abp-rn is a command line interface made to helps for generating proxy files (services and dtos) when using the react-native template with Abp Framework
Note: For better use, it's recommended to work with typescript on your react-native project.
Using npm :
npm install --save @itcomp/abp-rn
Using yarn:
yarn add @itcomp/abp-rn
Setting up environment file
Reorganize the environment file Environment.js
so that,
each entry of apis
have to match a module name, and have to contain both baseUrl
and rootNameSpace
const ENV = {
dev: {
default: {
baseUrl: '...' //default base url
rootNameSpace: '...' //root namespace
identity: {
baseUrl: 'http://localhost.43063',
rootNameSpace: 'Volo.Abp.Identity'
//... other modules
oAuthConfig: {
issuer: '...',
clientId: '...',
clientSecret: '...',
scope: '...',
localization: {
defaultResourceName: '...',
prod: {/*...*/}
export const getEnvVars = () => {
return __DEV__ ? ENV.dev : ENV.prod;
Executing the CLI
Ensure that you execute the following command in the root directory of the project, where the Environment.js
is located :
npx abp-generate-proxy-rn -m <module-name> -t <target-folder>
- -m, --module : The name of the module.
-t, --target : The target folder to save files, starting from