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Input and output for mesh file formats.

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npm install @itk-wasm/mesh-io


Browser interface


import {
} from "@itk-wasm/mesh-io"


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function readMesh(
  serializedMesh: File | BinaryFile,
  options: ReadMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<ReadMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh *File BinaryFile*

ReadMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

ReadMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.
mesh Mesh Output mesh


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function writeMesh(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: WriteMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<WriteMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

WriteMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

WriteMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh


Read a pointSet file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function readPointSet(
  serializedPointSet: File | BinaryFile,
  options: ReadPointSetOptions = {}
) : Promise<ReadPointSetResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedPointSet *File BinaryFile*

ReadPointSetOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

ReadPointSetResult interface:

Property Type Description
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.
pointSet PointSet Output pointSet


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an pointSet file format

async function writePointSet(
  pointSet: PointSet,
  serializedPointSet: string,
  options: WritePointSetOptions = {}
) : Promise<WritePointSetResult>
Parameter Type Description
pointSet PointSet Input pointSet
serializedPointSet string Output pointSet

WritePointSetOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

WritePointSetResult interface:

Property Type Description
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.
serializedPointSet BinaryFile Output pointSet


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function byuReadMesh(
  serializedMesh: File | BinaryFile,
  options: ByuReadMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<ByuReadMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh *File BinaryFile*

ByuReadMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

ByuReadMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldRead JsonCompatible Whether the input could be read. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
mesh Mesh Output mesh
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function byuWriteMesh(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: ByuWriteMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<ByuWriteMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

ByuWriteMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

ByuWriteMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldWrite JsonCompatible Whether the input could be written. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function freeSurferAsciiReadMesh(
  serializedMesh: File | BinaryFile,
  options: FreeSurferAsciiReadMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<FreeSurferAsciiReadMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh *File BinaryFile*

FreeSurferAsciiReadMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

FreeSurferAsciiReadMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldRead JsonCompatible Whether the input could be read. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
mesh Mesh Output mesh
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function freeSurferAsciiWriteMesh(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: FreeSurferAsciiWriteMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<FreeSurferAsciiWriteMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

FreeSurferAsciiWriteMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

FreeSurferAsciiWriteMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldWrite JsonCompatible Whether the input could be written. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function freeSurferBinaryReadMesh(
  serializedMesh: File | BinaryFile,
  options: FreeSurferBinaryReadMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<FreeSurferBinaryReadMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh *File BinaryFile*

FreeSurferBinaryReadMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

FreeSurferBinaryReadMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldRead JsonCompatible Whether the input could be read. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
mesh Mesh Output mesh
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function freeSurferBinaryWriteMesh(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: FreeSurferBinaryWriteMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<FreeSurferBinaryWriteMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

FreeSurferBinaryWriteMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

FreeSurferBinaryWriteMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldWrite JsonCompatible Whether the input could be written. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function mz3ReadMesh(
  serializedMesh: File | BinaryFile,
  options: Mz3ReadMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<Mz3ReadMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh *File BinaryFile*

Mz3ReadMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

Mz3ReadMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldRead JsonCompatible Whether the input could be read. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
mesh Mesh Output mesh
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function mz3WriteMesh(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: Mz3WriteMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<Mz3WriteMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

Mz3WriteMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

Mz3WriteMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldWrite JsonCompatible Whether the input could be written. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function objReadMesh(
  serializedMesh: File | BinaryFile,
  options: ObjReadMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<ObjReadMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh *File BinaryFile*

ObjReadMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

ObjReadMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldRead JsonCompatible Whether the input could be read. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
mesh Mesh Output mesh
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function objWriteMesh(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: ObjWriteMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<ObjWriteMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

ObjWriteMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

ObjWriteMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldWrite JsonCompatible Whether the input could be written. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function offReadMesh(
  serializedMesh: File | BinaryFile,
  options: OffReadMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<OffReadMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh *File BinaryFile*

OffReadMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

OffReadMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldRead JsonCompatible Whether the input could be read. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
mesh Mesh Output mesh
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function offWriteMesh(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: OffWriteMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<OffWriteMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

OffWriteMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

OffWriteMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldWrite JsonCompatible Whether the input could be written. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function stlReadMesh(
  serializedMesh: File | BinaryFile,
  options: StlReadMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<StlReadMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh *File BinaryFile*

StlReadMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

StlReadMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldRead JsonCompatible Whether the input could be read. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
mesh Mesh Output mesh
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function stlWriteMesh(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: StlWriteMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<StlWriteMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

StlWriteMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

StlWriteMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldWrite JsonCompatible Whether the input could be written. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function swcReadMesh(
  serializedMesh: File | BinaryFile,
  options: SwcReadMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<SwcReadMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh *File BinaryFile*

SwcReadMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

SwcReadMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldRead JsonCompatible Whether the input could be read. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
mesh Mesh Output mesh
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function swcWriteMesh(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: SwcWriteMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<SwcWriteMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

SwcWriteMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

SwcWriteMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldWrite JsonCompatible Whether the input could be written. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function vtkPolyDataReadMesh(
  serializedMesh: File | BinaryFile,
  options: VtkPolyDataReadMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<VtkPolyDataReadMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh *File BinaryFile*

VtkPolyDataReadMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

VtkPolyDataReadMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldRead JsonCompatible Whether the input could be read. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
mesh Mesh Output mesh
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function vtkPolyDataWriteMesh(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: VtkPolyDataWriteMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<VtkPolyDataWriteMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

VtkPolyDataWriteMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

VtkPolyDataWriteMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldWrite JsonCompatible Whether the input could be written. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function wasmReadMesh(
  serializedMesh: File | BinaryFile,
  options: WasmReadMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<WasmReadMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh *File BinaryFile*

WasmReadMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

WasmReadMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldRead JsonCompatible Whether the input could be read. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
mesh Mesh Output mesh
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function wasmWriteMesh(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: WasmWriteMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<WasmWriteMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

WasmWriteMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

WasmWriteMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldWrite JsonCompatible Whether the input could be written. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function wasmZstdReadMesh(
  serializedMesh: File | BinaryFile,
  options: WasmZstdReadMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<WasmZstdReadMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh *File BinaryFile*

WasmZstdReadMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

WasmZstdReadMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldRead JsonCompatible Whether the input could be read. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
mesh Mesh Output mesh
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function wasmZstdWriteMesh(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: WasmZstdWriteMeshOptions = {}
) : Promise<WasmZstdWriteMeshResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

WasmZstdWriteMeshOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

WasmZstdWriteMeshResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldWrite JsonCompatible Whether the input could be written. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Set base URL for WebAssembly assets when vendored.

function setPipelinesBaseUrl(
  baseUrl: string | URL
) : void


Get base URL for WebAssembly assets when vendored.

function getPipelinesBaseUrl() : string | URL

Node interface


import {
} from "@itk-wasm/mesh-io"


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function byuReadMeshNode(
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: ByuReadMeshNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<ByuReadMeshNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh string Input mesh serialized in the file format

ByuReadMeshNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.

ByuReadMeshNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldRead JsonCompatible Whether the input could be read. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
mesh Mesh Output mesh


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function byuWriteMeshNode(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: ByuWriteMeshNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<ByuWriteMeshNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

ByuWriteMeshNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported

ByuWriteMeshNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldWrite JsonCompatible Whether the input could be written. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function freeSurferAsciiReadMeshNode(
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: FreeSurferAsciiReadMeshNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<FreeSurferAsciiReadMeshNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh string Input mesh serialized in the file format

FreeSurferAsciiReadMeshNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.

FreeSurferAsciiReadMeshNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldRead JsonCompatible Whether the input could be read. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
mesh Mesh Output mesh


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function freeSurferAsciiWriteMeshNode(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: FreeSurferAsciiWriteMeshNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<FreeSurferAsciiWriteMeshNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

FreeSurferAsciiWriteMeshNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported

FreeSurferAsciiWriteMeshNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldWrite JsonCompatible Whether the input could be written. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function freeSurferBinaryReadMeshNode(
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: FreeSurferBinaryReadMeshNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<FreeSurferBinaryReadMeshNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh string Input mesh serialized in the file format

FreeSurferBinaryReadMeshNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.

FreeSurferBinaryReadMeshNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldRead JsonCompatible Whether the input could be read. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
mesh Mesh Output mesh


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function freeSurferBinaryWriteMeshNode(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: FreeSurferBinaryWriteMeshNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<FreeSurferBinaryWriteMeshNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

FreeSurferBinaryWriteMeshNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported

FreeSurferBinaryWriteMeshNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldWrite JsonCompatible Whether the input could be written. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function mz3ReadMeshNode(
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: Mz3ReadMeshNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<Mz3ReadMeshNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh string Input mesh serialized in the file format

Mz3ReadMeshNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.

