
2.0.32 • Public • Published

Create an app template

How to create this package

Create a standard SvelteKit app

$ npm create svelte@latest create-app
$ cd create-app
$ mkdir src/lib src/bin
$ npm install
$ npm install -D @sveltejs/adapter-static @sveltejs/adapter-vercel
$ npm run dev -- --open

Change src/routes/+page.svelte to:

<h1>A Svelte Template</h1>

and note the immediate change to the web page

Initialize git

$ git init
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "initial commit"
$ git branch -M main

Change package.json

	"name": "@jdeighan/create-app",
	"version": "1.0.0",
	"type": "module",
	"author": "John Deighan",
	"license": "MIT",
	"scripts": {
		"dev": "vite dev",
		"build": "vite build",
		"preview": "vite preview"
	"devDependencies": {
		"@sveltejs/adapter-auto": "^2.0.0",
		"@sveltejs/adapter-static": "^2.0.2",
		"@sveltejs/adapter-vercel": "^2.4.2",
		"@sveltejs/kit": "^1.5.0",
		"svelte": "^3.54.0",
		"vite": "^4.2.0"

Enable PostCSS

Install PostCSS:

$ npx svelte-add@latest postcss
$ npm install
$ npm install -D autoprefixer postcss-preset-env

Remove the file postcss.config.cjs and replace it with postcss.config.js;

import autoprefixer from 'autoprefixer';
import presetEnv from 'postcss-preset-env'

export default {
	plugins: [
		presetEnv({stage: 1}),


Check PostCSS by changing src/routes/+page.svelte to:

<h1>Welcome to SvelteKit</h1>

<div class="main">
	<div class="postcss">
		<h1>Welcome to PostCSS</h1>
	<div class="hello">
		<h1>Hello Again</h1>

<style lang="postcss">
	div.main {
		& div.postcss {
			color: green;
		& div.hello {
			color: violet;

Import some @jdeighan libs

$ npm install @jdeighan/base-utils
$ npm install -D @jdeighan/unit-tester @jdeighan/coffee-utils

Enable CoffeeScript

$ npm install -D coffeescript npm-run-all @jdeighan/svelte-utils
$ npm install -D @sveltejs/adapter-static @sveltejs/adapter-vercel

Change package.json "scripts" section to:

	"scripts": {
		"coffee:watch": "npx coffee -c -w .",
		"vite:dev": "vite dev",
		"dev": "npx coffee -c . && run-p coffee:watch vite:dev",
		"build": "npx coffee -c . && vite build",
		"preview": "vite preview"

Change your svelte.config.js file to:

import sveltePreProc from "svelte-preprocess";
import adapter from "@sveltejs/adapter-static";
import {coffeePreProcessor} from "@jdeighan/svelte-utils/preprocessors";

export default {
	kit: {
		adapter: adapter(),

	preprocess: [
			postcss: true,
			script: coffeePreProcessor,

If you want to use an adapter other than adapter-static, simply change it in the import statement.

To test, change src/routes/+page.svelte to:

<h1>Welcome to SvelteKit</h1>

<div class="main">
	<div class="postcss">
		<h1>Welcome to PostCSS</h1>
	<div class="hello">
		<h1>Hello {name}</h1>

	What is your name?
	<input bind:value={name} bind:this={input}/>

<button on:click={clearName}>

<script lang="coffee">
	import {undef} from '@jdeighan/base-utils'

	name = 'John Deighan'
	input = undef
	clearName = () ->
		name = ''

<style lang="postcss">
	div.main {
		& div.postcss {
			color: green;
		& div.hello {
			color: violet;

Add a robots.txt file

Add this file to your static folder

User-agent: * Disallow: /

This prevents web crawlers from crawling your site. When you have a working web site, you probably want search engines to find it, in which case you should Google 'robot.txt files'.

Make offline capable/installable

Put the file favicon.svg into the static folder

  1. Create a Web App Manifest static/manifest.json:
	"name": "My App",
	"short_name": "my-app",
	"start_url": "/",
	"display": "standalone",
	"theme_color": "#ffffff",
	"background_color": "#000000",
	"icons": [
			"sizes": "any",
			"src": "favicon.svg"

Change the name, etc. to something appropriate for your app

Change your favicon to favicon.svg in src/app.html.

