NestJS ReDoc (Swagger UI Alternative) - Jozefazz Version
I have tried most of the Redoc integrate NestJS solutions available on the market, but due to a lack of maintenance over a long period, many outdated packages were being used, leading to installation failures. This version has been modified and improved, allowing for perfect integration with NestJS 10.0.0
- Customizable theme
- It's almost a drop in replacement for you current swagger UI, you only need to import this package and modify any settings you may want to change (e.g: Page title, ReDoc options)
NB: Please read the ReDoc Documentation firstly.
🗿 Installation
Using npm: npm install @jozefazz/nestjs-redoc
How to use
You need to install the Swagger Module first if you want to get definitions updated with your project.
In future versions you will be able to pass a URL parameter as document, but for the moment you need this document object from the swagger module
const options = new DocumentBuilder()
.setTitle('Look, i have a title')
.setDescription('A very nice description')
const document = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, options);
Then add the following example code.
Note: All properties are optional, if you don't specify a title we will fallback to the one you used in your DocumentBuilder instance.
const redocOptions: RedocOptions = {
title: 'Hello Nest',
logo: {
url: '',
backgroundColor: '#F0F0F0',
altText: 'PetStore logo'
sortPropsAlphabetically: true,
hideDownloadButton: false,
hideHostname: false,
auth: {
enabled: true,
user: 'admin',
password: '123'
tagGroups: [
name: 'Core resources',
tags: ['cats'],
// Instead of using SwaggerModule.setup() you call this module
await RedocModule.setup('/docs', app, document, redocOptions);
You can build a function for the setup
Create a file "setup.redoc.ts"
import type { INestApplication } from '@nestjs/common';
import { DocumentBuilder, SwaggerModule } from '@nestjs/swagger';
import { RedocModule, RedocOptions } from '@jozefazz/nestjs-redoc';
import * as process from 'process';
export async function setupRedoc(app: INestApplication) {
const documentBuilder = new DocumentBuilder()
.setDescription('Powered by Jozefazz')
description: `Please enter token in following format: Bearer <JWT>`,
name: 'Authorization',
bearerFormat: 'Bearer',
scheme: 'Bearer',
type: 'http',
in: 'Header',
if (process.env.API_VERSION) {
const document = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app,;
const redocOptions: RedocOptions = {
title: `${process.env.DOCS_TITLE}`,
logo: {
url: `${process.env.DOCS_LOGO}`,
backgroundColor: '#d0e8c5',
altText: 'LOGO',
theme: {
typography: {
fontSize: '16px',
fontWeightBold: '900',
sidebar: {
backgroundColor: '#d0e8c5',
rightPanel: {
backgroundColor: '#01312b',
sortPropsAlphabetically: true,
hideDownloadButton: false,
hideHostname: false,
noAutoAuth: true,
pathInMiddlePanel: true,
auth: {
enabled: true,
user: 'admin',
password: `${process.env.DOCS_PASSWORD}`,
tagGroups: [
name: 'Core resources',
tags: ['authentication', 'user'],
await RedocModule.setup('docs', app, document, redocOptions);
`Redoc Documentation: http://localhost:${process.env.PORT}/docs`,
In your main.ts, add this line before "await app.listen(3000);"
await setupRedoc(app);
Available options
Redoc Options
Option | Description | Type | Note |
title | Web site title (e.g: ReDoc documentation) | string | |
favicon | Web site favicon URL | string | Fallbacks to the document title if not set |
logo | Logo options | LogoOptions | See LogoOptions table |
theme | Theme options | ThemeOptions | See ThemeOptions info |
untrustedSpec | If set, the spec is considered untrusted and all HTML/markdown is sanitized to prevent XSS, by default is false | boolean | |
supressWarnings | If set, warnings are not rendered at the top of documentation (they are still logged to the console) | boolean | |
hideHostname | If set, the protocol and hostname won't be shown in the operation definition | boolean | |
expandResponses | Specify which responses to expand by default by response codes, values should be passed as comma-separated list without spaces (e.g: 200, 201, "all") | string | |
requiredPropsFirst | If set, show required properties first ordered in the same order as in required array | boolean | |
sortPropsAlphabetically | If set, propeties will be sorted alphabetically | boolean | |
showExtensions | If set the fields starting with "x-" will be shown, can be a boolean or a string with names of extensions to display | boolean | |
noAutoAuth | If set, redoc won't inject authentication section automatically | boolean | |
pathInMiddlePanel | If set, path link and HTTP verb will be shown in the middle panel instead of the right one | boolean | |
hideLoading | If set, loading spinner animation won't be shown | boolean | |
nativeScrollbars | If set, a native scrollbar will be used instead of perfect-scroll, this can improve performance of the frontend for big specs | boolean | |
hideDownloadButton | This will hide the "Download spec" button, it only hides the button | boolean | |
disableSearch | If set, the search bar will be disabled | boolean | |
onlyRequiredInSamples | Shows only required fileds in request samples | boolean | |
auth | Auth options | AuthOptions | See AuthOptions info |
AuthOptions info | |||
enabled | If enabled, a prompt will pop out asking for authentication details, default: false
boolean | |
user | User name, default: admin
string | |
password | User password, default: 123
string | |
tagGroups | Tag groups options | TagGroupOptions[] | See Tag Group options |
Tag Group options info | |||
name | Tag name | string | |
tags | Tag collection | string[] | |
redocVersion | Set an specific redoc version | string,number | By default it's "latest" |
Note: If you want to change your ReDoc theme settings, take a look at the official ReDoc documentation:
Apply the properties defined in ResolvedThemeInterface to the key called "theme" in the redoc options
Logo options
Option | Description | Type | Example |
url | The URL pointing to the spec Logo, must be in the format of a URL and an absolute URL | string | |
backgroundColor | Background color to be used, must be RGB color in hexadecimal format (e.g: #008080) | string | #F0F0F0 |
altText | Alt tag for Logo | string | PetStore |
href | href tag for Logo, it defaults to the host used for your API spec | string |
Special Thanks
Forked from