JBrowse 2 linear genome view React component
JBrowse 2 is a pluggable open-source platform for visualizing, integrating, and sharing biological data. This component consists of a single JBrowse 2 linear view.
import '@fontsource/roboto'
import {
} from '@jbrowse/react-linear-genome-view'
function View() {
const state = createViewState({
assembly: {
/* assembly */
tracks: [
/* tracks */
return <JBrowseLinearGenomeView viewState={state} />
For working examples, see https://jbrowse.org/jb2/docs/embedded_components/
With yarn:
$ yarn add @jbrowse/react-linear-genome-view
Or with npm:
$ npm install @jbrowse/react-linear-genome-view --legacy-peer-deps
The --legacy-peer-deps helps with installing via NPM to avoid warnings about the peer dependencies not being met while installing.
The latest documentation for the component is hosted at https://jbrowse.org/storybook/lgv/main
Roboto is the recommended font for
JBrowse, and this component will use that font if it is available. The easiest
way to add it is to add the
to your project and import it in your root index.js
This package was written with funding from the NHGRI as part of the JBrowse project. If you use it in an academic project that you publish, please cite the most recent JBrowse paper, which will be linked from jbrowse.org.