true, options: { retries: 10, factor: 1.2, minTimeout: 250, maxTimeout: 10000, randomize: true } }

await fetch("http://test.dev/foo");

## Storage Adapters

View the [Keyv documentation](https://github.com/jaredwray/keyv) to learn more about the storage adapters that Fetch Hero supports.

## API

### `fetchHero` function

### `FetchHeroOptions` object

### `RequestInitFhProperties` properties

An object containing FetchHero-specific properties that can be set on the Request object. For example:

// Disable catching for this request
fetch(event.request, { fh: { httpCache: { enabled: false } } });

httpCache optional

An object to customize the http caching behaviour of FetchHero, with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
enabled boolean Set to false to disable caching for the request. If fetchHero was initialized without caching disabled, setting this to true will have no effect
namespace string Set a custom namespace for the request.
options CachePolicy.Options Set custom CachePolicy.Options object for the request
bypass HTTPSemanticBypassingOptions Set custom HTTPSemanticBypassingOptions object for the request


An object to customize the http semantic caching bypassing behaviour of FetchHero, with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
ttl number Number of seconds to bypass HTTP caching semantics for.


  • [ ] Support for minipass-fetch
  • [ ] Proxy support
  • [ ] GZIP support
  • [ ] Request pooling
  • [ ] Persistent connections
  • [ ] Limit memory usage
  • [ ] Add performance tests

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  • ericallam
  • mattaitken