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1.1.44 • Public • Published


Create PDF files or images from your HTML template.

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More information and examples are available on https://dashboard.ireceipt.pro

Invoice template invoice_for_services_h2lmu9s2 Invoice template invoice_universal_e2wa2qvy Invoice template invoice_universal_k5gizy86
Invoice template invoice_universal_qg1oiing Invoice template invoice_universal_vzrt6k1s

Get Started

For the library to work, you will need an API key, which you can get at https://dashboard.ireceipt.pro. You can also find public template IDs there or create your own.

import { IReceiptPRO } from '@ireceipt.pro/js';

const irp = new IReceiptPRO(process.env.IRETAILPRO_API_KEY);

irp.createJpgFromPublicTemplate("invoice_universal_vzrt6k1s", {
  "invoice": {
    "number": "13",
    "date": "2023-10-03",
    "table": {
      "headers": [
      "rows": [
          "values": [
            "Gorgeous Fresh Car",
          "values": [
            "Incredible Rubber Bike",
          "values": [
            "UX Services",
          "values": [
            "Development Service",
    "total": "$3161.94",
    "terms": [
      "Payment is due within 5 days",
      "Payment method CARD",
      "Card Details:",
      "Card Number: 4242-4242-4242-4242",
      "Sergey Dudko"
  "from": {
    "companyName": "IReceipt PRO",
    "lines": [
      "Identification Number: 55891434",
      "911 Reece Freeway",
      "32390 Kraig Station",
      "East Rhea",
  "to": {
    "companyName": "Morissette - Bogisich",
    "lines": [
      "969 Harber Expressway",
      "South Aishaton",
  "localization": {
    "invoice": "INVOICE",
    "bill_to": "BILL TO",
    "date": "DATE",
    "total": "Total",
    "terms_and_conditions": "TERMS & CONDITIONS"
}, {
  "width": 796,
  "height": 1126


Available methods for generating PDF files and JPG, PNG, WEBP images from public or your personal templates:

method description
createJpgFromPublicTemplate Create JPG Image from public template
createPdfFromPublicTemplate Create PDF File from public template
createPngFromPublicTemplate Create PNG Image from public template
createWebpFromPublicTemplate Create WEBP Image from public template
createJpgFromPrivateTemplate Create JPG Image from private template
createPdfFromPrivateTemplate Create PDF File from private template
createPngFromPrivateTemplate Create PNG Image from private template
createWebpFromPrivateTemplate Create WEBP Image from private template

All methods have the same arguments, for example:

const buffer: Buffer | ArrayBuffer = await createJpgFromPublicTemplate(templateId, args, size);
argument description required example
templateId template id, you can find it on https://dashboard.ireceipt.pro true gift_card_template_1
args arguments for substitution in the template true {"amount": "$25","name": "Gift Card","code": "#1234567890","color": "#ebfdff"}
size the size of the file being created false {"width": 796,"height": 1126}

Project outline

The scheme of work looks like this: IReceipt PRO Flow



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  • sergdudko