Mz3ReadMeshNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldRead JsonCompatible Whether the input could be read. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
mesh Mesh Output mesh


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function mz3WriteMeshNode(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: Mz3WriteMeshNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<Mz3WriteMeshNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

Mz3WriteMeshNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported

Mz3WriteMeshNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldWrite JsonCompatible Whether the input could be written. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function objReadMeshNode(
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: ObjReadMeshNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<ObjReadMeshNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh string Input mesh serialized in the file format

ObjReadMeshNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.

ObjReadMeshNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldRead JsonCompatible Whether the input could be read. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
mesh Mesh Output mesh


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function objWriteMeshNode(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: ObjWriteMeshNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<ObjWriteMeshNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

ObjWriteMeshNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported

ObjWriteMeshNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldWrite JsonCompatible Whether the input could be written. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function offReadMeshNode(
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: OffReadMeshNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<OffReadMeshNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh string Input mesh serialized in the file format

OffReadMeshNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.

OffReadMeshNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldRead JsonCompatible Whether the input could be read. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
mesh Mesh Output mesh


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function offWriteMeshNode(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: OffWriteMeshNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<OffWriteMeshNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

OffWriteMeshNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported

OffWriteMeshNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldWrite JsonCompatible Whether the input could be written. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function stlReadMeshNode(
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: StlReadMeshNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<StlReadMeshNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh string Input mesh serialized in the file format

StlReadMeshNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.

StlReadMeshNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldRead JsonCompatible Whether the input could be read. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
mesh Mesh Output mesh


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function stlWriteMeshNode(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: StlWriteMeshNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<StlWriteMeshNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

StlWriteMeshNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported

StlWriteMeshNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldWrite JsonCompatible Whether the input could be written. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function swcReadMeshNode(
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: SwcReadMeshNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<SwcReadMeshNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh string Input mesh serialized in the file format

SwcReadMeshNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.

SwcReadMeshNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldRead JsonCompatible Whether the input could be read. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
mesh Mesh Output mesh


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function swcWriteMeshNode(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: SwcWriteMeshNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<SwcWriteMeshNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

SwcWriteMeshNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported

SwcWriteMeshNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldWrite JsonCompatible Whether the input could be written. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function vtkPolyDataReadMeshNode(
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: VtkPolyDataReadMeshNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<VtkPolyDataReadMeshNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh string Input mesh serialized in the file format

VtkPolyDataReadMeshNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.

VtkPolyDataReadMeshNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldRead JsonCompatible Whether the input could be read. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
mesh Mesh Output mesh


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function vtkPolyDataWriteMeshNode(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: VtkPolyDataWriteMeshNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<VtkPolyDataWriteMeshNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

VtkPolyDataWriteMeshNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported

VtkPolyDataWriteMeshNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldWrite JsonCompatible Whether the input could be written. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function wasmReadMeshNode(
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: WasmReadMeshNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<WasmReadMeshNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh string Input mesh serialized in the file format

WasmReadMeshNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.

WasmReadMeshNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldRead JsonCompatible Whether the input could be read. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
mesh Mesh Output mesh


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function wasmWriteMeshNode(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: WasmWriteMeshNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<WasmWriteMeshNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

WasmWriteMeshNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported

WasmWriteMeshNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldWrite JsonCompatible Whether the input could be written. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh


Read a mesh file format and convert it to the itk-wasm file format

async function wasmZstdReadMeshNode(
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: WasmZstdReadMeshNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<WasmZstdReadMeshNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
serializedMesh string Input mesh serialized in the file format

WasmZstdReadMeshNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only read image metadata -- do not read pixel data.

WasmZstdReadMeshNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldRead JsonCompatible Whether the input could be read. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
mesh Mesh Output mesh


Write an itk-wasm file format converted to an mesh file format

async function wasmZstdWriteMeshNode(
  mesh: Mesh,
  serializedMesh: string,
  options: WasmZstdWriteMeshNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<WasmZstdWriteMeshNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
mesh Mesh Input mesh
serializedMesh string Output mesh

WasmZstdWriteMeshNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
informationOnly boolean Only write image metadata -- do not write pixel data.
useCompression boolean Use compression in the written file, if supported
binaryFileType boolean Use a binary file type in the written file, if supported

WasmZstdWriteMeshNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
couldWrite JsonCompatible Whether the input could be written. If false, the output mesh is not valid.
serializedMesh BinaryFile Output mesh

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