CLI for Chrysalis and beyond
npm install -g @jmcanterafonseca-iota/iotax
On the command line just run iotax
- Decentralized Identities
- Verifiable Credentials
- Anchoring Channels (Powered by IOTA Streams)
iotax [command]
iotax did DID operations
iotax vc VC Operations
iotax channel IOTA Streams Anchoring Channel operations
--version Show version number [boolean]
--mainnet IOTA Mainnet [boolean]
--testnet IOTA testnet [boolean]
--comnet IOTA Comnet [boolean]
--net, -n Node's endpoint or other IOTA network [string]
--help Show help [boolean]
iotax did
DID Operations
iotax did create DID Creation
iotax did resolve DID Resolution
--version Show version number [boolean]
--mainnet IOTA Mainnet [boolean]
--testnet IOTA testnet [boolean]
--comnet IOTA Comnet [boolean]
--net, -n Node's endpoint or other IOTA network [string]
--help Show help [boolean]
DID Creation
iotax did create
DID Creation
--version Show version number [boolean]
--mainnet IOTA Mainnet [boolean]
--testnet IOTA testnet [boolean]
--comnet IOTA Comnet [boolean]
--net, -n Node's endpoint or other IOTA network [string]
--help Show help [boolean]
--didService List of DID services (JSON Array) [string]
DID Resolution
iotax did resolve
DID Resolution
--version Show version number [boolean]
--mainnet IOTA Mainnet [boolean]
--testnet IOTA testnet [boolean]
--comnet IOTA Comnet [boolean]
--net, -n Node's endpoint or other IOTA network [string]
--help Show help [boolean]
--did DID to be resolved [string] [required]
Verifiable Credentials (VC)
iotax vc
Verifiable Credential operations
iotax vc issue VC issuance
iotax vc verify VC verification
--version Show version number [boolean]
--mainnet IOTA Mainnet [boolean]
--testnet IOTA testnet [boolean]
--comnet IOTA Comnet [boolean]
--net, -n Node's endpoint or other IOTA network [string]
--help Show help [boolean]
--method Verification Method [string] [required]
Issuing a VC
iotax vc issue
VC issuance
--version Show version number [boolean]
--mainnet IOTA Mainnet [boolean]
--testnet IOTA testnet [boolean]
--comnet IOTA Comnet [boolean]
--net, -n Node's endpoint or other IOTA network [string]
--help Show help [boolean]
--method Verification Method [string] [required]
--issuer DID of the issuer of the VC [string] [required]
--expDate Expiration Date [string] [optional]
--secret Secret key of the issuer [string] [required]
--subject (D)ID of the subject of the VC [string] [required]
--claims Credential claim data (As a JSON Object) [string] [required]
--type Credential type [string] [required]
--id Credential id [string]
--json Output the credential in JSON format ready for cyp [boolean]
Verifying a VC or a VP
iotax vc verify
VC verification
--version Show version number [boolean]
--mainnet IOTA Mainnet [boolean]
--testnet IOTA testnet [boolean]
--comnet IOTA Comnet [boolean]
--net, -n Node's endpoint or other IOTA network [string]
--help Show help [boolean]
--vc Verifiable Credential to be verified (As JSON) [string] [required]
--vp Verifiable Presentation to be verified (As JSON) [string] [required]
Presenting a VC
iotax vc present
--version Show version number [boolean]
--testnet IOTA Chrysalis Testnet [boolean]
--mainnet IOTA Chrysalis Mainnet [boolean]
--comnet IOTA Comnet [boolean]
--net, -n Node's endpoint or other IOTA network [string]
--help Show help [boolean]
--vc VC to be presented [string] [required]
--holder Holder who presents the credential. By default is the credential
subject [string]
--method Verification Method [string] [required]
--secret Secret key of the holder [string] [required]
--id Presentation id [string]
--type Presentation type [string]
--json Output the credential presentation in JSON format ready for cyp
Anchoring Channels
Anchoring Channels operations (Powered by IOTA Streams)
iotax channel anchor Anchors a message to an IOTA Streams Channel
iotax channel fetch Fetches one or more messages previously anchored to an
IOTA Streams Channel
--version Show version number [boolean]
--testnet IOTA Chrysalis Testnet [boolean]
--mainnet IOTA Chrysalis Mainnet [boolean]
--comnet IOTA Comnet [boolean]
--net, -n Node's endpoint or other IOTA network [string]
--help Show help [boolean]
Anchor message
iotax channel anchor
Anchors a message to an IOTA Streams Channel
--version Show version number [boolean]
--testnet IOTA Chrysalis Testnet [boolean]
--mainnet IOTA Chrysalis Mainnet [boolean]
--comnet IOTA Comnet [boolean]
--net, -n Node's endpoint or other IOTA network [string]
--help Show help [boolean]
--seed, -s IOTA Streams Channel seed [string]
--msg (JSON) Message content to be anchored [string] [required]
--channel ID of the Channel ('address:announceMsgID') to anchor the
message to [string]
--anchorageID The anchorage point (message) ID to anchor the message to
Fetch message(s)
iotax channel fetch
Fetches one or more messages previously anchored to an IOTA Streams Channel
--version Show version number [boolean]
--testnet IOTA Chrysalis Testnet [boolean]
--mainnet IOTA Chrysalis Mainnet [boolean]
--comnet IOTA Comnet [boolean]
--net, -n Node's endpoint or other IOTA network [string]
--help Show help [boolean]
--seed, -s IOTA Streams Channel seed [string]
--channel ID of the Channel ('address:announceMsgID') from which to fetch
the message [string]
--msgID ID of the message to be fetched [string]
--anchorageID ID of the anchorage where the message(s) to be fetched are
anchored to [string]