Spanish verb conjugator
Sun 03 Jan 2021 07:14:54 PM CET, version 2.3.6
Uses templates, pattern matching & logic to conjugate Spanish verbs
correct, detailed, complete, fast & small
14456 tested verbs based on 97 models
- only current, RAE recognized as known & used verbs
- castellano, voseo, formal, canarias
- reflexives
- defectives
- multiple (dual & triple) conjugations
- dual participios
- orthographical changes (1999 and 2010)
If you find this useful -- drop me a note, I'd like to know
- new in 2.3.x
- public interface changes
- new public methods
- getOrthoVerbListSync()
- getOrthoVerbList() - get verbs affected by 1999/2010 orthography
- useHighlight() - turn on / off / partial highlighting
- getDefectiveVerbList(exact = false) now has an optional argument - see Usage for info
- internal changes, dropped one lever of db nesting, simplifications
- removed use of
- Array.flat() , can be used with more browsers
- ts compiler option target moved back to ES2016
- rearranged the order or the Result[] - non-defective conjugations are always listed before defective ones
- play with node bin/runme.js
Want to read
- see Release notes for major / minor version updates
- see Changelog for current details
- see Roadmap for future changes and ideas
- see Usage for usage, interfaces, return values description, sample output and more
- Many thanks to Estudio Sampere Salamanca, España
- Esther González, Ester García, María Ballesteros you're my heroes
- Contributors to fast-diff - I really didn't feel like writing yet another text comparison, you saved me a lot of time
- browsers
- see caniuse
- node.js >= 12.11
uses ES2019 features, namely Array.flat(12/21/2020 - not anymore) - uses ES2016
- see ECMAScript compatibility
- clone / download gitHub repository
- npm i @jirimracek/conjugate-esp
Modes / Times
- Impersonal
- Infinitivo, Gerundio, Participio
- Indicativo
- Simple
- Presente, Pretérito Imperfecto, Pretérito Indefinido, Futuro Imperfecto, Condicional Simple
- Compuesto
- Pretérito Perfecto, Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto, Pretérito Anterior, Futuro Perfecto, Condicional Compuesto
- Simple
- Subjuntivo
- Simple
- Presente, Pretérito Imperfecto Ra, Pretérito Imperfecto Se, Futuro Imperfecto
- Compuesto
- Pretérito Perfecto, Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto Ra, Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto Se, Futuro Perfecto
- Simple
- Imperativo
- Afirmativo, Negativo
(rarely employed Indicativo Pretérito Anterior & Subjuntivo Futuro Perfecto / Imperfecto)
Implemented and tested conjugation models
Resources Used
Estudio Sampere Salamanca - great place to study Spanish
RAE main page and their (paid subscription, much recommended) RAE Enclave
Rodríguez-Rodríguez, G; Carreras-Riudavets, F; Hernández-Figueroa, Z; (2009). Conjugación de verbos en español - Conjugador TIP - excellent book, about the most accurate and complete web conjugator I found
Vadémecum del verbo español, Pedro Gomis Blanco, Laura Segura Calvo - good technical reference on verb usage, but has many errors (tables, verb to model index), use with extreme caution
... and many others