Add these lines to the <head> section of src/app.html:

		<link rel="manifest" href="%sveltekit.assets%/manifest.json" />
		<title>My App!</title>

Change the title to something appropriate for your app

Install package workbox-precaching:

$ npm install -D workbox-precaching

Create the file src/service-worker.js:

import {build, files, prerendered, version} from '$service-worker';
import {cleanupOutdatedCaches, precacheAndRoute} from 'workbox-precaching';

const lPrecache = [
	].map(s => ({
		url: s,
		revision: version


Change vite.config.js to:

import {sveltekit} from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';
import {defineConfig} from 'vite';

export default defineConfig({
	plugins: [sveltekit()],
	define: {
		'process.env.NODE_ENV': '"production"',

To test, open your web page in Google Chrome and check for error messages in Applications / Manifest and Service Worker

Enable using markdown

Install mdsvex:

$ npm install -D mdsvex

Change your svelte.config.js to:

import sveltePreProc from "svelte-preprocess";
import adapter from "@sveltejs/adapter-static";
import {coffeePreProcessor} from "@jdeighan/svelte-utils/preprocessors";
import {mdsvex} from 'mdsvex';

export default {
	extensions: ['.svelte','.md'],
	kit: {
		adapter: adapter(),
	preprocess: [
			postcss: true,
			script: coffeePreProcessor,
			extensions: ['.md'],

Add a simple menu with access to README.md

See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-VeYcOCFZw&t=65s for a way to create better menus.

Change src/routes/+layout.svelteto:

	<a href="/">Home</a>
	<a href="/about">About</a>
	<a href="/readme">How to build</a>


	import "../app.postcss";

<style lang="postcss">
	nav {
		background-color: lightBlue;
		& a {
			border: none;
			text-decoration: none;
			color: black;
			font-size: 16pt;
			cursor: pointer;
			padding: 0;
			&:hover {
				background-color: blue;
				color: white;

Create the folders src/routes/readme and src/routes/about

Create the file src/routes/about/+page.md

About my app

It's really **great**!

Add this key to "scripts" in the file package.json:

		"readme": "cp ./README.md ./src/routes/about/+page.md",

In package.json, prepend "npm run readme &&" to scripts/dev and scripts/build.

To get better syntax hilighting for your code blocks, you can go to https://github.com/PrismJS/prism-themes, click on themes and find a theme you like (I use prism-gruvbox-light.css). To use it, copy the source code for the theme, put it in a file named markdown.css in your static folder, which is in your root folder, then in your app.html file, add this to your

<link rel="stylesheet" href="%sveltekit.assets%/markdown.css"/>

Add an install script

Create the file src/bin/install.js:

#!/usr/bin/env node

// --- Verify arguments
if (process.argv.length < 3) {
	console.log('You have to provide a name to your app.');
	console.log('For example :');
	console.log('    npm create @jdeighan/app my-app');

// --- Parse arguments and option
const projectName = process.argv[2];
const currentPath = process.cwd();
const projectPath = path.join(currentPath, projectName);
const git_repo = 'https://github.com/johndeighan/create-app.git';

// --- Validate existing folder
try {
catch (err) {
	if (err.code === 'EEXIST') {
		console.log('Directory already exists. Please choose another name for the project.');
	else {

// --- define steps in workflow
async function main() {
	try {
		console.log('Downloading files...');
		execSync(`git clone --depth 1 ${git_repo} ${projectPath}`);

		// --- Change directory

		// --- Install dependencies
		console.log('Installing dependencies...');
		await runCmd('npm install');
		console.log('Dependencies installed successfully.');

		// --- Clean unused files
		console.log('Removing useless files');
		execSync('npx rimraf ./.git');
		fs.rmdirSync(path.join(projectPath, 'bin'), {recursive: true});

		console.log('The installation is done, this is ready to use !');
	catch (error) {

// --- trigger workflow

Add this key to your package.json file:

	"bin": {
		"@jdeighan/create-app": "./src/bin/post-install.js"

Push to GitHub

Create the repo on GitHub:

$ gh repo create create-app --public
$ git remote add origin https://github.com/johndeighan/create-app
$ git push -u origin main

Push to npm

$ npm publish --access=public

Use it

Now, you should be able to create a new project using:

$ npm create @jdeighan/app myapp


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