
1.2.1 • Public • Published

Node Version 7.6.0

koa Version 2.0.0

koa-router Version 7.1.0

koa-passport Version 3.0.0

express Version 4.15.4

passport-saml Version 0.15.0

passport 0.4.0

Things to know before you use this in your app:

  • This module is quite stable - you can pull this module and it's one internally developed public dependancy, @irv/kong-client-public.

Auth Proxy Middleware



	targetURL: 'auth api target url',
	// Where you want the auth endpoints to be mounted
	prefix: '/auth',
	// Your Client Key
	clientKey: 'EXAMPLEKEY',
	// Optional session timeout (in hours)
	sessionTimeoutHrs: 2,
	// The function below is executed after a successful SSO login.
    // Required for Service Provider Only.
	ssoLoginCallback: async (ctx, next) => Promise,
	kongClient: {
		username: 'username from Kong',
		secret: 'secret from Kong',
		isSigningEnabled: false, // Default is false
		timeout: 300000 // Default is 300000

How to use the Service Provider Koa middleware

Require the auth-middleware-public

const authMiddleware = require('@irv/auth-middleware-public').authMiddleware;


const authMiddleware = require('@irv/auth-middleware-public').authMiddlewareKoa;

You must pass the app and the options in.

const app = new Koa();

authMiddleware(app, config.api.auth);

Service Provider ssoLoginCallback Details

This function is called during the SSO POST request. You should first await next() to call the proxy controller, which authenticates with the Auth API. If it does not throw an exception, then the user object and new session token retrieved from the Mimic Auth API will be in the request body (ctx.body.user and ctx.body.sessionToken). See structure below:

ctx: {
	body: {
		user: {
			identityHash: 'somehashedvalue',
			clientId: #,
			identityProviderSlug: 'some-slug',
			firstName: 'First',
			lastName: 'Last',
			email: 'email@example.com',
			authInfo: {
					authprovideruserid: '..',
					otherfield: '..'
		sessionToken: 'SOME_SESSION_TOKEN'

You can use this data to find the existing user, or create a new one, and then log them in.

If you want to handle any errors that occur during the proxy request you can wrap the await next() call in a try...catch block.

async (ctx, next) => {
	try {
		// Proxy the request to the Auth API
		await next();

		// If we get here, the proxy request was successful.
		// `ctx.body` contains the response data from the proxy request.
	} catch (err) {
		// If we get here, the proxy request failed

How to use the Identity Provider lib (New in v5.0.0)

idpKoa below is a function that takes the same options outlined above. Note: The ssoLoginCallback field is only required for the SP functionality

const idpKoa = require('@irv/auth-middleware-public').idpKoa
const idp = idpKoa(config.api.auth);

Once initialized with options, the object contains a router and samlResponseMiddleware.

The router has the metadata route to provide metadata to service providers. Below is how to initialize it. Note: Using both the SP authMiddleware (shown above) and this idp.router on the same server is A-OK.

const app = new Koa();

const router = idp.router;

The samlResponseMiddleware is a middleware with the signature async (ctxt, next) => {}. Use this middleware after the desired route to trigger a form POST to the Service Provider. You will need to attach an idpMiddleware object to the context with the serviceProviderSlug, identityHash and additionalAttributes. The identityHash is that of the user logging into the Service Provider. The additionalAttributes are any additional fields you want sent with that user to the Service Provider.

const samlResponseMiddleware = idp.samlResponseMiddleware;

// In your routes:
router.get('/sso/idp/:slug', async (ctx, next) => {
	ctx.idpMiddleware = {
			serviceProviderSlug: 'slug',
			identityHash: 'XYZ1234...',
			additionalAttributes: {
				billingId: '',
				customerId: '',
	await next();
}, samlResponseMiddleware);



	targetURL: 'auth api target url',
	// Where you want the auth endpoints to be mounted
	prefix: '/auth',
	// Your Client Key
	clientKey: 'EXAMPLEKEY',
	// Optional session timeout (in hours)
	sessionTimeoutHrs: 2,
	// A function that's executed after SSO login
	ssoLoginCallback: (req, res) => Promise,
	kongClient: {
		username: 'username from Kong',
		secret: 'secret from Kong',
		isSigningEnabled: false, // Default is false
		timeout: 300000 // Default is false

To use as express middleware

Require the auth-middleware-public

const authMiddleware = require('@irv/auth-middleware-public').authMiddlewareExpress;

You must pass the app and the options in.

const app = express();

// Use 1 of the 2 parser examples:
// 1. For Express 4.16 and greater use the built-in express parsing middlewares

// 2. For Express 4.15 and below use the body-parser package

authMiddleware(app, config.api.auth);

SSO Login Callback Details

This function is called after the SSO POST request. On success, the request body should contain the user object (req.body.user and req.body.sessionToken). On failure, the request body will not have a user object and will have an error message instead. See structure below:

req: {
	body: {
		user: {
			identityHash: 'somehashedvalue',
			clientId: #,
			identityProviderSlug: 'some-slug',
			firstName: 'First',
			lastName: 'Last',
			email: 'email@example.com',
			authInfo: {
					authprovideruserid: '..',
					otherfield: '..'
		sessionToken: 'SOME_SESSION_TOKEN'

You can use the user data to find the existing user, or create a new one, and then log them in. Use the res object to send, render, redirect etc.

(req, res) => {
	// Success Case: If the req.body contains a user object, everything was successful
	// Error Case: If the req.body does not contain a user object, it will have an error message
	console.log(req.body); // Should contain the user object on success

	// Finish up the response with a send, render, redirect etc.
	res.send('Whatever you want to send');

Run Tests and Linter

To run just the tests, use npm run test.

To run just the linter, use npm run lint.

To run the tests and eslint, npm run test-lint.

Proxy routes

  • GET [prefix]/sso/:idprovider - Proxy's to the Auth API path that routes to the SP Initiated SSO Process
  • GET [prefix]/sso/saml/:idprovider - Starts the SP Initiated SAML SSO Process
  • GET [prefix]/sso/saml/:idprovider/metadata - Get's the Identity Provider's metadata (from the Auth API) for SAML Auth
  • POST [prefix]/sso/saml/:idprovider - Proxy's the post body (the SAML Response) to the Auth API to parse and interpret
  • POST [prefix]/sso/signed/:idprovider - Proxy's the post body, that includes a time based signature of the post body, to the Auth API
  • POST [prefix]/sso/hash/:idprovider - Proxy's the post body, that includes a time based md5 hash, to the Auth API
  • POST [prefix]/sso/corelogic/:idprovider/auth-key - Proxy's the post body, that includes a UserID, to the Auth API. This returns a GUID for the identity provider to use in account creation.
  • POST [prefix]/sso/corelogic/:idprovider - Proxy's the post body, that includes a hashed Password according to CoreLogic/Matrix specs, to the Auth API

Dependencies (8)

Dev Dependencies (12)

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npm i @irv/auth-middleware-public

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