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0.5.1 • Public • Published


A TypeScript library for interacting with the ShareFile API. This package provides a simple and intuitive interface to perform operations on ShareFile items such as files and folders.


npm install @jc-rowland/sharefile-client-api

Basic Usage

import ShareFileAPI from '@jc-rowland/sharefile-client-api';

// Create an API instance
const shareFileAPI = new ShareFileAPI({
  subdomain: 'your-subdomain',
  username: 'your-username',
  password: 'your-password',
  clientId: 'your-client-id',
  clientSecret: 'your-client-secret'

// Authenticate
await shareFileAPI.connect();

// Now you're ready to use the API

Key Features

  • Easy authentication
  • Retrieve items by ID or path
  • Download files and folders
  • Update item properties
  • Move and rename items
  • Upload files
  • List folder contents
  • Search for items
  • Create and manage folders
  • Handle file versions

Common Use Cases

1. Navigating the File Structure

Get Home Folder

const homeFolder = await shareFileAPI.getItem('home');
console.log(`Home folder name: ${homeFolder.Name}`);

List Folder Contents

const folderContents = await homeFolder.children();
folderContents.forEach(item => {
  console.log(`${item.Name} (${item.id})`);

Navigate to a Specific Folder

const documentsFolder = await shareFileAPI.getItem('/Personal Folders/Documents');
const files = await documentsFolder.children();

2. File Operations

Upload a File

const folder = await shareFileAPI.getItem('folder-id');
const fileContent = 'Hello, ShareFile!';
const newFile = await folder.upload(fileContent, 'hello.txt');
console.log(`File uploaded: ${newFile.Name}`);

Download a File

const file = await shareFileAPI.getItem('file-id');
const downloadLink = await file.download(true);
console.log(`Download link: ${downloadLink}`);

// Or download as a buffer
const downloadSpec = await file.download(false);
const buffer = await downloadSpec.waitAndDownload().then(chain => chain.toBuffer());

Update File Properties

const file = await shareFileAPI.getItem('file-id');
await file.updateItem({
  Name: 'Updated File Name.txt',
  Description: 'This file has been updated.'

Move a File

const file = await shareFileAPI.getItem('file-id');
const newParentFolder = await shareFileAPI.getItem('new-folder-id');
await file.move(newParentFolder.id);

Delete a File

const file = await shareFileAPI.getItem('file-id');
await file.delete();

3. Folder Management

Create a New Folder

const parentFolder = await shareFileAPI.getItem('parent-folder-id');
const newFolder = await parentFolder.createFolder('New Folder', 'Description of the new folder');

Rename a Folder

const folder = await shareFileAPI.getItem('folder-id');
await folder.rename('New Folder Name');

4. Searching and Filtering

Search for Items

const searchResultObj = await shareFileAPI.searchItems('budget report');
searchResultObj.results.forEach(item => {
  console.log(`Found: ${item.Name} (${item.id})`);

Filter Folder Contents

const folder = await shareFileAPI.getItem('folder-id');
const pdfFiles = await folder.children({
  $filter: "endswith(Name, '.pdf') eq true"

5. Sharing and Collaboration

Get Share Link

const file = await shareFileAPI.getItem('file-id');
const shareLink = await file.createShareLink({ 
  ExpirationDate: '2023-12-31',
  RequireLogin: false
console.log(`Share link: ${shareLink.Uri}`);

6. Version Control

Get File Versions

const file = await shareFileAPI.getItem('file-id');
const versions = await file.getStream();
versions.forEach(version => {
  console.log(`Version: ${version.CreationDate}`);

7. Bulk Operations

Upload Multiple Files

const folder = await shareFileAPI.getItem('folder-id');
const filesToUpload = [
  { name: 'file1.txt', content: 'Content 1' },
  { name: 'file2.txt', content: 'Content 2' }

for (const file of filesToUpload) {
  await folder.upload(file.content, file.name);

Download Multiple Files

const folder = await shareFileAPI.getItem('folder-id');
const files = await folder.children();

for (const file of files) {
  const downloadSpec = await file.download(false);
  const buffer = await downloadSpec.waitAndDownload().then(chain => chain.toBuffer());
  // Process or save the buffer


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License.

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npm i @jc-rowland/sharefile-client-api

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  • jc-rowland