Angular Share Buttons
Simple, lightweight, customizable share buttons with counts | live demo | vertical demo | popup demo
Supported services:
, Twitter
, Pinterest
, Google
, Tumbler
, Reddit
, StumbleUpOn
, LinkedIn
Install it with npm
npm install ng2-sharebuttons --save
Basic usage:
Add ShareButtonsModule
to NgModule imports
import {ShareButtonsModule} from "ng2-sharebuttons";
imports: [
in your template
<share-buttons [url]="linkToShare"></share-buttons>
The default icons requires fontawesome to be loaded into your project.
To display share counts on buttons, enable the input [count]="true"
, To display the total count of all shares, enable the input [totalCount]="true"
, To display a title for share buttons container use [title]="yourTitle"
<share-buttons [shareTitle]="'Share Twitter Site'"
Customization is very easy, disable the default style with [defaultStyle]=false
then use the following classes to add your own css.
//ShareButtons Holder
//Share Title
//Total Share Count
//Buttons Container
//Share Button, the container of the button template
//Button Share Count
Each share service has its own button template, pass your custom button template as string in its input, e.g. give facebook a custom template [facebook]="facebookTemplate"
To exclude a button, pass false to the button input. e.g. [facebook]="false"
export class SomeComponent {
shareTitle = "Sharing is caring";
fbInner = "<img src='../assets/img/custom/facebook.svg'>";
twitterInner = "<img src='../assets/img/custom/twitter.svg'>";
pintInner = "<img src='../assets/img/custom/pinterest.svg'>";
inInner = "<img src='../assets/img/custom/linkedin.svg'>";
googleInner = "<img src='../assets/img/custom/google-plus.svg'>";
tumblrInner = "<img src='../assets/img/custom/tumblr.svg'>";
Advanced usage:
Sometimes you just want to add a single button, or you want to make your own complex design, use the component <share-button>
in this case.
In this example, we will add a Tweet button, we will also add text and hashtags to the tweet.
import {ShareButton, ShareProvider} from "ng2-sharebuttons";
export class TestComponent{
tags = 'Hello, World';
description = "This is a test";
ngOnInit() {
this.twitterButton = new ShareButton(
ShareProvider.TWITTER, //choose the button from ShareProvider
"<img src='../../assets/img/custom/single-twitter.svg'> Tweet", //set button template
'twitter' //set button classes
<share-button [button]='twitterButton' [description]="description" [tags]="tags"></share-button>
Another example for adding Pinterest button
import {ShareButton, ShareProvider} from "ng2-sharebuttons";
export class TestComponent{
description = "This is a test";
image= "../../assets/img/pinExample.jpg";
ngOnInit() {
this.pinButton = new ShareButton(
"<img src='../../assets/img/custom/single-pinterest.svg'> Pin it",
<share-button [button]='pinButton' [description]="description" [image]="image"></share-button>
share buttons component:
: If URL is not valid or not presented, it will usewindow.location.href
Meta tags alternates:
: Adds hashtags to the tweet, also for tumblr tags
Sharebuttons container:
: Sharebuttons container title, default: false -
: Enable counts on share buttons, default: false -
: Show total count of all buttons, default: false -
: Use default style is applied to the buttons, default: true -
: Add custom classes to all buttons -
: Output when pop up window is closed
Buttons inputs Pass a custom button template to replace the default, Switch off a button by passing false
single share button component:
: If URL is not valid or not presented, it will usewindow.location.href
Meta tags alternates:
: Adds hashtags to the twitter and tumblr
Button options
: PassShareButton
object, like fb, twitter, reddit...etc -
: Enable share count on the button, default: false -
: Output share count of the button -
: Output when pop up window is closed
directive to add Share features to any clickable element:
This is the best option to add Share features to elements with other directives on it, like for e.g Angular Material Buttons.
: Mandatory. Must be set to any valid value from ShareProvider enum, either numeric or string (case insensitive)
Meta tags alternates:
: Adds hashtags to the twitter and tumblr
Button options
: Enable share count on the button, default: false -
: Output share count of the button -
: Output when pop up window is closed
Use the service ShareButtonsService
to set global variables like:
- Site twitter account
- The popup share window's dimension.
import {ShareButtonsService} from "ng2-sharebuttons";
//Add `Via @yourTwitterAccount` to tweet button.
sbService.twitterAccount = "yourTwitterAccount";
//Set the height and width of the popup share window.
sbService.height = 600; //default: 400
sbService.width = 800; //default: 500
If you identify any errors in this component, or have an idea for an improvement, please open an issue. I am excited to see what the community thinks of this project, and I would love your input!
Murhaf Sousli
## License